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vol.7 número13Rediseñar la educación del Diseño: cuatro acciones docentes frente a los retos y desafíos en el siglo XXILa enseñanza del diseño gráfico en los primeros meses de pandemia. Transformaciones desde la Universidad Pública en Latacunga-Ecuador índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2448-8437


RUIZ GUTIERREZ, Omar Alejandro. Internal Articulation and Strategic Linkage: Key Components in the Design Workshop for Post-pandemic Meaningful Learning. Zincografía [online]. 2023, vol.7, n.13, pp.122-137.  Epub 04-Ago-2023. ISSN 2448-8437.

This article intends, on the one hand, to promote the positioning of the design workshop as a relevant didactic instrument for meaningful learning among higher level and postgraduate students who participate in it and, on the other hand, to put on the table two variables which, according to the experience of a specialized work group, significantly affect their performance and the implications regarding the generation of knowledge, skills and competencies of the participating students: internal articulation and strategic linkage with the environment .

Its content is based on the experience of an academic, management and research work group that for five years has established a close relationship with the Master's program in Design and Industrial Innovation (from the University of Guadalajara) to promote a multidisciplinary work model that includes the participation of students from other careers at the undergraduate level, as well as companies and organizations from the local environment of the city of Guadalajara.

It is also exposed that far from being a work space typical of educational programs related to disciplines related to art, design or architecture, the design workshop is a pedagogical construction with positive implications for the development of skills and competences, not only from the students involved, but also from teachers, researchers and experts who collaborate during its development.

The aspect that triggers the realization of this document is the need to reconsider the actions that higher education institutions carry out to ensure meaningful learning for their students, particularly after the pandemic, a phenomenon that exposed the limited response capacity that these institutions have to deal with this type of situation.

In the final part, the article ponders the design workshop as a relevant didactic instrument not only to promote meaningful learning, but also to assume it as a learning assessment instrument in higher level and postgraduate educational programs not necessarily related to the art, design or architecture.

Palavras-chave : articulation; linkage; design workshop; meaningful learning.

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