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Estudios sociales. Revista de alimentación contemporánea y desarrollo regional

versão On-line ISSN 2395-9169


FIGUEROA-EGURROLA, Diana  e  WONG-GONZALEZ, Pablo. Regional proximities and their relationship with the CBRIS in the context of the knowledge -based economy. Estud. soc. Rev. aliment. contemp. desarro. reg. [online]. 2023, vol.33, n.62, e231470.  Epub 03-Jun-2024. ISSN 2395-9169.


Analyze the concept and function of regional proximities in its various dimensions, as well as its link with Regional Cross-Border Innovation Systems to promote development in the current knowledge-based economy.


Systematic review carried out on platforms such as Springer, ResearchGate and Google Scholar. The following were used as key concepts in both Spanish and English: "proximity", "regional development", "SRIT" and "knowledge economy". The initial selection was based on the evaluation of titles, summaries, and results, prioritizing cutting-edge articles. Next, more detailed critical readings were performed to select relevant data.


Non-spatial forms of regional proximity play a fundamental role in driving collaboration and innovation. Although it is an understudied field, the relationship between a knowledge-based economy and SRIT is essential to enhance the capacity of regions to compete globally.


A unified way of addressing regional proximities has not been found, which is why the importance of identifying and taking advantage of the most relevant proximities for each context is highlighted.


Although geographical proximity is important, other forms such as social, cognitive and organizational are crucial for regional innovation, which is why the need to consider various forms of proximity and collaboration to promote innovation and development in both environments is emphasized. cross-border as well as local.

Palavras-chave : regional development; proximity; cross-border regional innovation systems; knowledge-based economy; cross-border cooperation.

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