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 número68Augusto Del Noce e l’origine della valutazione critica del moderno. L’incontro con Niccolò MachiavelliLa superación del espíritu de venganza. Polo frente a Nietzsche índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Tópicos (México)

versão impressa ISSN 0188-6649


ANTONELLI, Marcelo. Foucault and Deleuze: Epistemological and Political Intersections. Tópicos (México) [online]. 2024, n.68, pp.123-151.  Epub 08-Mar-2024. ISSN 0188-6649.

The debate on the crossroads between Foucault and Deleuze oscillates between two poles, depending on whether the convergences or divergences between these authors are highlighted: either they are brought closer together to unify them, or they are distanced from each other due to irreconcilable disagreements. In this article I argue that, despite undoubted differences in their philosophies, they share nodal philosophical positions, among which I highlight the following: they reject universals, propose to study multiplicities, analyze power from a “molecular” perspective, reformulate the role of the intellectual, and criticize political representation. Before substantiating these points of correspondence, I address the question of the reasons that led us to compare Deleuze and Foucault, given that it is not an arbitrary association. I also make some methodological clarifications in order to differentiate my approach from others already tested, and I argue in favor of the those shared theses, specifically in the epistemological and political fields.

Palavras-chave : universals; intellectual; representation; multiplicities; power.

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