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Gaceta médica de México

versão On-line ISSN 2696-1288versão impressa ISSN 0016-3813


FUENTE-DEL CAMPO, Antonio  e  REYES-CURENO, Daniel. Determination of mandibular distraction osteogenesis most suitable parameters. An experimental study. Gac. Méd. Méx [online]. 2024, vol.160, n.1, pp.73-80.  Epub 26-Mar-2024. ISSN 2696-1288.


Distraction osteogenesis is a process of induced bone generation. Various protocols have been described for the management of the latency period, distraction speed and consolidation period, with greater or lesser success.


To better understand the process of mandibular distraction and establish the determining factors and their optimal times.

Material and methods:

Twenty-seven dogs were studied, which had 54 distractors placed and that underwent unidirectional, bilateral mandibular distraction osteogenesis. The distraction processes were applied using six variants, two for each factor: latency period, distraction period and distraction speed. The changes were examined by means of bone biopsies and X-rays of the area at 0, 7, 14, 21, 45 and 55 days of the process.


The most efficient osteogenic distraction parameters were a latency period of five days, a consolidation period of six weeks, distraction speed of 1 mm/day for distances of less than 20 mm, and 3 mm/day for longer distances.


The sequential histological study allowed to observe the appearance of cellular elements (osteocytes, osteoclasts, osteoid matrix, trabeculate, etc.) and their participation in granulation tissue, newly-formed bone and compact mature bone.

Palavras-chave : Corticotomy; Distraction osteogenesis; Craniofacial malformations; Induced osteogenesis.

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