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vol.81 número4Schwannoma, un diagnóstico diferencial en los tumores de mediastino posterior índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Neumología y cirugía de tórax

versão impressa ISSN 0028-3746


MIDENCE-ARGUELLO, María José; MORALES-GOMEZ, José; SOLARES-ESPINOZA, Andrea Gloria  e  VAZQUEZ-MINERO, Juan Carlos. Tracheal lipoma: an unusual case. Neumol. cir. torax [online]. 2022, vol.81, n.4, pp.260-262.  Epub 19-Fev-2024. ISSN 0028-3746.

Tracheal lipoma is a rare, benign tumor with a very low incidence, whose symptoms are non-specific and variable according to the degree of airway obstruction, causing unnecessary morbidity and mortality if not adequately treated. We describe a case of tracheal lipoma with obstructive airway symptoms in a 70-year-old patient, with symptoms of six months’ evolution, productive cough and progressive dyspnea which limited his daily activity. He presented with stridor, without data of respiratory distress, bilateral rales; complementary studies were carried out to rule out tracheal stenosis due to clinical symptoms. The tomography showed an adherent encapsulated lesion in the anterolateral tracheal wall with significant airway obstruction of 95%. The treatment of choice was endoscopic resection using laser or cryotherapy. Interventional treatment via bronchoscopy should only be applied to narrow-based benign tracheal tumors that protrude into the tracheal lumen. In our case, the decision was made to resect using this technique. Follow-up at one month without recurrence, adequate airway patency, and resolution of symptoms prior to the procedure.

Palavras-chave : lipoma; tumor; endotracheal; bronchoscopy; case report.

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