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vol.62 número231La política como proceso vivo: diálogos etnográficos y un experimento de encuentro conceptualPopulismos clásicos e intermediarios de la prensa en Argentina y Brasil índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales

versão impressa ISSN 0185-1918


DIEGO, Julia de. Confrontation Press in Argentina during the First Kirchnerism (2003-2007). Circumstantial Grammars and Political-Ideological Grammars. Rev. mex. cienc. polít. soc [online]. 2017, vol.62, n.231, pp.305-333. ISSN 0185-1918.

The article analyzes the discursive modalities through which two Argentine newspapers, La Nación and Clarín, consolidated as opponents of the first Kirchnerism (2003-2007). We find in their discourses ways of interpreting the context that, in the period of growth of Kirchnerism as a political force, remained constant. The methodology was qualitative and interpretive, organized with the method of discourse analysis. We rebuild rules of discursive production: grammars. For La Nación we define the refutative political-ideological grammar, while for Clarín, the situational grammar. This study intends to be a contribution to the understanding of the positioning of the newspapers in front of a government, of the discursive modalities that make to the political role of journalistic discourses, and to the fact that newspapers have their own language.

Palavras-chave : newspaper; political actor; first Kirchnerism; grammars; discourse; Argentina.

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