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Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society
versão impressa ISSN 1870-249X


J. Mex. Chem. Soc vol.56 no.4 Ciudad de México Out./Dez. 2012

 ·  Kinetic Spectrophotometric Method for the Estimation of Ofloxacin in Pharmaceutical Formulations
Kishore, Lalit; Kumar, Ashok; Nair, Anroop; Kaur, Navpreet

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 ·  Synthesis of Some Novel Derivatives of 2-(9H-purin-6-ylsulfanyl) Acetohydrazide as Potential Antithyroid Agents
Fatima, Ismat; Munawar, Munawar A.; Nasir, Waqar; Khan, Misbahul A.; Tasneem, Affia; Fatima, Tauqir; Adil, Muhammad R.

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 ·  Traditional Methods for Whey Protein Isolation and Concentration: Effects on Nutritional Properties and Biological Activity
Tovar Jiménez, Xóchitl; Arana Cuenca, Ainhoa; Téllez Jurado, Alejandro; Abreu Corona, Arturo; Muro Urista, Claudia Rosario

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 ·  Identification of Anthocyanins in Red Grape, Plum and Capulin by MALDI-ToF MS
Castañeda-Ovando, Araceli; Sedo, Ondra; Havel, Josef; Pacheco, Lourdes; Galán-Vidal, Carlos Andrés; Contreras López, Elizabeth

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 ·  Chiral Enzymatic Activity in Cell Cultures of Taxus Species
Alpízar, Carmen Beatriz; Díaz, Eduardo; Sánchez-Obregón, Rubén; Barrios, Héctor; Sandoval, Consuelo

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 ·  Efficient Synthesis of 12-Aryl-8,9,10,12-tetrahydrobenzo[α]-xanthen-11-ones using Ionic Liquid Pyrazinium Di(hydrogen sulfate) {Py(HSO4)2} as a Novel, Green and Homogeneous Catalyst
Zare, Abdolkarim; Khanivar, Roghayyeh; Hatami, Marzieh; Mokhlesi, Mohammad; Zolfigol, Mohammad Ali; Moosavi-Zare, Ahmad Reza; Hasaninejad, Alireza; Khazaei, Ardeshir; Khakyzadeh, Vahid

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 ·  Chemical Hydrolysis of the Polysaccharides of the Tamarind Seed
González-Hernández, Juan Carlos; Farías Rosales, Lorena; Zamudio Jaramillo, Miguel Ángel; Álvarez-Navarrete, Mariana; Vera Villa, Juan Carlos; Martínez Corona, Ricardo; Chávez-Parga, Ma. del Carmen; Peña, Antonio

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 ·  Regioselective Ring Opening of Epoxides with Amines Using Silica-bonded S-sulfonic Acid under Solvent-free Conditions
Tajbakhsh, Mahmood; Hosseinzadeh, Rahman; Rezaee, Parizad; Alinezhad, Heshmatollah

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 ·  Kinetics and Hydrodynamics of Silver Ion Flotation
Reyes, Martín; Patiño, Francisco; Escudero, Ramiro; Pérez, Miguel; Flores, Mizraim U.; Reyes, Iván A.

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 ·  Study of the Ion Transfer of Quaternary Ammonium Ions by SWV
Rodríguez-López, Joaquín; Videa, Marcelo

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 ·  A Density Functional Theoretical Studies on the Boroles Dianion: Structure, Properties and Aromaticity
Ghiasi, Reza; Pasdar, Hoda

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 ·  Phenolic Characterization, Melanoidins, and Antioxidant Activity of Some Commercial Coffees from Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora
Pérez-Hernández, Lucía Margarita; Chávez-Quiroz, Karla; Medina-Juárez, Luis Ángel; Gámez Meza, Nohemí

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