The great abundance and diversity of mineral resources in Brazil has given the country an economic history linked to the mining activity. The increasing demand for commodities, present in both national and international markets, gives the country the role of major exporter of minerals on the world scenario. In this context, the recognition and incorporation of new reserves contribute in a great way to the growth of the economy of the country, since the export of minerals has high relevance to the maintenance of the positive trade balance (MME, 2011).
The great importance of copper in the world's economy has been maintained for decades due to physical and chemical properties, which gives it a wide range of uses in industrial technological development (Chatterjee, 2007). Since the discovery of large deposits is rare, the advances in research technology have led to a revaluation of areas previously declared to be of low economic potential.
Mineral prospecting studies are important for the discovery, qualification and quantification of new deposits not only at the beginning, but also during the ore exploration in order to expand reserves and increase the life span of the project. Mineral deposits are non-continuous and rare in the geological record, and their discovery requires long term research and large investments.
The traditional procedures used in the discovery and characterization of new mineral deposits comprise rock and soil sampling, chemical analysis and direct tools such as drilling, besides indirect tools such as geophysical methods (Moon et al., 2006).
Most of the known deposits in Brazil were discovered by geochemical prospecting and geological surface mapping, as the action of weathering agents in tropical environments enables the release and dispersal of most of the chemical elements associated with economic mineral accumulations (Licht, 1998).
However, the discovery of high tonnage and low volume deposits is becoming increasingly scarce through these series of procedures, besides of the grown of more distant discoveries from urban centers, which increases costs or even impairs the mining of eventually discovered deposits. Current and future prospects in mineral research should consider deeper deposits, so not susceptible to weathering action processes where conventional geochemical prospecting is ineffective (Moon et al., 2006; Marjoribanks, 2010).
This scenario favors the increasing use of geophysical methods as a fundamental tool in any project of prospecting and mineral exploration acting as a guide to sampling and analytical quantification by geochemistry in soil, rock and water samples. The geophysics also gains emphasis for being a non-invasive method, applicable to a wide variety of scales showing the possibility of obtain geological information at great depths, regardless of rock exposures and description of drill cores (Lowrie, 2007; Dentith & Mudge, 2014).
The prospect of sulfides by electrical geophysical methods - such as electrical resistivity and induced polarization (IP)-are highly promising due to the electrical resistivity and chargeability contrasts where deposits with disseminated or filonian sulfides and oxides are characterized by low resistivity and high polarizability (Irvine & Smith, 1990; Allis, 1990; Bakkali, 2006; Locke et al., 1999; Moreira et al., 2012; Vieira et al., 2016).
The various mineral occurrences located in Camaquã Basin, southern Brazil, have great potential for mining purposes for prospection of basic metals, besides a metallogenic and structural context favorable in face of various copper and gold mines described at a regional level. In this context, this work has the aim to develop the geophysical study in detail of a copper occurrence on the northern edge of Camaquã Basin, where the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) technique was applied.
Area location and history
The area of study is located northwest of Caçapava do Sul city in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), 240 kilometers from Porto Alegre, the state capital. It can be reached through the BR-290 highway, and 1.5 kilometers after the intersection with BR-392 highway, through a dirt road which can be accessed from the Cerrito do Ouro village (Figure 1).
The region has a long history related to mining activity of copper and gold. The interest in the region was sparkled in the late nineteenth century, and it has been occupied ever since through the drive of mining. The presence of copper associated with gold and silver attracted several companies which built facilities aiming to explore these minerals at a viable cost over the last century (Ronchi & Lobato, 2000).
After more than 100 years, mining activities were interrupted due to the low prices of metal commodities in the international market. The long term exploration also led to the exhaustion of the reserves around the year 1992. Currently, the mining activity in the city is restricted to limestone mining.
The study area consists in a cupriferous occurrence named Capão Grande, recognized by geochemical studies in stream sediments in research campaigns carried out by the National Department of Mineral Production (DNPM) in 1965. At first, the occurrence was considered by Bocchi (1970) as of no economic interest for mining due to small volume and ore content. However, the author highlighted the importance of conducting a detailed research in the region thanks to the favorable geological conditioning, porosity and fracturing.
The study area on the northern edge of the Camaquã Basin is seated on igneous and metamorphic terrains inside the Sul Riograndense Shield. The Camaquã Basin is a tectonic depression generated and developed during the final stages of evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt, associated to a system of tardito post-orogenic basins related to the end spasms of Brasiliana/Pan-Africana Orogeny (Neto et al., 2004).
The Camaquã Basin has an elongated shape of N30E general direction, about 100 km long and up to 100 km wide (Neto et al., 2004) that can be understood as the record of the superposition of different types of basins, tectonically, geochronologically and thermodynamically individualized, with its own geological characteristics and distinct mechanisms of subsidence (Holz & De Ros, 2000). The Basin has been treated in terms of subsidence and filling pulses interrupted by deformation events, uplift and erosion, what generates a complex pattern of filling (Kazmierczak, 2006).
The type of filling of the Camaquã Basin was alternated between volcanic activity -represented by lavas and pyroclastic and epiclastic deposits - and siliciclastic deposition, which together with the tectonic, generated a filling where more deformed units are superimposed by less and less deformed units (Holz & De Ros, 2000). The record of sedimentary and igneous rocks present in the Basin comprise a time interval of 450-620 Ma and are devoid of significant features of regional metamorphism (Borba, 2006).
The study area is located near the contact with metamorphic basement, represented by volcanoclastic, epiclastic, and chemical rocks of the Campestre Sequence of the Vacacaí Metamorphic Complex. In the region there are also outcrops of rocks which belong to Maricá Group and the Acampamento Velho Formation, held in Cerro do Bugio Group (Figure 2).
The Capão Grande copper occurrence is hosted in a lithotype included in the Passo da Promessa Formation, basal unit of Maricá Group. It occurs in a single outcrop in northeast direction in an extensive area of field, approximately 10 meters long by one to two thick.
The host rock is represented by intensely silicified metarenites, medium-grained, reddish-brown, apparently without preserved sedimentary structures and highly fractured. The indications of mineralization are expressed by the abundant presence of malachite and azurite, both supergene copper minerals that occurs in the interstices of the rock weakness planes (layering or fractures) or as disseminations in the pores of the rock.
Materials and methods
In this work, the DC resistivity method was employed by electrical resistivity tomography technique (ERT) in Wenner-Schlumberger array. The geophysical data was acquired through six lines with 520 m long and 10 m spacing between non-polarizable porous-pot electrodes that allow the percolation of CuSO4 supersaturated solution in the ground. This configuration aims to reduce the contact resistance and nullify the parasitic currents generated by the use of metallic electrodes.
The Wenner-Schlumberger array is a hybrid arrangement that combines the Wenner and Schlumberger arrangements. It considers a set of electrodes with the same constant spacing, in contrast with the classical Schlumberger array used for vertical electrical soundings (Loke, 2000; Milson & Erikssen, 2011).
The lines were arranged in a regular grid, according to the structural criteria established in previous works which consider the crossing of major regional structures (Ilha, 2010; Silva, 2010). In this way, lines 1, 2 and 3 were distributed in the direction N125 and lines 4, 5 and 6 were arranged in the direction N215, all spaced 40 m from each other. The topographical data was acquired with a Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) with Trimble software that allows the use of the Geographic Information System (SIG) existent.
The equipment used for the acquisition of resistivity measurements was the Terrameter LS, manufactured by ABEM Instrument (Sweden). This equipment consists of a single module for transmitting and receiving of automated signals from previous programming, with 250W, resolution of 1 µV and maximum current of 2.5 A (ABEM, 2012).
The field measurements were initially processed by the software Res2Dinv, where bidimensional resistivity models for the subsurface were generated from the smoothness-constraint least squares inversion considering the topography adjustment (Geotomo Software, 2003).
The implementation of the smoothness-constraint least squares inversion in the Res2Dinv software is based on the division of the subsurface into rectangular blocks, with the resistivity values adjusted to fit the field measurements (Degroot-Hedlin & Constable, 1990; Loke & Baker, 1996). This optimization focus on reducing the difference among the apparent resistivity values calculated and the ones measured in field, by the resistivity adjustment of the block models, which difference is expressed by the RMS (Root Mean Square) error and, simultaneously, aims to minimize the model roughness (smoothness constraint) (Loke & Baker, 1996). In this work, the robust constraint algorithm was used in the data processing.
The numeric product of bidimensional inversion of the data from each section was used to generate 3D visualization models in the Oasis Montaj platform, where the 2D data obtained in Res2Dinv program were modeled from the minimum curvature algorithm for smoothing the core values in relation with the limits of the investigated area. The range of 8 Ω.m and 300 Ω.m values were modeled as a 3D surface in an attempt to evaluate the shapes of the low and high resistivity zones, respectively.
This process is part of a routine of basic steps adopted in mineral research. In this case, the sampling plan is frequently defined from statistical, structural, spatial placement criteria, among others (Moon et al., 2006). A simple procedure is sampling by a set of holes perpendicular to the main axis of the structure, followed by a parallel set of hollowing lines.
The resolution of the sampling net is conditioned to the space between holes, their lines and among quantities of samples collected by holes. Nevertheless, the analytical result of the samples is sampled and modeled in bidimensional terms and later interpolated in tri-dimensional terms. Each point of the final 3D model is transformed in a block with dimensions conditioned to statistical criteria and sampling net, to which content based in chemical analysis and a mean value of density related to the rock that hosts the mineral is attributed. The relationship between content and volume enables the calculation of reserves and the economic feasibility of the enterprise (Moon et al., 2006).
Geophysical 3D visualization models derived from 2D sections provide a very wide comprehension on the complexity of geological structures and models of mineral deposits (Kemp, 2000; Zanchi et al., 2009; Aizebeokhai et al., 2011; Akiska et al., 2012).
Results and discussion
The sections are presented in terms of distance versus depth, with a logarithmic color scale. The processed resistivity data show a range of variation with values between 6 Ω.m and 590 Ω.m, where warm colors represent high resistivity values and cold colors represent low resistivity values. In general, the sections exhibit a predominance of high values in the shallow and intermediate portions, and low values at higher depths (Figure 3).
Over-all, all resistivity inversion models present, with high or low presence, a high-resistivity zone in the center of the section between 170 m to 380 m along the line. This range of high values outlines most of the horizontally elongated elliptical zones sections with values above 305 Ω.m. Another feature well seen in all sections is the change from high to low resistivity values around 30 m depth. The lower values culminate in a significant area with values below 20 Ω.m located in the center of the sections and below 50 m depth. The maximum depth of the inverted models was 80 m, but apparently the low resistivity zone exceeds it.
Besides the central zone with high resistivity values, there are others with minor proportion which are present in all sections reaching values greater than 590 Ω.m. Around 160 m along the line, it is observed a small resistive zone at about 70 m deep, which culminates with a significant vertical zone with resistivity values above 305 Ω.m in section 5. Another highly resistive zone represented in all sections is located between the distances 430 m to 490 m with resistivity values greater than 590 Ω.m. These zones are distributed in the vicinity of the low resistivity zone located 60 m deep.
Next to the surface and center sections (more precisely where the outcropping mineral occurrence is located), there is a predominance of intervals with average resistivity ranges that reach values up to 305 Ω.m. It is important to note that the mineral occurrence is described in highly silicified meta-sandstones, different from the other outcrops described in the region where the rock presents certain crispness and preserved primary structures, as such as cross-bedding.
Therefore, the analysis of the resistivity inversion models enables the recognition of two main zones: resistive zones, characterized by values greater than 300 Ω.m and a conductive zone (or low resistivity), characterized by values below 20 Ω.m located in depth in the center of the sections.
The cementation of the host rock by quartz and carbonates observed in the surface results in a decrease of porosity which leads to higher resistivity values. Therefore, areas with moderate to high resistivity are probably an indicative of silicification to be found on the top and side portions of the low resistivity region (Figure 4).
The top resistive zone - or area above the sulfide zone - is represented by intense silicified rock outcrop, cut by subvertical veins of copper carbonate. Although absent in surface, it is likely to find sulphidation in disseminated or venular forms in higher abundance as the depth increases.
The area with low resistivity values on the other hand points to the occurrence of highly conductive materials. Electronic conduction in metallic minerals (free movement of electrons) reduces the resistivity of metal-bearing rocks. Particularly at high ore concentrations the bulk resistivity decreases significantly. This feature confirms the existence of a zone enriched in metal ore minerals, probably represented by copper sulfide minerals, as such as chalcopyrite, calcosite and bornite (Figure 4).
Accordingly, the conductive area present at 60 meters deep represents a possible area of sulphidation with elongated form in the NW-SE direction, surrounded by the silicification zones.
The copper carbonates observed on mineral outcrop are indicative of an occurrence related to final stages of crystallization generally present in the peripheral portions of the mineral deposit. For this reason, their content gradually decreases at greater depths. Metal sulfides, in turn, tend to have higher levels towards the sulphidation zone.
The results obtained by the resistivity method, combined with geological data and field recognition, were satisfactory to characterize the cupriferous occurrence and in delineation of a promising target for direct prospecting campaigns through drilling surveys.
Based on the field recognition, it was possible to identify evidences of mineralization represented by copper carbonates (malachite and azurite), which occurs in form of silicified and impregnations in fractured metarenite. Such elements are associated with peripheral portions of hydrothermal sulfide deposits and therefore indicators of possible presence of sulfides in depth.
The combined analysis between 2D and 3D resistivity models allowed the recognition of a possible mineralized body in depth and zones of marginal silicification, characterized by low and high resistivity values, respectively.
The sulphidation zone, possibly with the highest levels of ore in the area, is characterized by an elongate body of approximately 100 m in the NW-SE direction. It was not possible to establish the maximum depth of the mineralized body, as apparently there is continuity below 80 m (maximum depth of the inverted models). Therefore, the limited investigation depth only allowed the detection of the upper limit of the sulphidation zone. Besides that, the limits of this zone to the south were not mapped due to the limited coverage of the survey.
The silicification zones are surrounding the main ore body and are characterized by the predominance of silica, which occurs as cement of pores of the adjacent rock. Present from shallower portions to greater depths, this area may be subdivided into two major zones: top silicification zone (or above sulfide zone) described in mineral outcropping occurrence, and lateral silicification zones.
Evidence of an argillic peripheral zone of the deposit are expressed by abundant occurrence of copper carbonates on the surface. Clay and carbonates are formed in low temperatures in the final stages of crystallization from hydrothermal deposits. The absence of a significant argillic zone may be an indicative of the low content of clay minerals in the metarenite.
A second phase of the geoelectrical study could focus on the acquisition of longer lines for increased depth investigation and greater coverage of the southern part, as means to improve the estimation of the total ore body volume.
The features recognized in the field, along with the identified architectural elements of the deposit with the aid of geophysics, corroborate with the hydrothermal-magmatic model, especially for types such as copper-porphyry and low-sulphidation epithermal, previously described in other mineralization of Cu (Au) distributed throughout Camaquã Basin. However, for better interpretations regarding the storage model, further studies are required on surface geochemistry and also direct analysis by means of drilling and sampling.