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Scientia fungorum

versão On-line ISSN 2594-1321


DOMINGUEZ-ZUNIGA, Lilia Iveth et al. Heavy metals concentration in fungi in the metropolitan area of the Comarca Lagunera, Mexico. Sci. fungorum [online]. 2021, vol.52, e1389.  Epub 09-Maio-2022. ISSN 2594-1321.


Globally several studies related to macrofungi and heavy metals have been carried out worldwide, but in Mexico there are few records in this regard. Previously in the Lagunera Region, levels of heavy metals have been recorded in various organisms.


This work aims to determine the concentration of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) in fungal species in the metropolitan area of the Lagunera Region, Mexico.


Two annual collections were carried out (2017-2018) in 30 sites belonging to the main green areas and avenues of three municipalities of the Lagunera Region. The identification of the species was made according to basic mycolo-gical methods and specialized literature. Regarding the reading of metals, atomic absorption spectroscopy with direct aspiration was used.


A total of 32 samples were obtained, belonging to nine species. The results showed high concentrations in the nine species analyzed, exceeding the parameters of permissible limits by European standards.

Palavras-chave : macrofungi; urban zone; bioindicators; pollution; spectroscopy.

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