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Revista mexicana de física
versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X
Rev. mex. fis. vol.59 no.4 México jul./ago. 2013
On the mass flow rate from silos with lateral exit holes
A. Medinaa, D. A. Serranoa, G. J. Gutiérreza, K. Kesava Raob, C. A. Vargasc
a SEPI ESIME Azcapotzalco, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Av. de las Granjas 682, Col. Santa Catarina, 02250, Azcapotzalco D.F., México.
b Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India.
c Laboratorio de Sistemas Complejos, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, UAM Azcapotzalco, Av. San Pablo 180, México, 02200, D.F., México.
Received 2 October 2012
Accepted 12 February 2013
The mass flow rate, ṁ, associated with the lateral outflow of dry, cohesionless granular material through circular orifices of diameter D made in vertical walls of silos was measured experimentally in order to determine also the influence of the wall thickness of the silo, w. Geometrical arguments, based on the outflow happening, are given in order to have a general correlation for ṁ embracing both quantities, D and w. The angle of repose appears to be an important characterization factor in these kinds of flows.
Keywords: Granular systems; granular flow; static sandpiles.
El flujo másico, ṁ, asociado con el flujo lateral de material granular seco sin cohesión, a través de orificos de diámetro D, en paredes verticales de silos se midió experimentalmente para determinar también la influencia del grosor de pared del silo, w. Se presentan argumentos geométricos, basados en la existencia del flujo, para tener una correlación general de ṁ que contenga a las cantidades D y w. El ángulo de reposo parece ser un factor importante en la caracterización de este tipo de flujos.
Descriptores: Sistemas granulados; flujo granular; apilamientos estáticos.
PACS: 45.70.-n; 45.70.Mg; 45.70.Cc
A. M. acknowledges the partial support from the projects numbers SIP20121347-IPN and SIP20131821-IPN. Authors also acknowledge to the anonymous reviewers for the careful and illuminating suggestions to improve this paper.
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