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versão On-line ISSN 1665-1456


SARINANA-ALDACO, Oscar et al. Agronomic and metabolomic response of melon ( Cucumis melo L.) seedlings under the application of high indole-3-acetic acid concentrations. Biotecnia [online]. 2023, vol.25, n.3, pp.16-24.  Epub 27-Maio-2024. ISSN 1665-1456.

The objective of the study was to evaluate the foliar application of high concentrations of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) (0.0, 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 mM) on agronomic and metabolomic variables in melon seedlings, using a completely randomized design. The results indicate that the IAA at 0.5 mM improved the height by 20.98 %, and from 1 mM it decreased as the concentration increased. For total fresh and dry biomass, the control and the 0.5 mM concentration were the same, however, from 1 mM it decreased as the IAA concentration increased. For biomolecules, chlorophylls (a 25.60 %, b 51.31 % and total 32.50 %), flavonoids (13.13 %), antioxidant capacity (54.37 %) and proteins (26.38 %) increased as the IAA concentration increased. Ascorbic acid decreased with the application of IAA, and with 0.5, 1 and 2 mM the concentration of carotenoids increased by 11.76, 11.76 and 8.82 %, respectively, however, with 3 mM they began to decrease, but even so, they exceeded the control. From 1 mM of IAA, the agronomic characteristics of the seedlings began to decrease, therefore, it is advisable to apply concentrations lower than 0.5 mM to elucidate how they work.

Palavras-chave : growth regulator; elicitor; signaling molecule; toxicity; metabolites.

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