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Inter disciplina

versão On-line ISSN 2448-5705versão impressa ISSN 2395-969X


RODRIGUEZ CARRILLO, Abel; HERNANDEZ-FLORES, Rocío; RANGEL ESTRADA, Diego Antonio  e  SERRANO SANCHEZ, Carlos. Missing persons, search and identification. Reflections from forensic anthropology in the Mexican context. Inter disciplina [online]. 2023, vol.11, n.31, pp.43-74.  Epub 10-Nov-2023. ISSN 2448-5705.

The development of forensic anthropology in Mexico, intimately related to the context of exacerbated violence, is exposed in different regions of our country from the 1960s to the present day. With a special emphasis on two wars, in which the Mexican State itself directed its forces against its own population. We speak about “dirty war” and the “war against drugs” as two episodes that favored crimes against humanity such as forced disappearance and disappearance by private individuals; these occurred in times that establish an intrinsic relationship with the development and application of forensic anthropology in matters of national security.

Palavras-chave : disappearance of people; violence; forensic anthropology; graves and identification.

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