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El periplo sustentable

versão On-line ISSN 1870-9036


NAVARRO GAMBOA, Miguel; VAZQUEZ SOLIS, Valente; VAN´T HOOFT, Anuschka  e  REYES AGUERO, Juan Antonio. Community participation and tourism in indigenous areas in the Mexican context: four case studies. El periplo sustentable [online]. 2019, n.36, pp.7-33. ISSN 1870-9036.

This article analyzes the factors that are associated with community participation in the processes of alternative tourism development. As a starting point, we analyze the concept of participation and its typologies based on the characteristics of tourism activities in indigenous communities in order to arrive to a model of community participation in tourism. Four case studies are then presented in the context of indigenous communities in Mexico. We begin with the premise that there is a set of common factors that enable a wide and significant participation of community members in tourism enterprises and thereby resulting in greater direct and indirect benefits. The analysis brings to light the diversity of participation pathways, the existence of inclusion and exclusion processes when profiting from the benefits of these ventures as well as the importance of the formation of external networks for the development of specific projects.

Palavras-chave : community participation: indigenous communities; alternative tourism.

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