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versão impressa ISSN 0187-6236


Atmósfera vol.17 no.3 Ciudad de México Jul. 2004

 ·  Evaluation of climatic forecasts of rainfall for the Tlaxcala State (México): 1998-2002
Gay-García, C.; Hernández-Vázquez, M.; Jiménez-López, J.; Lezama-Gutiérrez, J.; Magaña-Rueda, V. O.; Morales-Acoltzi, T.; Orozco-Flores, S.

        · resumo em Espanhol | Inglês     · texto em Inglês     · Inglês ( pdf )
 ·  The mechanical influence of continental topography on the trajectories of tropical cyclones near the west coast of México
Zavala Sansón, L.

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 ·  The Lorenz chaotic systems as nonlinear oscillators with memory
Panchev, S.; Spassova, T.

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 ·  A note on inertial motion
Wiin-Nielsen, A.

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