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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.66 no.5 México sep./oct. 2020  Epub 31-Ene-2022 


Atomic and Molecular Physics

Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids of D-A and D-B band systems of AIO molecule

C. T. Londhea 

Hewa Y. Abdullahb  c  * 

aDepartment of Physics, Mahatma Gandhi Mahavidyalaya, Ahmedpur- 413515, India.

bDivision of Nuclear Physics, Advanced Institute of Materials Science, Ton DucThang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

cFaculty of Applied Sciences, Ton DucThang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids were computed for the D2Σ+ - A2Π i and D2Σ+ - B2Σ+ band systems of the aluminum oxide molecule for the v’ =10; v”=10 matrix using the method developed by Jarmain and McCallum. The latest Fourier-transform Spectrometer molecular constants of the ground and excited state are used. The intensities of these bands are discussed, and the Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids obey the established relationships.

Keywords: Franck-Condon factors; r-centroids; AlO molecule

PACS: 33.20.Tp; 33.60.+q; 33.70.Ca

1. Introduction

The Franck-Condon factor is an important entity in the diatomic molecular spectra. These factors give an idea about the intensity of a band appearing in a particular band system of a molecule. The Franck-Condon factor is an overlap of the wave-functions of two vibrational states taking part in a transition. In 1966, Krishnamachari et al., [1] observed a new band system of aluminum oxide (AlO) which was D2Σ+ - X2Σ+ falling into the region of 2200- 2800 A. They used˚ the direct current (DC) arc at low pressure to excite this band system. In the furtherance of these studies, Singh et al. [2] reported the rotational constants of D2Σ+ state by analyzing the 2-0, 1-0, 0-0 and 0-1 bands of the D2Σ+ - X2Σ+ transition. The D-X system was reinvestigated again in 1973 by Singh and Saxena [3], who gave the rotational analysis of 11 more bands. In 1985, Singh and Saxena [4] excited AlO and photographed many bands of D2Σ+ - A2Π and C2Π - A2Π intercombination systems of AlO, and the rotational constants of the A2Π state were derived. Rotational perturbations have been observed in the A2Π state. In the present study, the Franck-Condon factors of D-A and D-B band systems will be calculated using the latest molecular constants. These FCF and r-centroids will be added, and new information not reported earlier in the literature.

2. Method of computation

2.1. Franck-Condon factors

The Franck-Condon factor is the square of the integral over the product of the vibrational eigenfunction of the two states involved (the so-called overlap integral). It controls the intensity distribution from band to the band across a system. Franck Condon factors and r-centroids play an important role in finding out the variation of electronic transition moment with internuclear distance [5,6]. The principle based on the electronic jumps is faster compared to the nuclear motion. This principle directs us to see that the bands are intense if the jump from a higher vibrational level to a lower level takes place from either the r min or r max position on the potential energy curves’ straight to lower level, because then there is a minimum or zero change in position, i.e., ∆r(∆r = r e’ r e’’ ) and in momentum is possible. In emission, for one v’ value, there are two values of v”. The locus of such points on the Deslandres table called the Condon parabola [5]. If the Condon parabola is wide open, then bands of many progressions and sequences appear in a band system. On the other hand, if the Condon parabola is narrow and tends to degenerate in a diagonal line in the Deslandres table along the main sequence, then only the bands of the 0-0 sequence or the 0-1 or 1-0 sequences will hardly appear. The intensity depends on many other factors, such as the probability of transition, the population of the upper state from where the transition is taking place, the line strength or band strength (depending on the rotational line or vibrational band), and the electronic transition moment.

In emission, the expression is given as:

Iemv'v=(643)π4cNv'υ4R¯e2[Ψv'Ψvdr]2, (1)

where c is the velocity of light, N v’ is the number of molecules in the v’ th level, υ is the frequency of radiation, R¯e is the average value of Re (i.e., electronic transition moment), and Ψ v’ and Ψ v’’ are the wave functions of the v’ and v” levels, respectively.

In absorption, the expression is given by:

Iabsv'v=(8π33hc)I0ΔxNvυR¯e2[Ψv'Ψvdr]2, (2)

where h is the Planck’s constant, I 0 is the initial intensity, ∆x is the thickness of the medium, and N v” is the number of molecules in the v” level. Re¯ and R e are related to each The Franck Condon principle, which governs the intensities of the bands based on the assumption that the variation other by the expression:

Rev'v=Re¯[Ψv'Ψvdr]. (3)

The Franck Condon principle, which governs the intensities of the bands based on the assumption that the variation of Rev',v with r, i.e., internuclear separation is slow. The Franck Condon principle also states that the electron jumps in a molecule take place so fast in comparison to the vibrational motion that immediately afterward the nuclei still have very nearly the same relative position and velocity as before the jump. In short, the bands obeying this principle are strong. If the minima of the potential energy curve of the upper electronic state and the lower electronic state lie above one another or re're the 0-0 sequences may likely appear with strong intensities and other sequences like ∆v = ±1, etc. may not be seen at all. If re'>re or minima of the upper PE curve is displaced slightly with respect to minima of lower PE curve then bands of the same intermediate sequence may be stronger. If re're, then the maxima of intensity may lie in the continuum. In the case of emission, there are usually two maxima in v 00 progressions because molecule in the upper electronic state can be in any excited vibrational level and jumps can occur from either turning points on PE curve. Details are given in Herzberg [5], and Straughan and Walker [6].

The quantity in the square bracket appearing in Eq. (1) and (2) is known as Franck Condon factor usually denoted by qv’v’’ and expressed as

qv'v=[Ψv'Ψvdr]2. (4)

There are different methods of calculating Franck-Condon factors. Expressions are not simple, as the expression for wave-functions Ψ v’ and Ψ v’’ are very complex and sometimes may involve special functions. Chakraborty and Pan [7] have surveyed these methods Sharp [8]. Telle et al. [9] have also given the methods to calculate Franck-Condon factors. The comparative study of the FCFs and r-centroids carried out by Nadhem et al., [10,11] and Ramon S. da Silva et al., [12]. In the present study, we used a program developed by Jarmain and McCallum [13,14] to calculate these factors. In this program, the Klein-Dunham series is used to represent the spectroscopic input data, namely, the vibrational and rotational constants. The RKR potential curves are then computed. The Schrodinger wave equation is solved¨ numerically, and the resulting vibronic eigenfunctions are used to calculate the Franck Condon factors and r-centroids [10,11,15].

2.2. r-centroids

Various methods of calculation of r-centroids are described by Jarmain and Nicholls [14]. r-centroids is defined as:

rv',v=Ψ1v'(r)rΨ1v(r)drΨ1v'(r)Ψ2v(r)dr. (5)

Where Ψ1v'(r) and Ψ2v(r) are the vibrational wave functions of the level v’ and v’’. If these are normalized, then the denominator of Eq. (5) is equal to unity. The methods for the calculation of r-centroids are described by Jarmain and Nicholls [14], which are (i) direct method, (ii) quadratic equation method, and (iii) difference method. In the present study the direct numerical method is used for the computation of r-centroids.

2.3. Molecular constants

The vibrational and rotational constants of the A2Π i , B2+ and D2+ states are summarized in Table I and are derived from the experimental studies [16-20]. The Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids of the D-A and D-B band systems are computed and presented in Tables II and III, respectively.

Table I Molecular Constants of 27Al16O. 

STATE Te ωe ωexe ωeye Be re αe
D2+ 40266.7 819.6 5.8 - 0.5652 1.7234 0.0046
B2+ 20685.04 870.369 3.651 0.00096 0.608976 1.618 0.00507
A2i 5282 728.52 4.888 0.0858/0.00387 0.537169 1.7708 0.005002

Note: All constants are in cm-1 except re, which is in Å and µ is in amu

3. Results and discussion

The Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids of the band systems B2+ -X 2+, C2Π r -X 2∑+ and C2Π r -A2Π i was reported earlier by Londhe et al. [21]. The Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids of the D2+ - X 2+ system were earlier reported by Smirnov et al. [22,23] in 1978. Later, Mummigatti and Jyoti [24] reported the Franck-Condon factors of 42 bands of this system and Reddy et al. [25] reported the Franck-Condon factors of 23 bands. In the present study, the Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids of the D2+ - A2Π I and D2+ - B2+ systems are computed using the constants given by Singh et al., [17,18].

The locus of the strongest band is a parabola called the Condon parabola. The Franck-Condon factors give a measure of the relative band intensities for an electronic transition. The Franck-Condon factors of such bands are shown in bold in Tables II and III. The Δr values, i.e., re'-re (where re is the internuclear distance in a particular electronic state), of various transitions can be calculated from Table I. It is clear from this table, the value of Δr of D-B transitions is 0.1164 A0,so the Condon parabolas must be wider [5]. On the other hand, the value of Δr of the D-A band system is 0.0474 A0, which is smaller than the previous values of Δr. Therefore, the Condon parabola of the D-A band system is expected to be narrow compared to earlier ones shown in Table II. Only a few bands of the ±1 sequences appear with appreciable intensity.

Table II Frank-Condon Factor and r-centroids of D2+ - A2I Band System of AlO molecule. 

V' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.7923 0.1798 0.0248 0.0027 0.0003
0 - - - - - -
1.7503 1.6591 1.5699 1.4812 1.3976
0.1877 0.4602 0.2764 0.0639 0.0102 0.0014 0.0002
1 - - - -
1.8528 1.762 1.6712 1.584 1.4983 1.4188 1.3606
0.0189 0.3046 0.2335 0.3076 0.1072 0.0231 0.0041 0.0007 0.0002
2 - -
1.9554 1.8633 1.774 1.6832 1.5977 1.5148 1.439 1.3835 1.3659
0.001 0.0513 0.3638 0.0936 0.2911 0.146 0.0413 0.0092 0.002 0.0005 0.0002
2.0618 1.9663 1.8736 1.7893 1.6953 1.6113 1.5309 1.4583 1.4049 1.3846 1.3976
0.004 0.0917 0.3782 0.0218 0.2441 0.1735 0.0627 0.0172 0.0044 0.0013
4 -
2.072 1.9774 1.8837 1.815 1.7077 1.6247 1.5464 1.4766 1.4249 1.4022
0.0001 0.0094 0.1355 0.3605 0.0001 0.1822 0.1854 0.0847 0.0281 0.0086
5 -
2.2297 2.0823 1.9887 1.8936 2.3324 1.7208 1.638 1.5616 1.4941 1.4436
6 0.0004 0.0176 0.1787 0.3219 0.0119 0.1187 0.1801 0.1034 0.0412
- -
2.2486 2.0927 2.002 1.9031 1.75 1.7358 1.6516 1.5763 1.5106
7 0.0008 0.0288 0.2184 0.2721 0.043 0.0638 0.1594 0.1155
- - -
2.2693 2.1033 2.0118 1.9125 1.7769 1.7556 1.6657 1.5907
8 0.0015 0.0426 0.2527 0.2186 0.0813 0.0244 0.1275
- - - -
2.2918 2.1141 2.0236 1.9217 1.7876 1.7902 1.6811
9 0.0024 0.0586 0.2809 0.1672 0.1177 0.0037
- - - - -
2.3162 2.1253 2.0353 1.9314 1.7934 1.9101
10 0.0035 0.0761 0.3034 0.1215 0.1456
- - - - - -
2.3424 2.137 2.0468 1.9428 1.7963

* FC Factor † r-centroids

Table III Franck-Condon Factors and r-centroids of D2+ - B2+ Band System of AlO molecule. 

V' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
*0.6691 0.2832 0.0440 0.0035 0.0002 - - - - - -
† 1.6999 1.7729 1.8600 1.9594 2.0341 - - - - - -
0.2521 0.2371 0.3860 0.1104 0.0133 0.0011 0.0001 - - - -
1.6321 1.7128 1.7810 1.8655 1.9614 2.0340 2.0703 - - - -
0.0624 0.3016 0.0468 0.3740 0.1803 0.0312 0.0034 0.0003 - - -
2 1.5743 1.6413 1.7351 1.7898 1.8717 1.9645 2.0350 2.0750 - - -
0.0132 0.1281 0.2545 0.0109 0.2990 0.2384 0.0575 0.0082 0.0010 0.0001 -
1.5261 1.5812 1.6522 1.6421 1.7994 1.8784 1.9687 2.0372 2.0798 2.1192 -
0.0026 0.0381 0.1727 0.1742 0.0275 0.2009 0.2741 0.0905 0.0167 0.0024 0.0003
4 1.4832 1.5311 1.5893 1.6649 1.7066 1.8097 1.8855 1.9737 2.0402 2.08459 2.132
0.0005 0.0095 0.0684 0.1904 0.0961 0.0822 0.1085 0.2817 0.1266 0.0299 0.0053
1.4401 1.4870 1.5370 1.5986 1.6802 1.7320 1.8206 1.8929 1.9795 2.044. 2.0904
0.0001 0.0020 0.0209 0.0980 0.1841 0.0381 0.1342 0.0401 0.2609 0.1907 0.0483
1.3900 1.4434 1.4915 1.5439 1.6093 1.7005 1.7497 1.8324 1.9003 1.9860 1.9933
- 0.0004 0.0053 0.0360 0.1226 0.1601 0.0066 0.1663 0.0048 0.2165 0.1869
- 1.3929 1.4472 1.4968 1.5519 1.6213 1.7405 1.7662 1.8466 1.9072 1.9933
- 0.0001 0.0011 0.0106 0.0534 0.1394 0.1258 0.0007 0.1717 0.0031 0.1575
- 1.3210 1.3964 1.4515 1.5028 1.5611 1.6345 1.5850 1.7829 1.8490 1.9126
- - 0.0002 0.0025 0.0179 0.0716 0.1473 0.0880 0.0153 0.1215 0.0285
- - 1.3238 1.4003 1.4565 1.5097 1.5715 1.6488 1.7037 1.8001 1.8640
- - - 0.0005 0.0047 0.0271 0.0893 0.1466 0.0527 0.0424 0.1130
- - - 1.3272 1.4047 1.4620 1.5177 1.5831 1.6632 1.73838 1.8188

* FC Factor † r-centroids

4. Conclusion

Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids were computed for the D2+ - A2Π i and D2+ - B2+ band systems of the AlO molecule. The difference (Δr) in the equilibrium internuclear distances of the upper and lower states of the D-A and D-B band systems are 0.0474 A0 and 0.1164 A0, respectively. Therefore, the Condon parabola of D-A must be narrow in comparison to that of the D-B band system. The bands of the Δv = ±1 sequences appear with maximum intensity.


The author expresses sincere thanks to Dr. K. Sunanda, Dr. M. D. Saksena, and Dr. M. N. Deo, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay, Mumbai, and Dr. S. H. Behere, Professor, Department of Physics, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad for encouragement and helpful suggestions during this research work.


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Received: April 17, 2020; Accepted: May 20, 2020

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