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Estudios fronterizos

versão On-line ISSN 2395-9134versão impressa ISSN 0187-6961


HURTADO BAUTISTA, Adriana Mayela  e  APONTE MOTTA, Jorge. Towards a cross-border government? Exploring institutionality for Colombo-Peruvian “integration”. Estud. front [online]. 2017, vol.18, n.35, pp.70-89. ISSN 2395-9134.

This article explores the dynamic of border cooperation between Peru and Colombia. It briefly analyzes some of the cooperation mechanisms and indicates, based on technical reports as well as normative and organizational analysis, that these cooperation mechanisms failed due to, among other reasons, having articulated the local and intermediary government entities in a fragmented manner in managing binational cooperation. This difficulty is even present in the most recent adaptations of the cooperation mechanisms, predicting a new failure in the efforts of both countries. Therefore, it is necessary to attempt a different manner of exercising diplomacy, in which the local and intermediary government entities play central roles in binational cooperation, in the interest of facing the structural and institutional problems established in the design of these policies, applying a cross-border focus.

Palavras-chave : cross-border cooperation; binational cooperation; international relations.

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