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vol.42 número1Dos sacerdotisas beocias, una de la diosa Deméter, otra de Isis, vinculadas a DionisoPasado, presente y futuro de la Οἰκουμένη en Polibio. Una introducción índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Nova tellus

versão impressa ISSN 0185-3058


BARRIONUEVO, Sergio Javier. Νόμος-φύσις in the Dialogue between Xerxes and Demaratus (Hdt. 7.101-104). Nova tellus [online]. 2024, vol.42, n.1, pp.25-46.  Epub 19-Abr-2024. ISSN 0185-3058.

This article analyzes the dialogue between Xerxes and Demaratus in book VII of Herodotus’ Historiae. The dialogue argues in defense of the supremacy of nomos. That is why many scholars consider this passage as an echo of the discussion around the antithesis nomos-physis, in which the defense of the supremacy of nomos can be thought as influenced by the political thought of Protagoras of Abdera. This paper intends to show that Herodotus’ discourse runs as an “act of intellectual intervention” within the debate of νόμος-φύσις during the fifth century B. C. However, we do not think about the Historian influenced by Protagoras, but as his particular reception within nomos-physis discussion, in which Herodotus’ position is antagonic towards Protagoras.

Palavras-chave : Herodotus; Protagoras; Nomos; Physis; Polemical Reception.

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