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 número36Desafíos para el turismo sustentable de base local en Barrancas del Cobre, Chihuahua, MéxicoBúsquedas en Internet y su influencia en los flujos de turistas y visitantes. El caso del avistamiento de luciérnagas en Nanacamilpa Tlaxcala. índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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El periplo sustentable

versão On-line ISSN 1870-9036


CRUZ ESTRADA, Isaac; MIRANDA ZAVALA, Ana María  e  LOBO RODRIGUEZ, Martha Ofelia. Innovation through ICT: Challenges and opportunities in tourist companies in Puerto Nuevo, Baja California. El periplo sustentable [online]. 2019, n.36, pp.372-401. ISSN 1870-9036.

Innovation through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has become a competitive factor in the tourism industry, which in this case allows us to analyze the rate of ICT adoption in the companies of the Puerto Nuevo lobster town, to learn about the challenges and opportunities in the current environment of tourism. The qualitative focus group technique was used, where eight people who visit the town were invited, in order to know the technological means they use to consult tourist information and especially from Puerto Nuevo. Also, a survey was applied to 20 managers and / or owners of restaurants in the community, which were selected taking as a sampling frame their registration in the website of the Public Trust for Tourism Promotion of Baja California, they were selected organizations that claim to use at least one of the following three technological elements: social network; website; email. Likewise, the rate of adoption of ICT innovations by categories was estimated, obtaining an acceptable index for the operation of the business, however, as regards e-marketing and the management of customer relationships the strategic level is not reached. What causes the lack of dissemination of the services of the destination and does not allow visitors to anticipate their experience.

Palavras-chave : Innovation; ICT; Tourism; e-Marketing; Customer Relationship Management.

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