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vol.15 número2Estrategias efectivas para encontrar recursos educativos abiertos en nivel medio superiorPolíticas educativas para la integración de las TIC en el sistema educativo nacional mexicano índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Apertura (Guadalajara, Jal.)

versão On-line ISSN 2007-1094versão impressa ISSN 1665-6180


GONZALEZ ROMERO, Guadalupe  e  LOPEZ SANCHEZ, Dulce Elena. The integration of technology in university teachers following the TPACK Model. Apert. (Guadalaj., Jal.) [online]. 2023, vol.15, n.2, pp.120-133.  Epub 19-Fev-2024. ISSN 2007-1094.

The objective of this research focused on identifying the level of technological integration that university professors of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration of Autonomous University of Sinaloa, México, possess, based on the TPACK model during their teaching practice. The results were determined using the criterion of mean frequencies (M), where the low level of conceptual knowledge corresponds to M£2.3, for an intermediate level M>2.3 and M£3.6 and for the high-level M>3.6. These findings showed that the teachers were, in general, above the mean in the seven dimensions of knowledge that make up the model (M=3.6). The data reflected that the teachers were at a high conceptual level of technological integration due to their level of knowledge. It was shown that the hypothesis is true, since the teaching activities that promote learning are related to the level of technological integration following the TPACK model. Future lines of research may include direct observation of educational practices in the classroom to advance towards greater scientific knowledge about the integration of technological tools in the design and development of teaching activities with technology.

Palavras-chave : Technology; teacher; technological integration; TPACK model.

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