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vol.20Éxitos y fracasos de la cooperación transfronteriza: El ejemplo del Bidasoa índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estudios fronterizos

versão On-line ISSN 2395-9134versão impressa ISSN 0187-6961


KUROMIYA, Aki. Guatemalan young domestic female workers in Soconusco, Chiapas: Their experiences and imaginaries. Estud. front [online]. 2019, vol.20, e042.  Epub 20-Dez-2019. ISSN 2395-9134.

In this article, I describe the subjectivities of Guatemalan female workers who participate in the domestic sector of the region Soconusco, Chiapas, México. Especially, I will focus on their motivations to work in foreign country as domestic worker. Through ethnographic dates and the analysis of their narratives, I will present the imaginaries they have as a representation of their subjectivities and have a bearing on the migration and labor practices of young Guatemalan worker. There are three imaginaries that I analyze: the urban life, family and about their future, which explain the particular character of this border dynamics what I will define as micro-social and temporary mobility. My objective is to evidence that migratory and labor dynamic of female young is not economic phenomenon but is the social process in which they seek their particular forms to be young and to make youngness.

Palavras-chave : work migration; social mobilities; subjective imaginaries; southern border.

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