1. Introduction
In the last few years, there has been increasing interest in the study of noncommutative space (NCS) and noncommutative phase space (NCPS) due to their uses in several branches of physics including quantum field theories, string theories 1-5, relativistic and nonrelativistic quantum mechanics 6-17.
Hassanabadi et al. have studied the nonrelativistic 18 and relativistic quantum mechanics in NCS 19. They also studied the q-deformed super statistics of the Schrödinger equation in commutative and noncommutative spaces with a magnetic field 20 and the two-dimensional Dirac equation for a fermion moving under Kratzer potential in the presence of an external magnetic field 21. The two-dimensional harmonic oscillator in commutative and noncommutative spaces within the framework of minimal length quantum mechanics has been investigated by Ikot et al. in Ref. 22. The noncommutative (2+1)-dimensional Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator under a magnetic field in minimal length formalism is studied in Ref. 23.
In Ref. 24, a general noncommutative quantum mechanical system in a central potential in two dimensions has been studied. The authors have shown that for large values of the anticommutative parameter, the system is equivalent to a commutative system described by the potential that is related to a two-dimensional harmonic oscillator and the z-component of the angular momentum. In Ref. 25, the description of nonrelativistic electron of mass m on a plane subject to a strong perpendicular magnetic field B in the lowest Landau level has been studied in noncommutative coordinates.
In other words, by imposing the modified commutator for momenta, it is seen that the
Hamiltonian of the free particle becomes equivalent to that of the conventional
Landau problem and the noncommutative parameters of momenta play the role of the
magnetic field orthogonal to the plane. The authors have shown that in the
Now in this paper, we study a nonrelativistic particle in NCPS in the presence of an external magnetic field for a combination of linear and quadratic terms plus scalar and vector Kratzer potentials. This potential is a generalization of Cornell, Killingbeck, and Kratzer-type interactions and it is used to describe the atomic, molecular structure and thus plays an important role in quantum calculations 31-34. It is also one of the rare potentials of quantum systems which is exactly solvable. We then compare the effect of an external magnetic field and noncommutative parameters on the spectrum of the system.
The paper is organized as follows: In Sec. 2, we briefly introduce the basic formulae of NC algebra in quantum mechanics. In Sec. 3, we study the Schrödinger equation in the presence of a uniform magnetic field for the mixed potentials in NCPS. Next, the corresponding energy spectra and the wave functions are derived. In Sec. 4, we study the effects of the NC parameter in the problems on the energy spectrum and discuss graphically. Finally, we present the results in our conclusion.
2.Noncommutative formalism
The momentum and position operators p i and x i satisfy the Heisenberg algebra in the commutative quantum mechanics as
The NCPS algebra is 35
Introducing the following transformation, we can realize the deformed algebra
where λ is a scaling constant factor. Also, the terms
where I is the unity matrix. By considering λ = 1,
In the NCS, the Moyal-Weyl product can be replaced with the usual product as 38,39
where f(x,p), g(x,p) are two arbitrary functions. In NCS, the product can be replaced by a Bopp’s shift. By considering the following functions
we obtain
Also by choosing
we get
It is evident from Eqs. (8b) and (9b) that the Bopp’s shift is an exact equivalent to the star product. Therefore, instead of solving problems in NC space by using the star product procedure, we replace the star-product with the usual product by making a Bopp’s shift.
3.Schrödinger equation in the presence of a magnetic field in noncommutative phase-space
Let us first recall that to analyze a charged particle in a magnetic field, the
momentum is transformed as
The Schrödinger equation in the presence of a magnetic field in noncommutative phase space is given as
where Ax and Ay are the vector potential components and
We introduce the symmetric gauge
where B0 is the intensity of the field and the direction of the magnetic
field is considered along the z-axis (
In NCPS, by substitution of Eq. (6) into Eq. (11), we obtain
We consider the scalar potential V(r) as
which is a generalization of Cornell, Killingbeck, and Kratzer-type interactions.
The potential in NCPS is written as 40
Substituting Eq. (13) into Eq. (14) and by doing some calculations, we obtain the noncommutative potential up to the first order in θ as
which, upon substitution in Eq. (12), yields
Now we choose the wave function as
where l is an integer parameter. Hence, Eq. (16) appears as
The solution of Eq. (18) is considered as
where fn(r) is defined as
We use the ansatz technique as 41
Equation (18) takes the form
We can obtain the following condition from Eq. (24)
which gives the relation of energy as
Using Eq. (19), we can obtain the energy in the compact form
The wave function of the system is also derived as
which, using Eq. (19) appears as
4.Results and discussion
We solved the Schrödinger equation in NCPS under an external magnetic field. After
some rather cumbersome algebra, we found the energy eigenvalues and eigen functions
of the system. According to Eq. (27), the ground-state energy is related to the
noncommutative parameter and the strange of the magnetic field. In Fig. 1, we have plotted the energy of the system
in terms of the magnetic field for three different values of the parameter
In Figs. 3-5, we have investigated the energy variation versus different potential parameters. In Fig. 3, it can be seen that by increasing the parameter a, energy increases, whereas the energy decreases for increasing values of the parameter b as shown in Fig. 4. Also, it is observed that in Fig. 5 by increasing the parameter c, the total energy first decreases and then rises.
In Fig. 6, we have plotted the ground state wave
function and it is seen that the particle has been localized at the region
In this article, after introducing noncommutative phase space quantum mechanics, we
derived the Schrödinger equation in this space for a particle under a potential
containing linear, quadratic terms plus scalar and vector Kratzer potentials, i.e. a
generalization of Cornell, Killingbeck, and Kratzer-type interactions, in the
presence of an external magnetic field. We used the phase space coordinates based on
Bopp’s shift definition and solved the problem in the usual product. We obtained the
spectrum and wave function of the system and plotted the energy of the system for
different values of noncommutative parameters 𝜃 and