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Perfiles educativos

versão impressa ISSN 0185-2698


GARCIA-PINILLA, José-Ignacio; RODRIGUEZ-JIMENEZ, Olga Rosalba  e  OLARTE-DUSSAN, Fredy Andrés. Complex teacher appropriation of ICT in educational institutions with technological tolos. A qualitative analysis through the Model of Technology Appropriation (MTA). Perfiles educativos [online]. 2023, vol.45, n.179, pp.37-54.  Epub 29-Maio-2023. ISSN 0185-2698.

Our research sought to understand the process by which teachers appropriate information and communications technology (ICT) in schools with technological tools. We used the model of technology appropriation (MTA) and the Piagetian conception of analytical complexity. We carried out focus groups with teachers from 82 public institutions in secondary education. The resulting corpus was analyzed under the perspective of grounded theory based on levels of adoption, adaptation and integration of ICT and by tracking the differences within the process according to its urban or rural location. We conclude that teachers appropriate ICT when they prove to be useful tools for their work with students, whether in improving communication with them, as a way to improve teaching activities or as a way to encourage students in the medium and long term.

Palavras-chave : Digital competencies; digital divide; complexity; teacher training; information and communications technology; basic education.

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