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vol.19Comunicación, cuerpo y emociones. La incorporación de la dimensión emocional en la investigación de la comunicaciónCiberperiodismo y participación: taxonomía de la interactividad en los medios digitales índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Comunicación y sociedad

versão impressa ISSN 0188-252X


ALVAREZ-MONSIVAIS, Edrei. Mediated and Discursive Readings of Argentine, American and Mexican Female Academics in the Coverage of Female Presidential Candidates. Comun. soc [online]. 2022, vol.19, e7828.  Epub 03-Out-2022. ISSN 0188-252X.

In the present study, ten focused interviews were conducted where female university professors from Argentina, the United States and Mexico read news articles in newspapers about Cristina Fernández, Hillary Clinton and Margarita Zavala, respectively. Seven ways in which journalistic messages were stylistically and discursively deconstructed were found, among which are the questioning of editorial decisions, as well as evidencing how the ideology of the newspaper generated a specific treatment with the intention of manipulating audiences.

Palavras-chave : Critical reception; mediated readings; discursive readings; focused interview; presidential candidates.

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