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Inter disciplina

versão On-line ISSN 2448-5705versão impressa ISSN 2395-969X


ALCANTARA ISLAS, Omar. Thelma & Louise and Round trip: the heroine’s journey and gender fluidity. Inter disciplina [online]. 2023, vol.11, n.31, pp.209-226.  Epub 10-Nov-2023. ISSN 2448-5705.

This article compares and evaluates two road movies from a gender perspective without neglecting the issue of intersectionality, with an approach to the narrative structure of both films, to highlight in these “the heroine’s journey” as an itinerary opposed to the traditional “hero’s journey”. This path emphasizes the theme of gender while also accenting some mythical aspects of the heroic route.

Palavras-chave : road movie; gender; intersectionality; heroine’s journey; hero’s journey; mythical journey.

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