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vol.19Los entramados del desarrollo en la selva Lacandona: una lectura sobre la configuración de las políticas de desarrollo y gobernanza globalEntre la «neutralidad» política y la jurisdicción eclesiástica: aproximaciones a la actuación del clero frente a la disputa por el Soconusco (1824-1833) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista pueblos y fronteras digital

versão On-line ISSN 1870-4115


MAURICIO HERNANDEZ, Carlos. Mexican Solidarity Networks Promoted by Liberation Theology in Times of the Salvadoran Civil War. Rev. pueblos front. digit. [online]. 2024, vol.19, e696.  Epub 08-Mar-2024. ISSN 1870-4115.

This paper addresses how ecclesiastical and academic sectors fostered the construction of solidarity networks in Mexico within the framework of the United States military intervention in the Central American civil wars at the end of the twentieth century, specifically in El Salvador, from the perspective of the Liberation Theology movement. The United States acted from a utopian political horizon, which defended the radical transformation of unfair structures, deemed to be the main source of violence in the prevailing civilization. This research project was based on interviews with people linked to these solidarity networks, documentary reviews, and group discussions.

Palavras-chave : anticapitalism; socialism; grassroots eclesial communities; Liberation Theology; international solidarity networks.

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