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Epistemus (Sonora)

versão On-line ISSN 2007-8196versão impressa ISSN 2007-4530


ANGULO-MOLINA, Aracely et al. Radiosensitivity in Breast Cancer Associated with Ethnicity. Epistemus (Sonora) [online]. 2022, vol.16, n.33, pp.63-68.  Epub 19-Maio-2023. ISSN 2007-8196.

Scientific studies have shown that ethnicity has a great impact on cancer incidence, survival and response to drugs. Among the most common treatments for breast cancer is tumor removal, which goes hand in hand with radiation therapy for its efficacy in destroying residual cancer cells. However, it has been observed that the response to radiation is heterogeneous among patients and subtypes of breast cancer, with different adverse effects that may be associated with ethnicity. Cell lines of Caucasian and African-American origin are used in research, therefore the need for new cell lines of Latino and/or Asian origin is considered. In this review, we show the need to evaluate and compare the effects of radiosensitivity using models with different ethnicity in order to potentially apply personalized radiotherapy according to ethnicity is discussed.

Palavras-chave : Radiotherapy; breast cancer; ethnicity; radiosensitivity.

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