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Revista electrónica de investigación educativa

versão On-line ISSN 1607-4041


MARTINEZ-HITA, María; MIRALLES-MARTINEZ, Pedro  e  GOMEZ CARRASCO, Cosme Jesús. Gamifying History Teaching: Student Perceptions. REDIE [online]. 2024, vol.26, e03.  Epub 31-Maio-2024. ISSN 1607-4041.

Students often have a negative perception of history due to the traditional methodology employed in most classrooms. The objective of this quasi-experimental research was to establish whether elementary students’ perceptions of history improved after a gamified project was introduced into the classroom, compared to a control group that followed a traditional methodology. Students completed a questionnaire on a Likert scale before and after the classroom intervention. The results showed significant differences between the groups (posttest) and within the experimental group (pretest-posttest). This initial exploration of this issue hopes to arouse interest for new research able to overcome the limitations of this study, such as the sample size.

Palavras-chave : teaching method innovations; primary education; history education; perception; Interest (learning).

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