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versão impressa ISSN 0187-6236


MONTAZERI, Majid  e  ABOLFAZL MASOODIAN, Seyed. Quantifying of surface urban heat island intensity in Isfahan metropolis using MODIS\Terra\LST data. Atmósfera [online]. 2024, vol.38, 53249.  Epub 03-Maio-2024. ISSN 0187-6236.

Heat island characteristics depend on the background climate of the site where the city is located. Therefore, an index was defined for the Isfahan metropolitan area to quantify the surface urban heat island intensity. This new index is based on the representative pixels of urban and non-urban areas. For this purpose, MODIS land cover type product (MCD12Q1) data were used to distinguish between urban and non-urban areas. Also, data from the MODIS/Terra land surface temperature product (MOD11A1) from 2000 to 2018 were utilized for daytime and nighttime to study the surface heat island intensity. Then, the representative pixels of urban and non-urban areas were identified using the spatial correlation method, and the heat island index was calculated for the metropolitan area of Isfahan. The study showed that the frequency distribution of the nighttime heat island index follows a normal distribution and is often 3.5 to 4º K above the temperature of the surrounding areas of the city. The 365-day floating mean of the surface urban heat island reveals that this index has increased in recent years. The research of temporal behavior showed that the intensity of the surface urban heat island reaches its maximum in January and becomes weaker in summer, while the survey of spatial behavior showed that the core of the surface urban heat island extends towards downtown areas, where the oldest part of the city is located.

Palavras-chave : MODIS/Terra land surface temperature; surface urban heat island intensity; representative pixel method; Isfahan metropolis.

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