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Revista mexicana de pediatría

versão impressa ISSN 0035-0052


RODRIGUEZ-OROZCO, Alain Raimundo  e  LUNA-PEREZ, Alba María. The hospital system and the practice of medicine in Michoacán during the 17th century. Rev. mex. pediatr. [online]. 2022, vol.89, n.6, pp.261-265.  Epub 01-Dez-2023. ISSN 0035-0052.

The sources to document the practice of medicine in the 17th century in Michoacán, Mexico are scarce. This article integrates the information that has been found, in which it can be known that the foundation and maintenance of hospitals was sponsored by the Catholic Church, monastic orders and brotherhoods. Also, in those years the population received care from doctors with academic training, as well as from traditional medicine practitioners, and both were accepted by the social groups. There is a record that, in the 17th century, in the bishopric of Michoacán, there were 254 hospitals distributed in 90 districts, with a rate of 2.82 hospitals per parish. The architectural typology of these hospitals came from Spanish Medieval formulas, which considered the hospital as a multifunctional space where health care, a nursery and a shelter for the poor were combined. Materials from the region itself were used for their construction, such as mud, wood, and stone.

Palavras-chave : 17th century; history of medicine; Michoacan; Mexico; hospitals.

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