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Región y sociedad

versão On-line ISSN 2448-4849versão impressa ISSN 1870-3925


ROSALES MARTINEZ, Yetzi; CALVA SANCHEZ, Luis Enrique  e  VAZQUEZ DELGADO, Blanca Delia. Experiencias de incorporación laboral de migrantes haitianos en la zona metropolitana de MonterreyLabor Incorporation Experiences of Haitian Migrants in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey. Región y sociedad [online]. 2022, vol.34, e1702.  Epub 01-Jun-2023. ISSN 2448-4849.

Objective: to analyze the labor incorporation processes of Haitian nationals who arrived to the Metropolitan Zone of Monterrey during the 2021 migration wave. Methodology: statistical data were used to characterize the population, and the working trajectory was used as an analytical tool to systematize labor experiences collected through semi-structured interviews. Results: the informants perceived certain ease in finding employment. Two labor incorporation patterns were identified based on the expectations and knowledge of the interviewees. Limitations: the scarce information concerning the Haitian population in México. Value: this research helps to provide clues about Haitian nationals labor incorporation process in México, and to dimension the role that the country has as a recipient of immigrants, a facet that has been poorly studied. Conclusions: the labor market of the metropolitan zone of Monterrey was a context of middle receptivity for this population.

Palavras-chave : Labor market insertion; Monterrey; Nuevo León; Haitians; international immigration.

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