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Revista mexicana de física
versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X
Rev. mex. fis. vol.60 no.1 México feb. 2014
Black holes from Myers-Perry solution
L. A. López
Área Académica de Matemáticas y Física, UAEH, carretera Pachuca-Tulancingo km 4.5, Pachuca, 42184, Hidalgo, México.
Received 5 August 2013.
Accepted 15 November 2013.
From the five dimensional Myers-Perry solution and consider that de metric MP corresponding to the Kaluza-Klein ansatz (zero mode), we obtained 4D solution with non-minimally coupled scalar and electromagnetic fields, characterized by three parameters, r0 , a, b, related to the mass, angular momentum and electromagnetic field, respectively and proposing that the 4D solution is a solution type black hole. Then for a ≠ 0, b = 0 the electromagnetic field vanishes and the black hole is stationary. For a = 0, b ≠ 0 the solution is static with electric field. If a ≠ 0, b ≠ 0 the solution is stationary with electric field and, due to the rotation, a magnetic field appears. The scalar field that arises from the dimensional reduction is present in all cases. At infinity the solution is asymptotically flat and the trace of the scalar field get lost, turning out that this solution is in agreement with the no hair conjecture.
Keywords: Exact solutions; higher dimensions; black holes.
PACS: 04.70.Bw; 04.50.Gh; 04.50.Cd; 04.20.Jb
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