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Acta universitaria

versão On-line ISSN 2007-9621versão impressa ISSN 0188-6266


MIRANDA-BANUELOS, Marlon et al. Development of user-centered rehabilitation devices for people with motor disabilities. Acta univ [online]. 2023, vol.33, e3665.  Epub 29-Set-2023. ISSN 2007-9621.

This article presents a proposal based on user-centered design implementing ergonomics and design methods for developing physical rehabilitation devices. Through a case study, the proposal showed the design activities and its evaluation employing a biomechanical analysis to avoid risks of injury due to the joints’ exceeding flexibility capacities. A postural analysis discarded risks (performance level 2) in the upper extremities due to poor posture while using the device. The force required to use the assistive device was assessed, and the ranges of motion, speed, and angles were analyzed. In conclusion, the structure of the proposal can be taken as an alternative for developing rehabilitation devices for people with disabilities in the lower extremities.

Palavras-chave : Disability design; assistive device; rehabilitation devices; design tool; paraplegia.

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