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vol.11 número5Contribución del estrato arbustivo a los flujos de agua y CO2 de un matorral subtropical en el Noroeste de MéxicoEfectos del otorgamiento de derechos de agua en la disponibilidad de recursos hídricos en la cuenca del río Ñuble, Chile Centro Sur índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Tecnología y ciencias del agua

versão On-line ISSN 2007-2422


MARENGO, Humberto; ALDAMA, Álvaro A.  e  ROMERO, Ignacio. Un nuevo criterio para la estimación de rugosidad compuesta en modelos hidráulicos. Tecnol. cienc. agua [online]. 2020, vol.11, n.5, pp.171-224.  Epub 10-Jun-2024. ISSN 2007-2422.

Practical engineering has considered that implicit Colebrook-White equation (1939) has been the standard for estimating pipe friction factor in a fully developed turbulent regime in conductions manufactured with one material. Due to the implicit character of the criteria, several authors have developed some criteria that use other kind of solutions like presented by Elfman (2005) who takes as basis Nikuradse criteria. In this study, a new methodology is proposed with basis in Colebrook equation for tunnels with composite roughness. Considering hydraulic models build by the authors for diversion works (El Cajón and La Yesca), the analysis is made, and is concluded that this Colebrook analysis is more scientific, and applicable to this kind of works.

Palavras-chave : Compound roughness; Hydraulic Models; Colebrook equation.

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