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Mexican law review
versão On-line ISSN 2448-5306versão impressa ISSN 1870-0578


Mex. law rev vol.11 no.1 Ciudad de México Jul./Dez. 2018

 ·  Reforming Mexico's Anti-Trafficking in Persons Legislation
Correa-Cabrera, Guadalupe; Sanders Montandon, Arthur

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 ·  The Merida Initiative and the Tort Claims Act: Human Rights Violations and Foreign Non-Contractual Civil Liability in the United States
Melgar Manzanilla, Pastora; Márquez Gómez, Daniel

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 ·  Unpacking the Mexican Federal Judiciary: An Inner Look at the Ethos of the Judicial Branch
Ferreyra, Gabriel

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 ·  The Right to Self-Determination of Peoples: Notes on its Compatibility With Three Models of Global Order
Martinez Cruz, Francisco

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 ·  Human Rights Education and Training Programs in Mexico: A Cross-Case Analysis of Practitioners’ Professional Knowledge and Practices
Martínez Sainz, Gabriela

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 ·  Bullying: Case Studies on Comprehensive Reparation of Damage
Pérez Fuentes, Gisela María; Cantoral Domínguez, Karla

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 ·  Did Nafta Help Mexico? An Update After 23 Years
Weisbrot, Mark; Merling, Lara; Mello, Vitor; Lefebvre, Stephan; Sammut, Joseph

        · resumo em Inglês | Espanhol     · texto em Inglês     · Inglês ( pdf )
 ·  Executory Contracts in Mexican Insolvency Law
Camp Méjan, Luis Manuel

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