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Revista mexicana de física

versão impressa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.64 no.1 México Jan./Fev. 2018



Research in Gravitation, Mathematical Physics and Field Theory

Integrals of the motion and Green functions for time-dependent mass harmonic oscillators

Surarit Peporea 

aDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Rangsit-Nakornayok Road, Pathumthani 12110, Thailand. e-mail:


The application of the integrals of the motion of a quantum system in deriving Green function or propagator is established. The Green function is shown to be the eigenfunction of the integrals of the motion which described initial points of the system trajectory in the phase space. The explicit expressions for the Green functions of the damped harmonic oscillator, the harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass, and the harmonic oscillator with mass growing with time are obtained in co-ordinate representations. The connection between the integrals of the motion method and other method such as Feynman path integral and Schwinger method are also discussed.

Keywords: Integrals of the motion; Green function; Time-dependent mass harmonic oscillators

PACS: 03.65.-w

1. Introduction

In non-relativistic quantum mechanics, the propagator is represented as the transition probability amplitude for a particle to motion from initial space-time configuration to final space-time configuration. The Feynman path integral 1 and the Schwinger action principle 2 are the well-known methods in calculating the propagator. The aim of this paper is to present the connection between the integrals of the motion of a quantum system and its Green function or propagator.

As reveal by V.V. Dodonov et al. 3 that the Green function is the eigenfunction of the integrals of the motion describing initial points of the system trajectory in the phase space. D.B. Lemeshevskiy and V.I. Man’ko 4 constructed the Green functions for the driven harmonic oscillator with the aid of integrals of the motion. In the present paper we want to calculate the Green functions or propagators for the damped harmonic oscillator 5,6,7, the harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass, 8 and the harmonic oscillator with mass growing with time 9 by the method developed by V.V. Dodonov et al. 3

This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, the Green function for the damped harmonic oscillator is derived. In Section 3, the calculation of the Green function for the harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass is presented. The Green function for the harmonic oscillator with mass growing with time is evaluated in Sec. 4. Finally, the conclusion is given in Sec. 5.

2. The Green function for a damped harmonic oscillator

The Hamiltonian operator for a damped harmonic oscillator is described by 5,6,7

H^(t)=e-rtp^22m+12mω2ertq^2, (1)

where r is the damping constant coefficient.

The aim of this section is to drive the Green function G(x, x', t) of the Schrodinger equation by the method of integrals of motion 3,4. The classical correspondence of the Hamiltonian operator in Eq. (1) is

H(q,p,t)=e-rtp22m+12mω2ertq2, (2)

The Hamilton equation of motion for position and momentum are 10

q˙=pme-rt,p˙=--mω2ertq. (3)

The classical paths in the phase space under the initial conditions q(0) = q 0 and p(0) = p 0 are given by

qt=q0e-rtcosΩt+re-rt22Ω+p0re-rt2mΩsinΩt, pt=p0ert2cosΩt-rert22ΩsinΩt-q0mω2Ωre-rt2sinΩt (5)

where Ω2=ω2-r2/4. Now we consider the system of Eqs. (4) and (5) as an algebraic system for unknown initial position q 0 and momentum p 0, respectively. The variables q, p, and t are taken as the parameters. The solution of this system are given as

q0q, p, t=qert2cosΩt-r2Ωert2sinΩt-pe-rt/2mΩsinΩt, (6)

p0q, p, t=qmω2Ωert2sinΩt+pe-rt2cosΩt+re-rt22ΩsinΩt. (7)

We define operators acting in the Hilbert space as follows

q^0q^, p^, t=q^ert2cosΩt-r2Ωert2sinΩt-p^e-rt/2mΩsinΩt (8)

p^0q^, p^, t=q^mω2Ωert2sinΩt+p^e-rt2cosΩt+re-rt22ΩsinΩt (9)

Calculating the total derivative of the operator q^0(q^,p^,t) with respect to time t, we obtain

dq^0dt=q^0t+i[H^,q^0]. (10)

Similarly, the total time-derivative of the operator p^0(q^,p^,t) is

dp^0dt=p^0t+i[H^,p^0]. (11)

Thus, operators in Eqs. (8) and (9) are integrals of the motion and correspond to the initial position and momentum. Then these operators must satisfy equations for the Green function G(x, x', t), 3,4

q^0(x)G(x,x',t)=q^(x')G(x,x',t), (12)

p^0(x)G(x,x',t)=-p^(x')G(x,x',t), (13)

where the operators on the left-hand sides of the equations act on variable x, and on the right- hand sides, on x'. Now we write Eqs. (12) and (13) explicitly,

xert2cosΩt-r2Ωert2sinΩt+imΩe-rt/2sinΩtxGx, x', t=x'Gx, x', t, (14)

xmω2Ωert2sinΩt-ie-rt2cosΩt+re-rt22ΩsinΩtxGx, x', t=iGx, x', tx' (15)

By modifying Eqs. (14) and (15), the system of equations for deriving the Green function G(x, x', t) are

Gx,  x', tx=-imΩert/2sinΩtx'-ertcotΩt-rert2ΩxGx, x', t, (16)

Gx, x', tx'=-imΩert2sinΩtx-mΩcotΩt+mr2x'Gx, x', t (17)

Now one can integrate Eq. (16) with respect to the variable x to obtain

Gx, x', t=Cx', texpimΩ2ertcotΩt-mr4ertx2-mΩsinΩtert2xx' (18)

Where C(x', t) is the function of x' and t.

Substituting Eq. (18) into Eq. (17), we obtain the differential equation for C(x', t) as

C(x',t)x'=i(mΩcotΩt+mr2)x'C(x',t). (19)

Solving Eq. (19), the function C(x', t) can be expressed as

C(x',t)=C(t)exp(i(mΩ2cotΩt+mr4)x'2), (20)

where C(t) is the pure function of time.

So, the Green function in Eq. (18) can be written as

Gx, x', t=CtexpimΩ2ertcotΩt-mr4ertx2+mΩ2cotΩt+mr4x'2-mΩert2sinΩtxx'. (21)

To find C(t), we must substitute the Green function of Eq. (21) into the Schrodinger equation

iGx, x', tt=-22me-rt2Gx, x', tx2+12mω2ertx2Gx, x', t (22)

After some algebra, we obtain an equation that does not contain the variables x and x',

dC(t)dt=C(t)r2-ΩcotΩt2 (23)

Eq. (23) can be simply integrated with respect to time t, and one obtains

C(t)=csinΩtert/4, (24)

where C is a constant.

Substituting Eq. (24) into Eq. (21) and applying the initial condition

G(x,x',t=0)=δ(x-x'), (25)

we get

C=mΩ2πi. (26)

So, the Green function or propagator for a damped harmonic oscillator can be written as

Gx,x',t=mΩert/22πisinΩtexpimΩ2ertcotΩt-mrert4x2+mΩ2cotΩt+mr4x'2-mΩert/2sinΩtxx' (27)

which is the same form as the result of S. Pepore et al. 5 calculating from Feynman path integral.

3. The Green function for a harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass

The Hamiltonian operator for a harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass can be expressed as 9

H^t=p22mcos2vt+12m cos2vtω2q^2, (28)

where v is the frequency of mass. The classical analog of the Hamiltonian operator in Eq. (28) is

Hq,p,t=p22m cos2vt+12m cos2vtω2q2. (29)

The classical equations of motion determining the oscillator position and momentum are

q¨-2v tan vtq˙+ω2q=0 (30)

The classical trajectories in the phase space under the initial conditions q(0) = q 0 and p(0) = p 0 can be written as

qt=q0secvtcosΩt + p0mΩsecvtsinΩt, (31)

pt=q0mvcosvttanvtcosΩt -mΩcosvtsinΩt +p0cosvtcosΩt + vΩcosvttanvtsinΩt (32)

where Ω2=ω2+v2.

By eliminating p 0 in Eq. (31) and q 0 in Eq. (32), the solutions are

q0q, p, t=qcosvtcosΩt + vΩsinvtsinΩt -psecvtsinΩtmΩ (33)

p0q, p, t=qmΩcosvtsinΩt -mvsinvtcosΩt +psecvtcosΩt. (34)

The Hilbert space operators of q 0 and p 0 are

q^0q^, p^, t=q^cosvtcosΩt + vΩsinvtsinΩt-p^secvtsinΩtmΩ, (35)

p^q^, p^, t= q^mΩcosvtsinΩt-mvsinvtcosΩt +p^secvtcosΩt . (36)

We can determine that q^0 and p^0 are integrals of the motion by finding total time derivatives of

dq^0dt=q^0t+i[H^,q^0]=0, (37)

dp^0dt=p^0t+i[H^,p^0]=0. (38)

Then these operators must satisfy the equations for the Green function G(x, x', t) 3,4

q^0(x)G(x,x',t)=q^(x')G(x,x',t), (39)

p^0(x)G(x,x',t)=-p^(x')G(x,x',t). (40)

Now we write Eqs. (39) and (40) explicitly,

xcosvtcosΩt + vΩsinvtsinΩt+isecvtsinΩtmΩ xGx,x',t= x'G(x,x',t) , (41)

xmΩcosvtsinΩt -mvsinvtcosΩt-isecvtcosΩt xGx,x',t = ix' G(x,x',t) (42)

The system of equations for defining the Green function G(x, x', t) are

Gx,x',tx=ix'mΩcosvtcscΩt-xmΩ cos2 vtcotΩt +mvsinvtcosvt G(x,x',t) (43)

Gx,x',tx'=-ixmΩcosvtcscΩt-x'mΩcotΩt  G(x,x',t) (44)

Now we can integrate Eq. (43) with respect to the variable x to get

Gx,x',t=Cx',texpi12mΩ cos2 vtcotΩt + 12 mvsinvtcosvtx2-mΩcosvtcscΩtxx' (45)

Substituting Eq. (45) into Eq. (44), we obtain the differential equation for C(x', t) as

C(x',t)x'=i(mΩ cot Ωt)x'C(x',t) (46)

Solving Eq.(46), we obtain

C(x',t)=C(t)expi2mΩ cot Ωtx'2. (47)

After substituting Eq. (47) into Eq. (45), we arrive at

Gx,x',t=Ctexpi12mΩ cos2 vtcotΩt + 12 mvsinvtcosvtx212 mΩcotΩtx'2-mΩcosvtcscΩtxx' (48)

To find C(t), we must substitute the Green function of Eq. (48) into the Schrödinger equation

it Gx,x',t =-22m cos2 vt 2Gx,x',tx2 +12 m cos2 vtω2x2 Gx,x',t. (49)

After some algebra, we get

dC(t)dt=-12(Ω cot Ωt+v tan vt)C(t). (50)

Integrating Eq. (50) with respect to time, we obtain

C(t)=CcosvtsinΩt1/2. (51)

Substituting Eq. (51) into Eq. (48) and applying the initial condition in Eq. (25), the constant C is

C=mΩ2πi (52)

Thus, the Green function for a harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass can be expressed as

Gx,x',t=mΩcosvt2πisinΩtexpi12mΩ cos2 vtcotΩt+12 mvsinvtcosvtx2+12 mΩcotΩtx'2-mΩcosvtcscΩtxx' (53)

which is the same result as M. Sabir and S. Rajagopalan 9 by Feynman path integral method.

4. The Green function for a harmonic oscillator with mass growing with time

The Hamiltonian operator for a harmonic oscillator with mass growing with time can be written as

H^(t)=p^22m(1+αt)2+12m(1+αt)2ω2q^2, (54)

where α is a constant.

H(q,p,t)=p22m(1+αt)2+12m(1+αt)2ω2q2 (55)

The equation of motion for this oscillator is

q¨+2α(1+αt)q˙+ω2q=0. (56)

The classical paths in the space under the initial conditions q(0) = q0 and p(0) = p0 can be expressed as

qt=q0αsinωt+ωcosωtω1+αt+p0sinωtmω1+αt, (57)

pt=q0mα2tcosωt-mω1-αtsinωt-mα2ωsinωt+p01+αtcosωt-αωsinωt. (58)

We can express q0 and p0 in terms of q, p, and t by

q0q, p, t=q1+αtcosωt-αωsinωt-psinωtmω1+αt, (59)

p0q, p, t=pαsinωt +ωcosωtω1+αt -qmα2tcosωt-mω1+αtsinωt-mα2sinωtω. (60)

We define operators acting in the Hilbert space as follows

q^0q^, p^, t=q^1-αtcosωt-αωsinωt-p^sinωtmω1+αt, (61)

q^0q^, p^, t=q^αsinωt +ωcosωtω1+αtq^mα2tcosωt-mω1+αtsinωt-mα2sinωtω. (62)

Calculating the total derivatives of the operators q^0 and q^0 with respect to time, we obtain

dq^0dt=q^0t+i[H^,q^0]=0, (63)

dp^0dt=p^0t+i[H^,p^0]=0. (64)

Hence, operators in Eqs. (61) and (62) are integrals of motion and correspond to the initial position and momentum. Then these operators must satisfy the equations for the Green function G(x, x', t)3,4

q^0(x)G(x,x',t)=q^(x')G(x,x',t), (65)

p^0(x)G(x,x',t)=-p^(x')G(x,x',t). (66)

Writing Eqs. (65) and (66) explicitly, it can be shown that

x1+αtcosωt-αωsinωt+isinωtmω1+αt  x×G(x,x',t)=x'G(x,x',t) (67)

-iαsinωt+ωcosωtω1+αtx -xmα2tcosωt -mω1+αtsinωt-mα2sinωtωG(x,x',t)=iG(x,x',t)x' (68)

The system of equations for calculating the Green function G(x, x', t) are

G(x,x',t)x=-imω1+αtx'sinωt+ixmω1+αt2×cotωt-ma1+αtG(x,x',t) (69)

G(x,x',t)x'=imα+ωcotωtx'-imω1+αtsinωtx× G(x,x',t) (70)

Now we can integrate Eq. (70) with respect to the variable x to obtain

Gx,x',t=Cx',texpi2mω1+αt2cotωt-mα1+αtx2-2mω1+αtsinωtxx' (71)

Substituting Eq. (71) into Eq. (70), we obtain the differential equation for C(x', t) as

C(x',t)x'=im(α+ω cot ωt)x'C(x',t). (72)

Solving Eq. (72), we obtain

C(x',t)=C(t)exp(i2(mα+mω cot ωt)x'2) (73)

After substituting Eq. (73) into Eq. (71), we obtain

Gx,x',t=Cx',texpi2mω1+αt2cotωt-mα1+αtx2+mα+mωcotωtx'2-2mω1+αtsinωtxx'. (74)

To get C(t), we must substitute the Green function of Eq. (74) into the Schrödinger equation

iG(x,x',t)t=-22m1+αt2 2Gx,x',tx2 +12 m1+αt2ω2Gx,x',t. (75)

After some algebra, we obtain

dC(t)dt=(α21+αt-12ω cot ωt)C(t). (76)

Integrating Eq. (76) with respect to time, we get

C(t)=C(1+αtsin ωt)1/2. (77)

Substituting Eq. (77) into Eq. (74) and employing the initial condition in Eq. (25), the constant C becomes

C=mω2πi. (78)

So, the Green function for a harmonic oscillator with mass growing with time can be written as

Gx,x',t=mω1+αt2πisinωt12expi2mω1+αt2×cotωt-mα1+αtx2+mα+mωcotωtx'2-2mω1+αtsinωtxx' (79)

which is agreement with the result of S. Pepore and B. Sukbot 11 calculating by Schwinger method.

5. Conclusion

The method for deriving the Green functions with the helping of integrals of the motion presented in this paper can be successfully applied in solving time-dependent mass harmonic oscillator problems. This method has the important steps in finding the constant of motions q0 and p0 and implying that the Green functions G(x, x', t) is the eigenfunctions of the operators q^0(x) and p^0(x).

In fact, this method has many common features with the Schwinger method, 11,12,13,14 but the Schwinger method requires the operator q^0(x) and p^0(x) in calculating the matrix element of Hamiltonian operator in the Green function

Gx,x',t=Cx,x'exp-i×0txtH^x^t, x^0x'0 |xtx'0dt. (80)

In Feynman path integral, the pre-exponential function C(t) comes from sum over all historical paths that depend on the calculation of functional integration while in the integrals of motion method this term appears in solving Schrodinger equation of Green function. In my opinion the method in this article seems to be more simple from the viewpoint of calculation.


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Received: July 31, 2017; Accepted: October 25, 2017

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