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versão impressa ISSN 2007-2538


SEVILLA GODINEZ, Héctor. Conceive the spirit. Alliance, uncertainty or metaphilosophy?. Valenciana [online]. 2024, vol.17, n.33, pp.167-190.  Epub 05-Maio-2024. ISSN 2007-2538.

The article analyzes different conceptions that some philosophical and religious traditions, both from the East and from the West, have maintained about what the spirit is and the way of conceiving it. The notion of Alliance between God and man and the personalization of the spirit that derives from it in Judaism is analyzed; In addition, the arguments that confront such position are exposed and the spiritual finalism is discussed, alluding to both Spinoza and Nagarjuna. It will be observed that philosophy, either as a tool or a way of life, constitutes a necessary antecedent to consider metaphilosophy, which is alluded to in the third part of the text.

Palavras-chave : Mysticism; Emptiness; Theism; Philosophy; Religion.

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