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Ciencia ergo sum

versão On-line ISSN 2395-8782versão impressa ISSN 1405-0269


HERRERA, Angela  e  SOTO AGUIRRE, Neirys. Intelligent orofacial beauty: An epistemic reflection from the venezuelan dental client. Cienc. ergo-sum [online]. 2022, vol.29, n.2, e166.  Epub 20-Out-2023. ISSN 2395-8782.

This study is about the reconfiguration of the dental client based on intelligent orofacial beauty on the harmonic and symmetrical balance of the smile and face. The research is based on the local context of Venezuela, with a descriptive methodology through an exploratory study in 2020 by using cluster sampling. The Kuder and Richardson coefficient was calculated with a total of 196 samples, resulting that all the instruments ensure reliability. Finally, it is suggested that dentistry goes beyond the treatment of teeth. The results indicate that it is necessary to educate the client regarding the benefits of intelligent orofacial beauty supported by orofacial harmonization.

Palavras-chave : dental client; orofacial harmonization; intelligent beauty.

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