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versão impressa ISSN 1405-2768


VILLARRUEL-ORDAZ, José Luis et al. Effect of altitude, orientation and terrain slope on the distribution of macrofungi in a tropical deciduous forest in the Oaxaca coast, Mexico. Polibotánica [online]. 2024, n.57, pp.81-105.  Epub 19-Abr-2024. ISSN 1405-2768.

Macrofungi, with their extraordinary diversity and ability to adapt to various substrates, play crucial ecological roles in ecosystems. However, their development is strongly influenced by the interaction of several environmental factors. Understanding these factors and their impact on the distribution of fungi is essential to understand their ecological dynamics. To obtain data how these organisms are distributed under certain topographic factors, an analysis of the species richness of macrofungi was carried out in a tropical deciduous forest on the coast of Oaxaca, taking both the eco-nutritional habits and substrate on which, they develop in response to altitude, slope and terrain orientation.

A review was conducted of a field database of 251 biological samples representing 169 species of macrofungi registered in the Environmental Management Unit for the Conservation of Wildlife "Jardín Botánico-Puerto Escondido". The review was used to assigned a life form (parasitic, mutualistic micorrhiza, saprotrophic) and substrate preferences (lignicolous, humicolous, terricolous, entomopathogenic parasite). To understand the topographic characteristics of the collection sites, maps of altitude, slope and solar exposure were designed in which the geographical coordinates recorded in the database for each study sample were plotted.

The results reveal a predominance of saprotrophic life form in this tropical deciduous forest, with a marked preference for edaphic substrates. In addition, more than 50% of the species analyzed show a tendency to coexist on moderate to gentle slopes, oriented to the north, and at altitudes ranging from 120 to 140 m.

This study highlights the complex interactions between the diversity of macroscopic fungi, their nutritional preferences and their relationship with altitude, slope, and terrain orientation.

Relevant information is provided that can be used in resource management and conservation strategies, by identifying sites within the study area with the greatest species richness.

Palavras-chave : Macromycetes; deciduous tropical forest; topographic parameters; distribution patterns; life forms; substrate preferences.

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