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Política, globalidad y ciudadanía

versão On-line ISSN 2395-8448


VENCES-ESPARZA, Angélica; FLORES-ALANIS, Irma María  e  RODRIGUEZ-BULNES, María Guadalupe. Networks of cooperation of Academic Bodies of a Public University of Mexico. Polít. globalidad. ciudad. [online]. 2022, vol.8, n.16, pp.68-86.  Epub 06-Out-2023. ISSN 2395-8448.

The objective of this descriptive-explanatory work is to analyze the collaboration and academic cooperation and academic cooperation of the Consolidated Academic Bodies -CAC and in the Consolidation -CAEC of the UANL. The research questions are (1) What types of academic relationships do the CAC and CAEC report? (2) What are the purposes? and (3) What kind of results do they report? The data collection was performed by analyzing the CVU of the CAV and CAEC that are registered in the System for filling the Curriculum of PRODEP. Under a quantitative analysis the research questions were answered, finding collaboration with peers from other national and international higher education institutions. In this process, the importance of reconsidering personal factors, in close relationship with the collectives for the proper functioning of the organizations is rescued. The collaborations are established to developed joint research projects and derive in the training of human resources, theses, stays and publications this is relevant because it makes evident the effort to advance, even if it is an external requirement imposed by federal programs and results in the benefit of the institution, although incipiently, in international matters.

Palavras-chave : Academic bodies; higher education; cooperation networks..

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