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vol.20 número52El enfoque de las capacidades de Nussbaum. Algunos rasgos y debates índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2594-1917versão impressa ISSN 1870-0063


SANCHEZ CORREA, Fabiola. Feminist contributions to the understanding of work. Andamios [online]. 2023, vol.20, n.52, pp.229-255.  Epub 17-Nov-2023. ISSN 2594-1917.

The article presents the main contributions that feminism has left to labor studies. It addresses the importance of work analysis being articulated with gender studies, as the latter have made fundamental contributions to understanding activities little attended by classical studies, and which offer a new look at the understanding of work. For this, we return to the discussions of the feminism of equality, and difference; the position of marxist feminism, of care, intersectional, decolonial feminism, and ecofeminism, to close with the contributions of the positions of immaterial, emotional, bodily and aesthetic work, with which, together, we show the power of the theoretical apparatus of feminist work studies.

Palavras-chave : Work; feminisms; women; labor studies; patriarchy.

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