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Computación y Sistemas

versão On-line ISSN 2007-9737versão impressa ISSN 1405-5546

Comp. y Sist. vol.25 no.2 Ciudad de México Abr./Jun. 2021  Epub 11-Out-2021 

Report on PhD thesis

On the Paraconsistent Logic CG'3

Miguel Pérez-Gaspar1 

Veronica Borja Macias2 

Everardo Bárcenas1  * 

1 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.,

2 Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca, México.


Paraconsistent logical systems are well-known reasoning frameworks aimed to infer new facts or properties under contradictory assumptions. Applications of these systems are well known in a wide range of computer science domains. In this article, we study the paraconsistent logic CG'3, which can be viewed as an extension of the logic G'3. CG'3 is also 3-valued, but with two designated values. Main results can be summarized as follows: a Hilbert-type axiomatization, based on Kalmar's approach; and a new notion of validity, based on also novel Kripke semantics.

Keywords: Many-valued logic; paraconsistent logic; Kripke-type semantics; Hilbert calculi; CG'3

1 Introduction

Many valued logics, as classical ones, are based on the principle of truth-functionality.1 In the classical approach, there are only two truth values, falsum and verum, which are commonly written "0" and "1". Contrastingly, in many-valued logics more than two truth values are considered. A survey on many-valued logics may be found in [9]. Originally motivated by philosophical aims, many-valued logics are also inspired by formal technical concerns regarding functional completeness.

Among the first applications of many-valued logics, one may found hardware design. Analogously, as classical logic is used as a technical tool for the analysis and synthesis of electrical circuits built up from switches with two stable states, denoting voltage levels, many-valued logic can be used as general model of electrical circuits with more than two stable states. This application field of many-valued logic is called many-valued switching [6].

We now list some current state-of-the-art applications of many-valued logics in artificial intelligence: imprecise notions inherently tied to commonsense reasoning in expert systems, can be naturally modeled via fuzzy logic. Inference systems for many-valued logics, fuzzy logic in this context, can then be used as reasoning frameworks in expert systems [9]. A relatively recent research perspective in the AI setting, concerns the many-valued generalization of description logics, well-known as the reasoning foundation of the semantic web [10].

In [14], it is extensively reported on non-monotonic reasoning based on paraconsistent logics. In particular, it is proposed a logic programming semantics based on the paraconsistent logic G3. This is called G3-stable semantics. Inconsistent and vague domains can be naturally modeled with this G3-stable semantics.

In [16], Priest affirms that one of the motives of da Costa, to build the paraconsistent logic Cw, was dualizing the negation of intuitionistic logic. Intuitionistic logic is a logic that allows for "truth-value gaps"; for example, the Law Excluded Middle fails. The logic Cw achieves this but with explicit costs; for example, the substitution of provable equivalents fails. Da Costa proceeded axiomatically, preserving the positive part of intuitionistic logic, and changing the axioms of negation.

But the various semantics for intuitionistic logic suggest other ways of pursuing da Costa's goal. Evidence of this is the paraconsistent logic created by Priest that arises when dualizing the modeling conditions for the negation in Kripke semantics for intuitionistic logic. This new system is called da Costa logic daC. We can find at the end of [7] section 2 a brief study of extensions of fragments of Heyting Brouwer Logic. This is the case of the family of logics daCGn; each an extension of daC characterized by a Kripke frame for daC, which is linearly ordered and has n - 1 points. We have that G3 corresponds to daCG3, and clearly, the characterization agrees.

In [15], Osorio et al. define G3 through its multi-valued semantics. CG'3 is an extension of G'3[13]. In contrast with G'3, whose designated value is 1, CG'3 has 1 and 2 as designated values. It is important to note that G'3 is not comparable with Godel logic G3. In Figure 1, we present some logics related to CG'3 where the arrows mean contention.

Fig. 1 Comparison of G'3 and CG'3 with other logics 

The structure of the document is as follows. In Section 2, we present the definition of CG3 from many-valued semantics. In Section 3, we give the formal axiomatic theory L for CG3 and examine some interesting properties of L, and we close the section seeing that L is sound and complete concerning CG3. To prove that L is complete, the authors follow the procedure of completeness proof used for classical logic given in [12] and originally due to Kalmar. This method has been used in other many-valued logics, see [1,11]. In Section 4, we show the semantical similarities between CG3 and the many-valued logic Ł3. In Section 5, we introduce the Kripke-type semantics to CG3, in two different ways.

2 Many-Valued Semantics for CG’3

We first introduce the syntax of the logical formulas considered in this paper. We follow standard notation and basic definitions as M. Osorio in [15].

The following symbols will be used for logical connectives: ˄ (conjunction, binary); ˅ (disjunction, binary); ↔ (biconditional, binary); ¬ (weak negation, unary); (inconsistency operator, unary); ~ (strong negation, unary) and (bottom formula, 0-arity).

Fix the propositional language L whose primitive symbols are:

  • — the variables p0,p1,…;

  • — the connectives: ˄, ˅, ¬ , and → ;

  • — the punctuation marks: ( and ),

  • — the formulas of L are defined inductively:

    • — all the variables in L are atomic formulas o simply atoms;

    • — if φ and ψ are formulas then φψ, φψ, and φψ are also formulas.

One of the most popular semantics for many-valued logical systems is the standard logical matrices. The most appropriate way to define semantics for a logic of many-values is through a logical matrix characteristic from its language, that is:

  • — the set of values of truth (domain),

  • — the set of designated values, which form a subset of the set of truth degrees and act as substitutes for the traditional truth value verum,

  • — the functions of degree of truth interpreted by the propositional connectives.

A well-formed formula φ of a propositional language counts as valid under some valuation v2 if and only if it has a designated truth value under v. And φ is a tautology if and only if it is valid under all valuations, and we denote this by φ.

The paraconsistent logic CG3 is introduced in [13] and is given, by the matrix M=D,D*,F; where D = {0,1,2} is the domain, D* = {1,2} is the set of designated values, and F is the set of truth functions for the connectives {˄, ˅, →, ¬} and consists of the functions displayed in Table 1a.

Table 1 Truth functions of the connectives in CG3 

Definition 1. Given a formula φ in the language of a logic CG’3, we say that this is a tautology in CG’3 if, for every possible valuation, the formula φ is valid, and we denote this by CG'3φ.

In [8], the authors present some properties from the semantic point of view that verifies this logic, to mention some we have:


3 Axiomatization of CG’3 Logic

Let us consider L, a formal axiomatic theory for CG3 defined over the signature L=¬,,. Some logical connectives defined in terms of the primitives:


The truth tables of the connective ~,. and ↔ can see in Table 1b. The set of atoms is denoted as AtomL, and the set of well-formed formulas constructed in the usual way and denoted by FormL.

Axiom Schemes


Inference Rule


We say that φ is derivable from Γ in L, denoted as ΓLφ if there is a derivation of φ of Γ in L.

As can be seen, the list of axioms given above contains only the first five axioms of the positive part of Intuitionistic Logic, in addition to Cw1, CG-1, CG-2, CG-3, and the axiom CG-4.

The following meta-theorems of L will prove to be quite useful, their proofs are straightforward.

Theorem 1. Let Γ, Δ be set of formulas, and let φ, ψ be formulas, then the following properties it holds in L:

  1. Monotonicity:


  1. Deduction theorem:

Γ,φLψif and only ifΓLφψ.

  1. Cut:


  1. Rules-AND:

ΓLφψif and only ifΓLφandΓLψ.

Lemma 1. For any formulas φ, ψ, σ, and ξ, the following formulas are theorems in L:


Proof. Each item can be proved using Pos1-Pos5, MP, and Deduction theorem.

It, is worth mentioning that in the list of axiom schemes of L not all axioms of the positive part of Intuitionistic logic are included, however, they can be derived from this list, as well as from other well-known axiom schemes some of them are shown in the following lemma:

Lemma 2. The following formulas are theorems in L:


Proof. We only present the proof of CG'3, the other formulas, are proved using the axiom schemes, Lemma 1, and Modus Ponens.φφ¬φφ¬φφφφ¬φ¬¬φφ¬φ¬¬φ¬φ¬¬φHypAbb.Pos31,2,MPAbb.Abb.7.8.9.¬φ¬¬φφ¬φ¬¬φφφ¬φ¬¬φφCG-4Lemma1Lemma110.11.12.13.φ¬φ¬¬φφφφφφφφCG-19,10,MP1-11DMT

Theorem 2. Let Γ be a set of formulas and be φ, ψarbitrary formulas, then the following property Proof-by-cases, it is fulfilled in L.

Γ,φLψandΓ,¬φLψif and only ifΓLψ.

Proof. Suppose that Γ,φLψ and Γ,¬φLψ. Using the Deduction theorem, we have that, ΓLφψ and ΓL¬φψ, applying Pos8 we obtain ΓLφ¬φψ. Finally, using the axiom Cw1 and MP, we have ΓLψ, as required.

3.1 Soundness and Completeness Theorem

Now it is proved that CG3' is sound concerning L, that is, the theorems in L are tautologies in CG3.

Theorem 3 (Soundness of L, ). Let φ be a formula. If φ is a theorem in L, then φ is a tautology in CG’3, that is if Lφ thenCG'3φ.

Proof. Each axiom scheme of L evaluates to 1 or 2, according to the tables of CG3, that is each axiom scheme is a tautology in CG3. It remains to see that MP preserves tautologies. Suppose that ψ and ψγ are tautologies, and γ takes the value 0 for some 3-valuation. Since ψ is a tautology, it must take 1 or 2. Therefore, ψγ is forced to take the value 0 for that valuation. This last contradicts the assumption that ψγ is a tautology. Therefore γ never takes the value 0.

To prove the lemma 5, which is imperative to prove the completeness theorem, the Lemma 4 is needed, whose proof needs any supplementary results, viz, Proposition 1 and Lemma 3. These lemmas model the behavior of the connective ~, ¬ and . The proof of each item is straightforward and employs the axiom schemes and the Modus Ponens rule.

Proposition 1. For any formulas φ, ψ, the following formulas are theorems in L:


The following lemma characterizes the behavior of negation ¬ and negation ~.

Lemma 3. The following formulas are theorems in L:


Now we present Lemma 4, which models the behavior of the connectives of L. If a formula v(φ) = 0, then ~φ is assigned. When v(φ)=1, φ is assigned, while ¬¬φ corresponds to the case where v(φ) = 2. With these ideas, the interpretation of item (a) is as follows: ¬¬φ tells us that the value of the formula φ is 2, then the meaning of its negation ¬φ must be 0, which is written by ~¬φ. Item (b) indicates that if φ evaluates 1, then we have φ, and its negation must be 2. Finally, item (c) models the fact that when a formula takes the value 2, its negation must be equal to 0. These items model the connective negation. The connective implication is modeling by items (d) to (i), and the connective conjunction model by entry (j) to (o).

Lemma 4. The following formulas are theorems in L:


Now it is shown that CG3 is complete concerning L. To prove that each tautology in CG3 is a theorem in L, the completeness proof strategy used for the Classic Propositional Logic given in [12] originally due to Kalmar.

Definition 2. Given a 3-valuation v of CG’3 and a formula φ, we define the formula φv called the image of φ, as follows:


Let Φ be a set of formulas. The setv|φ∈Φ} is denoted by Φv.

Lemma 5 (Kalmar's Lemma for CG’3). Let be φ a formula and v a valuation in CG’3, if Atom(φ) denotes the set of formulas in φ, thenAtomφvφv.

Proof. The proof is done by induction on the complexity of φ.

Base Case: If φ = p, where p is an atomic formula, then we need to show that Atomφv=φv, but this is evident since Atomφv=φv=pv.

Let us see now that for any formula φ, the claim is true. Suppose that if formula ψ has less complexity than φ, then the lemma holds.

Inductive step: Suppose that φ is a non-atomic formula. We have three cases, and we only present the implication case:

Case →: Suppose that φ = βζ. By the inductive hypothesis, we know that Atomβvβv and Atomζvζv. Then, we have six subcases:

  1. If v(β) = 0, then βv = ~β. By inductive hypothesis, Atomβv=β. Note that v(φ) = v(βζ) = 2, so φv = ¬¬φ. But φ = βζ, hence φv = ¬¬ (βζ). We need to prove Atomφv=¬¬βζ. By Lemma 4, we know that ⬬βζ and by inductive hypothesis, Atomβvβ. With the application of MP to previous statements, we conclude Atomβv=¬¬βζ. Finally, by monotonicity Atomφv=¬¬βζ.

  2. If v(ζ) = 2, then ζv = ¬¬ζ. By hypothesis: Atomζv¬¬ζ. Note that v(φ) = v(βζ) = 2, so φv = ¬¬φ. But φ = βζ, then φv = ¬¬(βζ). We need to prove Atomφv¬¬βζ. By Lemma 4, we know that ¬¬ζ¬¬βζ and by inductive hypothesis, Atomζv¬¬ζ. Applying MP to previous steps, we conclude Atomζv¬¬βζ. Finally, by monotonicity Atomφv¬¬βζ.

  3. If v(β) = 1 and v(ζ) = 0, then βv=β and ζv = ~ζ. By inductive hypothesis, we have that Atomβvβ and Atomζvζ. Note that v(φ) = v(βζ) = 0. So φv = ~φ, then φv = ~(βζ). We need to prove Atomφvβζ. By Lemma 4, we know that βζβζ and by inductive hypothesis, monotonicity and Rules-AND we have: Atomφvβζ. With the application of MP to previous steps, we conclude Atomφvβζ.

  4. If v(β) = 1 and v(ζ) = 1 ,then βv=β and ζv=ζ. By inductive hypothesis, we have that Atomβvβ and Atomζvζ. Note that v(φ) = v(βζ) = 2, so φv = ¬¬φ. But φ = βζ, hence φv = ¬¬(βζ). We need to prove Atomφv¬¬βζ. By Lemma 4, we know that β欬βζ and by inductive hypothesis, monotonicity and Rules-AND we have that: Atomφvβζ. Applying MP to previous statements, we conclude Atomφv¬¬βζ.

  5. If v(β) = 2 and v(ζ) = 1 ,then βv=¬¬β and ζv=ζ. By inductive hypothesis, we have that Atomβv¬¬β and Atomζvζ. Note that v(φ) = v(βζ) = 1, so φv=φ. But φ = βζ, then φv=βζ. We need to prove Atomφvβζ. By Lemma 4, we know that ¬¬βζβζ and by inductive hypothesis, monotonicity and Rules-AND: Atomφv¬¬βζ. With the application of MP to previous statements, we conclude Atomφvβζ.

  6. If v(β) = 2 and v(ζ) = 0 ,then βv=¬¬β and ζv=ζ. By inductive hypothesis, we have that Atomβv¬¬β and Atomζvζ. Note that v(φ) = v(βζ) = 0, so φv = ~φ. But φ = βζ, hence φv = ~(βζ). We need to prove Atomφvβζ. By Lemma 4, we know that ¬¬βζβζ and by inductive hypothesis, monotonicity and Rules-AND we have that: Atomφv¬¬βζ. Applying MP to previous statements, we conclude Atomφvβζ.

The following lemma compiles some relevant results related to connectives ¬ and ~.

Lemma 6. The following formulas are theorems in L:


Only one more lemma is needed, to give the completeness proof, this lemma allows to eliminate hypotheses once it is shown that they are independent of the derivation.

Lemma 7. Let φ, ψ be formulas and Γ be a set of formulas. If Γ,¬¬φψ;Γ,φψ; and Γ,φψ; thenΓψ.

Proof. Applying Deduction theorem to φ¬¬φφ¬¬φ we have that, φ¬¬φ,φ¬¬φ. Through Cut to this latest formula and hypothesis Γ,¬¬φψ, we obtain Γ,φ¬¬φ,φψ. On the other hand, by item h) of Lemma 6, we have, ¬φφ¬¬φφ, now applying Lemma 1, we derive φ¬¬φ¬φφ and by Deduction theorem, we obtain φ¬¬φ,¬φφ, because of this formula and the hypothesis Γ,φψ; using Cut, we conclude Γ,φ¬¬φ,¬φψ. At this time, we have shown: Γ,φ¬¬φ,φψ. and Γ,φ¬¬φ,¬φψ; then applying Proof-by-cases, it is derived Γ,φ¬¬φψ.

On the other hand, applying Rules-AND to items f) and g) of the Lemma 6, we obtain ¬φ¬¬φφ¬φ, equivalently, due to the abbreviation of the connective , we get ¬φ¬¬φφ, then applying Cut to the last formula and the hypothesis Γ,φψ, it is concluded that Γ,¬φ¬¬φψ.

Therefore, applying Proof-by-cases to Γ,φ¬¬φψ and Γ,¬φ¬¬φψ we conclude that Γψ.

Finally, we have one of the main results of this section. The proof is a consequence of Lemma 5, Lemma 7, and Theorem 1.

Theorem 4 (Completeness of L). Let φ be a formula. If φ is a tautology in CG’3, then φ is a theorem in L.

Proof. Suppose that φ is a tautology whose set of atomic formulas is Φ. Of the Lemma 5, we have that Φvφv for every 3-valuation v. Then we have two cases.

  1. If v(φ) = 2, then Φv¬¬φ, by the formula Cw2 and MP, we have that Φvφ, Let p any atomic formula in Φ and let Γ:=Φ\{p} then, we have that; Γv,pvφ for every v valuation. So, we obtain Γv,¬¬pφ;Γv,pφ, and Γv,pφ. By Lemma 7, we obtain Γvφ. After |Φ| steps, we get that φ.

  2. If v(φ) = 1, then Φvφ, by the formula CG3 and MP, we have that Φvφ. Let p any atomic formula in Φ and let Γ:=Φ\{p} then, we have that; Γv,pvφ for every valuation v. So, we have that Γv,¬¬pφ;Γv,pφ, and Γv,pφ. By Lemma 7, we obtain Γvφ. After |Φ| steps, we get that φ.

4 Semantical Similarities Between CG’3 and Ł3 Logic

Let us see now, that the logic of three values Ł3 of Łukasiewicz, and CG3 has the same expressive power. To build the 3-valued logic Ł3 of Łukasiewicz, consider a propositional language L'=L,L,L,¬L,L,L,L.

Lemma 8. In Ł3, if we considerL and L as primitive connective we can obtain the rest of connectives as abbreviations as follows:


Proof. The proof follows directly from the truth tables of Ł3, see Table 2.

Table 2 Truth functions for the connectives ˅, ˄, →, and ¬ in Ł3 

Lemma 9. The connectives of CG’3 are definable in the connective language of Ł3.

Proof. It is enough to show that ¬CG'3 and CG'3 are definable in terms of the connective in Ł3 since the rest of connectives have the same truth tables in both logics. Observe the following:


Lemma 10. The negation and implication of Ł3 are definable in terms of the connectives of CG’3.


Note thatL¬LφLφ.

Theorem 5. The connective ofŁ3, are represented in terms of the connectives of CG’3, and vice versa.

Proof. Direct from Lemmas 8, 9, and 10.

5 Kripke-Type Semantics for CG’3

In [8], Osorio et al. proved that the logic G3' is an extension of the logic daC, so it is natural to consider that Kripke models for G3' are a sub collection of the Kripke models for daC. On the other hand, for the case of G3, the Kripke models are Kripke models for intuitionistic but only those whose cardinality is two and the relation is a linear order, a combination of both ideas give us a characterization for G3.

Definition 3. A Kripke model for G’3 is a structureW,R,v,where:

  1. W is a set of cardinality two,

  2. R is a linear order relation on W,

  3. v is a valuation function ofAtomL to PW. Given a valuation and a point w in W, we define the functionvw:AtomL0,1as:

vwp=1if  wvp,0otherwise.

The valuation must satisfy the following restriction for each atom p: If wRwand vw(p) = 1, then vw’(p) = 1.

The latter restriction imposed on valuations is called a Hereditary Property, Heredity Constraint, or Monotonicity. As we can see in [4, Proposition 2.1], the hereditary property extends to all formulas in Kripke models for G3.

In analogy with the logic G3, we can refer to the worlds in a Kripke model for G3, respectively, as H (Here) and T (There). A Kripke model for G3 is a structure like the one shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 2 Kripke model for G3 

Definition 4. Let M=W,R,v be a Kripke model for G’3, wW and φ a formula.

  1. If φ:= p is an atom, we have that: M,wG'3p iff w v(p).

  2. If φ is not an atom the modeling relation is defined recursively as:

    Let φ, ψ be formulas and for all worlds wW:

  • (a)M,wG'3φψ iff M,wG'3φ and M,wG'3ψ,

  • (b)M,wG'3φψ iff M,wG'3φ or M,wG'3ψ,

  • (c)M,wG'3φψ iff for all w' such that wRw', if M,w'G'3φ then M,w'G'3ψ,

  • (d)M,wG'3¬φ iff there exists w' such that w'Rw,M,w'G'3φ.

We say a formula φ is valid in M and we write MG'3φ, if and only if, for every wW, M,wG'3φ.

Example 1. Logic G’3 does not validate the formula p →¬¬ p but it validates the formula ¬¬ pp.

Proof. Suppose W = {H, T} is the set of worlds, the relation is R = {H, H, H, T, T, T} and lets vT(p) = 1, and for any other variable and point the valuation is 0, the model is depicted, in the Figure 3. The formula p → ¬¬ p is not valid at H and T in the model. On the other hand, the formula ¬¬ pp is valid in all Kripke model for G3. Indeed, suppose otherwise. Then there is a model such that M,wG'3¬¬p and M,wG'3p for some wW. We know that M,wG'3¬¬p, so there is w’∈W for which wRw and M,w'G'3¬p and this is, for all w'' ∈ W for which w''Rw' and M,w''G'3p. By the definition of valuation, we must have M,wG'3p, which is a contradiction.

Fig. 3 Kripke countermodel for Example 1 

Given the narrow relation between G3 and CG3, it is natural to think that if there is a Kripke-type semantics for the latter, its semantic must be closely related to that of G3.

We can define a type for Kripke semantics to CG3 in two different ways. The first based on the semantics of G3, and the second redefining the notion of validity as discussed below.

5.1 Semantics-based on G’3 Semantics

Definition 5. Let M=W,R,v be a Kripke model for G’3, wW and φ a formula. We define the modeling relation (denoted byG'3) as follows:

M,wCG'3φ, if and only if there is wRwsuchM,w'G'3φ.

As we can see, the hereditary property also holds for CG'3.

Theorem 6. If M,xCG'3φ, and xRy, then M,yCG'3φ.

Proof. The proof is by induction on the length of the formula φ.

The following theorem establishes an equivalence between many-valued semantics and Kripke semantics for CG3.

Proposition 2. Let φ be a formula on the language of CG’3. There exists an interpretation t:L0,1,2 such that t(φ) = 0, if and only if there is a Kripke model for CG’3 whose valuation v is such that v(φ) = 0.

Proof. The proof is by induction on the length of the formula φ.

Theorem 7. Let φ be a formula in the language of CG’3, then:

CG'3φ if and only if for any Kripke model M for CG3, it holds that MCG'3φ.

Proof. The proof is by induction on the length of the formula φ and applying Proposition 2.

5.2 Semantics Redefining the Validity Concept

An alternative way of defining the modeling relation for CG3 is to consider that the models for CG3 are those for G3 but changing the Modeling Definition. In [2], the authors explain the notion of being e-valid to the characterization of the validity depends on an existential connective and to distinguish the concept of validity.

Definition 6. A formula φ is said to be e-valid on a model M for logic CG’3 if exists a point x in M such that M,xCG'3φ.

It is easy to check that this new definition changing the notion of validity coincides with the preceding one.

Lemma 11. Let φ be a formula in the language of CG’3, then:

CG'3φ if and only if for any Kripke model M for CG3, it holds that φ is e-valid.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

Logic CG3 was defined in [13] utilizing semantics. In this paper, the authors present the logic CG3 from a semantic, and syntactic point of view, his contributions are summarized as follows:

  1. A Hilbert type axiomatization for CG3 using the Kalmar technique, this axiomatic system satisfies many properties, such as those presented in Theorem 1 and Lemma 1. Among these properties, we can find Deduction theorem, Cut, Rules-AND, among other things. Through this axiomatization, we show that Ł3 and CG3 have the same expressive power, Theorem 5.

  2. A characterization of CG3 using Kripke models. Thanks to the Kripke semantics for these logics, they obtained a new tool that can help us have a better understanding of paraconsistent logics.

There are some relevant issues associated with the CG3 system that needs to be studied. For example, in the semantics approach, there is a many-valued characterization for CG'3, but an algebraic approach to CG3 is still missing. In [3] and [5], we can find some algebraic methods such as Blok-Pigozzi and Fidel structures, respectively, that can help the study of these semantics applied to the logic.


This work was supported by UNAM-PAPIIT IA105420 and by a postdoctoral fellow grant from Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT).


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1 The truth of a compound sentence is obtained by the truth values of its component sentences.

2 The valuation v maps the set of propositional variables into the set of truth degrees and can extend to the set of well-formed formulas, as usual.

Received: April 16, 2020; Accepted: February 18, 2021

* Corresponding author is Everardo Barcenas.

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