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versão On-line ISSN 1665-1456


ESQUIVEL-FIGUEROA, Deanna et al. Stages of the cryopreservation protocol and its effect on the viability and regeneration of grapevine zygotic embryos (Vitis vinifera L.). Biotecnia [online]. 2023, vol.25, n.3, pp.170-175.  Epub 27-Maio-2024. ISSN 1665-1456.

The grapevine is one of the main crops in the world, and Sonora State is the largest producer in Mexico. This crop is in constant danger due to various biotic and abiotic factors, therefore the importance of its conservation. Cryopreservation is ideal for this culture, but it can cause physiological, molecular, and biochemical alterations, affecting viability and regeneration. Hence, this work analyzed the effect of cryopreservation protocol stages on the viability and regeneration of grapevine zygotic embryos. Tissue viability (V) and plantlets regeneration (RP) showed that plant vitrification solution 2 (PVS2) protects embryos (V: 85 %, PR: 60 %), while combined exposure to PVS2 solution and liquid nitrogen (LN) caused decreased viability and regeneration (V: 68 %; PR: 2 %). A more drastic effect was observed when the tissue was exposed to PVS2+LN and rewarming (RW) (V: 68 %; PR: 0 %). However, viability and regeneration were recovered when the tissue was subjected to PVS2+LN+RW and unloading solution (US) (V: 92 %; RP: 60 %). It is concluded that the use of the unloading solution is essential to decrease tissue damage due to the different stages of cryopreservation.

Palavras-chave : cryoprotectant; liquid nitrogen; vitrification.

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