1. Introduction
Origins of Fractional Order Calculus (FOC) back in time to the end of XVII century in
the famous question of L’Hospital to Leibnitz; “What if
In the present work, we used the results published in about the fractional calculus operators in the fractal continuum in order to discretize the pressure diffusion equation. Section 2 is devoted to resume important definitions of FCFC together with the pressure transient equation for fractal continuum flow, also derivation of master finite element equation is included in this section. Section 3 includes the discussion of our results and potential uses. We wrote our conclusions in Sec. 4 and finally, details of calculations are shown in Appendix.
2. Basic Theory and Formula Derivation
2.1 Fractional calculus in fractal continuum
The FCFC of authors of [33,34], is built on the basis of Tarazov’s
aproximation to the continuum physics and mechanics [26,27], and it
basically consist in the transformation of a problem of a intrinsically
discontinuous medium (fractal) onto a problem in a continuous space (Euclidean)
in which this fractal is embedded [30],
dealing in the process with linear, superficial and volume fractional
infinitesimal coefficients, this coefficients are written in terms of fractal
dimensionalities proper of the medium and are supported by a specific metric
well defined as we can see in [34] and
its function is to vinculate the Euclidean differential elements with fractals
ones, they rewrite the concept of Hausdorff derivative given in [32] in terms of an ordinary derivative
multiplied by a power law function of the variable
where the function
and definition of fractional Laplacian is:
this Hausdorff Laplacian turns to ordinary Laplacian when
respectively, where
2.2 Pressure transient equation for fractal continuum flow
In order to get the transient pressure equation for fractal continuum flow, as in the classical case, it is necessary to relate the generalized Darcy equation:
with equation for slightly compressible liquids:
and continuity equation:
then, susbtituing and into the result reads:
where is assume that characteristic tensor property of the fractal continuum flow
2.3 Formula derivation
Using Eqs. (5) and (6) to rewrite (11) we obtain the partial differential equation:
applying the surface natural boundary condition:
we get:
Taking into consideration expression (12) and arranging terms, (15) turns to:
the three terms inside the second integral of volume of (16), can be expressed in matrix form as follows:
therefore, the finite element equations are:
that has the typical form:
(17) represents a system of first
order ordinary differential equations, also is the MFEE of (11) for general weighting
according with [33]. Analog expressions
can be arise for the remaining terms of (18). Term
which, in this work, we solved analitically for the spatial variables of the
particular case of a canonical tetrahedron in the Euclidean reference frame
details of calculations that we made can be read in Appendix.
3. Discussion
Actually, problems dealing with transport phenomena are very important in science and
engineering, particularly, in the study of porous media there is a great research
activity both theoretical and experimental [27,33,34,40-43,45-54]. On the other hand, since
researchers began to apply fractional calculus in order to solve diverse engineering
problems, many authors have made important contributions as we have referred before
because of that, importance of modelling this type of systems lies in the successful
forecast of the behavior that have quantities like flows, speeds, amounts of matter,
pressure drops, etc. In real systems, the difficulty is that big because the medium
in question is characterized by very complex geometric shapes, turning the modelling
in a strong mathematical challenge, for that reason, the FCFC has special
significance [34]. In that sense, we can
notice that differential equation (22) contains the geometry information associated with the fractal
medium under study through the corresponding fractal dimensions,
The discretization process of the parabolic equation (11) was written in (18) for general form functions >
The fractional transient-pressure equation for flow in a porous medium has been solved analytically in [34], its solution corresponds to the specific case of radial contribution in a cylindrical symmetry domain with isotropic porosity. This type of results are helpful, for example, in the oil industry (well production analysis) or in the characterization of aquifers. From the point of view of software tools, it is useful to have numerical procedures for the solution of this typeof equations moreover, in the computational field, one can aspire to solve more complex cases like anisotropic one. In the present work, we have focused on the application of FEM for the most generic resolution of such pressure equation.
The results, by themselves, are already of significance for the computational implementation and allow the more accurate calculation of the integrals that appear in the matrix elements of the formulation, reducing computational complexity and also clarifies the panorama of the applicability of such method in this case of relative novelty.
4. Conclusions
We employ the FCFC defined by means of fractional operators (1), (2) and (6) of
[33,34] that relate a discontinuous system with a continuous one through the
transformation function defined by (7)
in order to get the MFEE for the transient-pressure equation in a three-dimensional
continuum fractal flow. Explicit form of coefficient