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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.68 no.4 México jul./ago. 2022  Epub 19-Mayo-2023 


Effect of fractional analysis on magnetic curves

Aykut Hasa 

Beyhan Yilmaza 

aDepartment of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Kahramanmaraş, Turkey. e-mail:;


In this present paper, the effect of fractional analysis on magnetic curves is researched. A magnetic field is defined by the property that its divergence is zero in three dimensional Riemannian manifold. We investigate the trajectories of the magnetic fields called as t-magnetic, n-magnetic and b-magnetic curves according to fractional derivative and integral. As it is known, there are not many studies on a geometric interpretation of fractional calculus. When examining the effect of fractional analysis on a magnetic curve, the conformable fractional derivative that best fits the algebraic structure of differential geometry derivative is used. This effect is examined with the help of examples consistent with the theory and visualized for different values of the conformable fractional derivative. The difference of this study from others is the use of conformable fractional derivatives and integrals in calculations. Fractional calculus has applications in many fields such as physics, engineering, mathematical biology, fluid mechanics, signal processing, etc. Fractional derivatives and integrals have become an extremely important and new mathematical method in solving various problems in many sciences.

Keywords: Magnetic curve; vector fields; fractional derivative; conformable fractional derivative

1. Introduction

Magnetic curves have many applications in physics and differential geometry and play an important role in these areas. When a charged particle enters a magnetic field, the Frenet vectors of this particle are affected by this magnetic field and with this effect a force which is called the Lorenz force occurs. Thus, the particle starts to follow a trajectory in this magnetic field thanks to Lorenz force. This trajectory is called a magnetic curve. The motion of a particle entering the magnetic field with the effect of the Lorenz force is explained as; if the tangent vector field T is parallel to the magnetic field, the Lorentz force will be zero, so the particle moves parallel to the magnetic field. If the tangent vector field T is perpendicular to the magnetic field, the Lorentz force is maximum and the particle moves in a circle in the magnetic field. If the tangent vector field T is at a constant angle with the magnetic field, the particle follows a helical trajectory under the influence of the Lorentz force,1. These curves have attracted the attention of many authors in different disciplines. For this reason, many studies have been carried out by considering these curves in different ways2-9.

On the other hand, fractional analysis means derivative and integral accounts that are not integers. The phrase fractional derivative first appears in a letter sent by Leibniz to L’Hospital in 1695,10. In this letter, Leibniz is asked L’Hospital a question, “Can integer order derivatives be extended to fractional order derivatives?” Afterwards, this subject, which attracted the attention of many mathematicians, took part in many studies11-16. Today, the subject of fractional analysis become very popular and study by many researchers in different fields17-20. Since it is believed to be the better modelling the physical systems with fractional order derivative, they have many studies on this subject. Because, the classical derivative is beneficial to model the physical systems locally but the fractional order derivative is beneficial to model physical systems globally. Fractional analysis have many applications in many branches of science in recent years. The study of this subject by many mathematicians is led to the emergence of many different definitions of fractional derivatives and integrals. Riemann-Liouville, Caputo, Cauchy, and conformable fractional derivatives and integrals are just a few of these definitions. Different fractional derivative and integral definitions naturally brought with them different properties. For example, the derivative of zero is not constant for many types of fractional derivatives, except for the conformable fractional derivative and Caputo fractional derivative. Moreover, except for the conformable fractional derivative, other fractional derivatives do not have features such as the derivative of the product, the derivative of the quotient, or the chain rule, as in the classical sense21. In addition, the conformable fractional derivative is the local fractional derivative, unlike the Riemann-Liouville and Caputo fractional derivative. Conformable fractional derivative has many critical aspects, as it is equivalent to a simple change of variables for differentiable function22. However, the effect of conformable fractional derivatives and integrals on some physical phenomena is worth investigating. It will be interesting that fractional derivatives do not have a geometric interpretation as in the classical sense. However, there are many mathematicians investigating the effect of fractional calculus on differential geometry23-25.

In this study, the effects of conformable fractional derivatives and integrals on magnetic curves are investigated. In addition, a geometric inference is tried to be obtained with the help of examples. Moreover, we are visualize their images for different fractional values using the Mathematica program. The difference of this study from others is the use of conformable fractional derivatives and integrals in calculations. Fractional derivatives and integrals are more precision than ordinary derivatives and integrals because they give more accurate results. So, fractional calculus has applications in many different fields such as physics, engineering, mathematical biology, etc. This article is a complicated study that includes differential geometry, physics and fractional analysis fields. So, we hope that it will contribute to those working in these fields.

2. Preliminaries

2.1. Basic definitions and theorems of differential geometry

In section definitions and theorems, the curves in ℝ3 will be introduced in a nutshell.

Definition 1. Let the curve x(s) be given in n-dimensional Euclidean space with (I; α) coordinate neighborhood. The arc length of the curve x from a to b, is calculated as

s= bax'(s)=dt, sI,

which is the length between the points x(a) and x(b) of the curve. The parameter s is said to be arc-length.

Theorem 1. Let x = x(s) be a regular unit speed curve in the Euclidean 3-space where s measures its arc length. Also, let T = x’ be its unit tangent vector, N = T’/||T0’|| be its principal normal vector and B = T(N be its binormal vector. The triple {T;N;B} be the Frenet frame of the curve x: Then the Frenet formula of the curve is given by

T'(s)N'(s)B'(s)=0κ(s)0-κ(s)0τ(s)0-τ(s)0T(s)N(s)B(s), (1)

where ((s) = ||d2x=ds2|| and ((s) =(dN/ds, B〉 are curvature and torsion of x respectively26.

Definition 2. Let x: I ⊂ ℝ → E3 be a unit speed curve in Euclidean 3-space E3. If any U fixed direction with the unit tangent vector of the curve x makes a fixed angle, the curve x is called the general helix27. The most well-known characterization of the helix curve is (/( = constant (Lancret theorem)26.

Definition 3. Let x: I ⊂ ℝ → E3 be a unit speed curve in Euclidean 3-space E3. If any U fixed direction with the principal unit normal vector of the curve x makes a fixed angle, the curve x is called the slant helix. Izumiya and Takeuchi obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for a curve to be slant helix: a curve is an oblique propeller if its geodetic curvature and the principal normal satisfy the expression

κ2κ2+τ232τκ' (2)

is constant finction28.

2.2. Basic definitions and theorems of conformable fractional calculus

In this part, some basic definitions and theorems of conformable fractionally derivative and integral are given.

Definition 4. Let us give a function ƒ : [0, ∞) → R. Then the conformable fractional derivative for f of order α is defined by


for all s > 0, 0 < α < 1. If f is α-differentiable in some (0, a), a > 0 and lim s→0 + f(α) (s) exist, then define f(α) (0) = lims→0 + f(α) (s),29.

Theorem 2. Let f : [0, ∞) → R be a function. If a function ƒ is α-differentiable at s0> 0, 0 < α <1, then ƒ is continuous at s0,29.

Accordingly, it is easily visible that the conformable fractional derivative provides all the properties given in the theorem below.

Theorem 3. Let f, g : [0, ∞) → R be α-differentiable at each s > 0, 0 < α < 1. Then

  • (1) D((aƒ + bg)(s) = aD((f)(s)+bD((g)(s); for all a; bR.

  • (2) Dsp ) = psp-( ; for all pR.

  • (3) D(λ) = 0; for all constant functions ƒ(s) = λ.

  • (4) D((ƒg)(s) = ƒ(s)D((g)(s) + g(s)D((ƒ)(s).

  • (5) Dαfg(s)=f(s)Dα(g)(s)-g(s)Dα(f)(s)g2(s).

  • (6) If ƒ is a differentiable function, thenDα(f)(s)=s1-αdf(s)ds,.29

Theorem 4. Let f, g : [0, ∞) → R be αdifferentiable at s0> 0, 0 < α < 1. If (fg) is αdifferentiable and for all s with s ≠ 0 and f (s) ≠ 0, the equation

D((ƒ ◦ g)(s) = ƒ(s)(α-1 D(ƒ(s)D((g)(ƒ( s));

is provided,30.

Definition 5. Let f : [0, ∞) → R be a function. The expression


is called a conformable fractional integral, where α > 0,30.

Theorem 5. Let ƒ : [a; ∞) → R be a function. Then for all s > 0 the following equation exists,30


2.3. Basic definitions and theorems of magnetic field and curves

In this subsection, some basic definitions and theorems of magnetic field and magnetic curve are introduced.

Let M be a (n ≥ 2)-dimensional oriented Riemannian manifold. The Lorenz force of a magnetic field F on M is defined to be a skew symmetric operator 𝜙 given by

g(ϕ(X),Y)=F(X,Y), (3)

for all X, Y ∈ (M), where Χ(M) is the space of vector fields. The magnetic trajectories of F are curves x on M which satisfy the Lorenz equation

x'x'=ϕ(x'). (4)

The mixed product of the vector fields X, Y, ZΧ(M), is defined by

g(X×Y,Z)=dvg(X,Y,Z). (5)

Let V be a Killing vector field on M and Fv = ιv dvg be the corresponding Killing magnetic field, where ι is denoted the inner product. Then, the Lorentz force of the Fv is

ϕ(X)=V×X. (6)

Consequently, the Lorentz force equation may be written as

x'x'=V×x'. (7)

A unit speed curve x is a magnetic trajectory of a magnetic field V if and only if V can be written along x as

V=ω(s)T(s)+κ(s)B(s), (8)

where the function w(s) associated with each magnetic curve will be called its quasislope measured with respect to the magnetic field V,31.

Proposition 1. Let x : I ⊂ R → M3 be a curve in a 3D oriented Riemannian Manifold (M3; g) and V be a vector field along the curve x. One can take a variation of x in the direction of V, say, a map Γ : I x(-ε, ε) → M3 which satisfies Γ(s; 0) = x(s); (d(/ds)(s; k) = V(s): In this setting, we have the following funtions:

  • (1) The speed funtion v(s,k)=(dΓ/ds)(s,k)

  • (2) The curvature function κ(s, k) of x(s),

  • 3) The torsion function ((s,k) of x(s). The variations of those functions at k = 0 are

V(v)=dvdk(s,k)k=0=g(tV,T)v, (9)

V(κ)=dκdk(s,k)k=0=g(T2V,N)-2κg(TV,T)+g(R(V,T),N) (10)

V(τ)=dτdk(s,k)k=0=1κg(T2V+R(V,T)T,B)s+κ(TV,B)+τg(TV,T)+g(R(V,T)N,B), (11)

where R is the curvature tensor of M3,31.

Proposition 2. Let V (s) be the restriction to x(s) of a Killing vector field, say V of M3, then,31


Definition 6. Let x : I ⊂ R → M3 be a curve in 3D oriented Riemannian space (M3 , g) and F be a magnetic field on M. We call the curve x is a T-magnetic curve if the tangent vector field of the curve satisfy the Lorentz force equation, that is,31


Definition 7. Let x : I ⊂ R → M3 be a curve in 3D oriented Riemannian space (M3 , g) and F be a magnetic field on M. We call the curve x is a N-magnetic curve if the normal vector field of the curve satisfy the Lorentz force equation, that is,32


Definition 8. Let x : I ⊂ R → M3 be a curve in 3D oriented Riemannian space (M3 , g) and F be a magnetic field on M. We call the curve x is a B-magnetic curve if the binormal vector field of the curve satisfy the Lorentz force equation, that is,32


2.4. Basic definitions and theorems of conformable fractional curves

In this part of the preliminaries section, we present brief information about conformable curves using conformable fractional derivative.

Definition 9. Let x = x(s) be a curve. If x : (0,∞) → R3 is (-differentiable curve, then x is called a conformable curve in R 3 ,33.

Definition 10. Let x : (0,∞) ( R3 be a conformable curve in R3 . Velocity vector of x is determined by

Dα(x)(s)s1-α, (12)

for all s ∈ (0,∞),33.

Definition 11. Let x: (0,∞) → R3 be a conformable curve in R3: Then the velocity function v of x is defined by


for all s ∈ (0,∞),33.

Definition 12. Let x: (0,∞) → R3 be a conformable curve in R3 . The arc length function s of x is defined by


for all s ∈ (0,∞). If v(s) = 1 for all s0 ∈ (0,∞), it’s said that x has unit speed,33.

Conclusion 1. Let x: (0,∞) → R3 be a conformable curve in R3. The concepts velocity vector, velocity function and arc length function obtained according to conformable fractional derivative are equivalent to the standard concepts.

Definition 13. Let x be a conformable curve. If D((x)(s) ≠ 0 for all s ∈ (0,∞), x is called a conformable regular curve,33.

Definition 14. Let x = x(s) be a regular unit speed conformable curve in 3D Riemannian manifold where s measures its arc length. Also, let t = D((x)(s)s(-1 be its unit tangent vector, n = D((t)(s) / ||D((t)(s)|| be its principal normal vector and b = t(n be its binormal vector. The triple {t, n, b} be the conformable Frenet frame of the curve x(s). Then the conformable Frenet formula of the curve is given by

DαtsDαnsDαbs=0καs0-καs0τα0-τα0tsnsbs, (13)

where κ((s) = || D((t)(s) || and ((((s) = (D((n)(s), b(s)〉 are curvature and torsion of x, respectively.

Conclusion 2. Let x = x(s) be a regular unit speed conformable curve where s measures its arc length. The following relation exists between the curvature and torsion of x according to Frenet frame and the conformable curvature and torsion of x according to conformable Frenet frame as

κα=s1-ακ, (14)

τα=s1-ατ. (15)

Conclusion 3. Let x = x(s) be a regular unit speed conformable curve where s measures its arc length. As can be seen fromEq. (13), when x is a unit speed curve, the conformable derivative has no effect on the Frenet frame, so the Frenet elements do not undergo any change. However, consideringEqs. (14)and(15); the curvature and torsion of the x curve has changed under the conformable fractional derivative.

3. Main results

3.1. Fractional t-magnetic curves

In this subsection, we define the fractional t-magnetic curve with a conformable fractional derivative focus. We are also obtained some characterizations of this curve.

Definition 15. Let x : I ⊂ R → M3 be a conformable curve in 3D oriented Riemannian space (M3, g) and F be a magnetic field on M: If the vector area of the tangent curve of x with respect to the conformable frame satisfies the Lorenz force equation, the curve x is called fractional t-magnetic curve, that is


Proposition 3. Let x : I ⊂ R → M3 be a unit speed fractional t-magnetic curve in 3D oriented Riemannian space (M3, g) and F be a magnetic field on M with the conformable frame elements {t, n, b, ((, ((}. Then, we have the Lorenz force according to conformable frame as

ϕtϕnϕb=0καs0-καs0Ω10-Ω1s0tsnsbs (16)

where Ω1 is a certain function.

Proof. Let x : I ⊂ R → M3 be a unit speed fractional t-magnetic curve in 3D oriented Riemannian space (M3, g) and F be a magnetic field on M with the conformable frame elements {t, n, b, ((, ((}. Since 𝜙(t) ∈ Sp{ t, n, b}, we get


and thus


From the above equations, we can write


Similarly, we can easily calculate that


This completes the proof. ■


Proposition 4. Let x be a unit speed fractional t-magnetic trajectory of a magnetic field V if and only if V can be written along the curve x as

V=Ω1t+καb. (17)

This completes the proof. ■

Theorem 6. Let x be a unit speed fractional t-magnetic trajectory and V be a Killing vector field on a simply connected space form (M3, g). Then the following equations exist

Ω1=c,  cR,  κα212Ω1-τα'=0,



where C is the curvature of the Riemanian space M3

Proof. Let V be a magnetic field in a Riemanian 3D manifold. If the α-th conformable fractional derivative of Eq. (17) is taken with respect to s and conformable frame formulas are applied, we have

DαV=DαΩ1t+Dακαb,DαV=s1-αΩ1't+(Ω1κα-κατα)n+s1-ακα'b. (18)

It can be easily seen that if V(v) = 0 of Proposition 1, the case is g(D(,V,t) = 0. So, if this equation is used in the above equation,


is obtained. If the conformable derivative of the above equation with respect to s is taken once again from the (-th order and conformable frame formulas are applied, we have

Dα2V=(s1-αΩ1'κα+s1-αΩ1κα'-s1-ακα'τα-s1-ακατα')n+(Ω1κα-κατα)(-καt+ταb)+(1-α)s1-2ακα'b+s2-2ακα''b-s1-ακα'ταn. (19)

If the above equation is adjusted, we get

Dα2V=(κα2τα-κα2Ω1)t+(s1-αΩ1'κα+s1-αΩ1κα'-2s1-ακα'τα-s1-ακατα')n+(Ω1κατα-κατα2+(1-α)s1-2ακα'+s2-2ακα'')b. (20)

Then, if V(v) = 0 in Proposition 1 and Eqs. (9), (10) and (20) are considered in Eq. (18), following equation is obtained

s1-αΩ1'=0, (21)

where it is clear that s1-α ≠0. So, as can be clearly seen


Thus, the first part of the theorem is proved. Then (18) and (20) are considered with V(κ)=0 in Proposition 1, we obtain


In particular, if M3 has constant curvature C, then


and so,



Ω1κα'-2κα'τα-κατα'=0. (22)

If the above equation is arranged, we have

κα212Ω1-τα'=0. (23)

Thus, the second part of the theorem is proved. Similarly (18) and (20) are considered with V(τ)=0 in Proposition 1, we obtain

s1-α1καΩ1κατα-κατα2+1-αs1-2ακα'+s2-2ακα''+g{R(V,t)t,b}'+s1-ακακα'+g(RV,t#n,b)=0. (24)

Hence, if M3 has constant curvature C, then g(RV,tt,b)=Cg(V,b)=Cκα and g(RV,tn,b)=0. So, we have the following equations




So, the last part of the theorem is proved and the proof is completed. ■

Corollary 1. Let x be a unit speed fractional t-magnetic curve in 3D oriended Riemanian manifold (M 3, g). If the function Ω1 is a zero and kα is non-zero constant function, then the curve x is a helix or circle. Moreover, the axis of the helix is the vector field V.

Proof. We assume that x be a fractional t-magnetic curve in 3D Riemann space with Ω1 is a zero and kα is non-zero constant function, then from Eq. (23), we get




If necessary algebric operations are done, we obtain




Finally, if the above equation is arranged, we get


Since kα is non-zero constant function, we get


Remark 1. The conformable derivative for differentiable functions is equivalent to a simple change of variable. Precisely, u = xα/α. It should be noted that a criticism of the conformable derivative is that, although conformable at the limit α→1, it is not conformable α→1. From the point of view of the assertion about the equality of the conformable derivative to a change of variables, one can say that the conformable derivative is not conformable as at the other limit α→0 because tα/α is undefined at α = 0,22.

3.2. Fractional n-magnetic curves

In this section, we redefine the n-magnetic curve with a conformable fractional derivative focus. We are also obtained some characterizations of this curve.

Definition 16. Let x : I ⊂ R → M3 be a conformable curve in 3D oriented Riemannian space (M3, g) and F be a magnetic field on M. If the vector area of the tangent curve with respect to the conformable frame satisfies the Lorenz force equation, the x curve is called fractional n-magnetic curve, that is


Proposition 5. Let x : I ⊂ R → M3 be a unit speed fractional n-magnetic curve in 3D oriented Riemannian space (M3, g) and F be a magnetic field on M with the conformable frame elements {t, n, b, kα, kα}. Lorenz force eqations in the conformable frame are written as

ϕtϕnϕb=0καs0-καs0ταs-Ω2s-ταs0tsnsbs (25)

where Ω2 is a certain function.

Proof. Let x : I ⊂ R → M3 be a unit speed fractional n-magnetic curve in 3D oriented Riemannian space (M3, g) and F be a magnetic field on M with the conformable frame elements {t, n, b, kα, kα}. Since 𝜙t ∈ Sp{t, n, b} we get


and thus


From the above equations, we can write


Similarly, we can easily calculate that


This completes the proof. ■

Proposition 6. Let x be a unit speed fractional n-magnetic trajectory of a magnetic field V if and only if V can be written along the curve x as

V=ταt-Ω2n+καb. (26)

Proof. Let x be a unit speed fractional n-magnetic trajectory of a magnetic field V if Using Proposition 3 and Eq. (6), we can easily see that


This completes the proof. ■

Theorem 7. Let x be a unit speed fractional n-magnetic trajectory and V be a Killing vector field on a simply connected space form (M3, g). Then the following equations exist


where C is the curvature of the Riemanian space M3.

Proof. Let V be a magnetic field in a Riemanian 3D manifold. If the α-th conformable fractional derivative of Eq. (26) is taken with respect to s and conformable frame formulas are applied, we have

DαV=Dα(ταt)-Dα(Ω2n)+Dα(καb),DαV=(s1-ατα'+καΩ2)t-s1-αΩ2'n+(s1-ακα'-Ω2τα)b. (27)

It can be easily seen that if V(v) = 0 of Proposition 1, the case is g(DαV, t) = 0. So, if this equation is used in the above equation, we get


is obtained. If the conformable derivative of the above equation with respect to s is taken once again from the α-th order and conformable frame formulas are applied, we have


If the equation is arranged, we obtain

Dα2V=s1-αΩ2'καt+((α-1)s1-2αΩ2'-s2-2αΩ2''-s1-ακα'τα+Ω2τα2)n+(-s1-αΩ2'τα+(1-α)s1-2ακα'+s2-2ακα''-s1-αΩ2'τα-s1-αΩ2τα')b. (28)

Then, if V(v) = 0 in Proposition 1 and Eqs. (9), (10) and (11) are considered in Eq. (27), we have

s1-ατα'+καΩ2=0. (29)

Thus, the first part of the theorem is proved. Then Eqs. (27) and (28) are considered with V(k)=0 in Proposition 1, we obtain


In particular, if M3 has constant curvature C, then


and so,

α-1s1-2αΩ2'-s2-2αΩ2''-s1-ακα'τα+Ω2τα2=CΩ2. (30)

Thus, the second part of the theorem is proved. Similarly Eqs. (27) and (28) are considered with V(k)=0 in Proposition 1, we obtain

s1-α1κα-s1-αΩ2'τα+1-αs1-2ακα'+s2-2ακα''-s1-αΩ2τα'+g(R(V,t)t,b)'+s1-ακακα'+g(R(V,t)n,b)=0. (31)

Hence, if M3 has constant curvature C, then g(R(V, t)t, b) = Cg(V, b) = Ckα and g(R(V, t)n, b) = 0. So we obtain following


Thus, the last part of the theorem is proved and the proof is completed. ■

Corollary 2. Considering Ω2 is a non-zero constant function, we easily see that the fractional n-magnetic curve is a curve in the Euclidean 3-space.

Corollary 3. Let x be a unit speed fractional n-magnetic curve in 3D oriented Riemann manifold (M 3 , g). If the function Ω2 is non-zero constant, then the curve x is a slant helix. Moreover, the axis of the slant helix is the vector field V

Proof. We assume that x is a fractional n-magnetic curve in Euclidean 3-space with non-zero constant function Ω2, then from (29), (30) and (31), we have


If the above equation is arranged, we get


If necessary arregements are made, we obtain




These complete the proof. ■

3.3. Fractional b-Magnetic Curves

In this section, we define the b-magnetic curve with a conformable fractional derivative focus. We are also obtained some characterizations of this curve.

Definition 17. Let x : I ⊂ R → M3 be a conformable curve in 3D oriented Riemannian space (M3, g) and F be a magnetic field on M. If the vector area of the tangent curve with respect to the conformable frame satisfies the Lorenz force equation, the x curve is called fractional b-magnetic curve, that is


Proposition 7. Let x : I ⊂ R → M3 be a unit speed fractional b-magnetic curve in 3D oriented Riemannian space (M3, g) and F be a magnetic field on M with the conformable frame elements {t, n, b, kα, kα}. So, Lorenz force according to the conformable frame is written as

ϕ(t)ϕ(n)ϕ(b)=0Ω3(s)0-Ω3(s)0τα(s)0-τα(s)0t(s)n(s)b(s), (32)

where Ω3 is a certain function.

Proof. Let x : I ⊂ R → M3 be a unit speed fractional b-magnetic curve in 3D oriented Riemannian space (M3, g) and F be a magnetic field on M with the conformable frame elements {t, n, b, kα, τα}. Since 𝜙(t) ∈ Sp{t, n, b} we get


and thus


From the above equations.,we can write


Similarly, we can easily calculate that


This completes the proof. ■

Proposition 8. Let x be a unit speed fractional b-magnetic trajectory of a magnetic field V if and only if V can be written along the curve x as

V=ταt+Ω3b. (33)

Proof. Let x be a unit speed fractional b-magnetic trajectory of a magnetic field V. Using Proposition 3 and Eq. (6) we can easily see that


This completes the proof. ■

Theorem 8. Let x be a unit speed fractional b-magnetic trajectory and V be a Killing vector field on a simply connected space form (M3, g). Then the following equations exist


Proof. Let V be a magnetic field in a Riemanian 3D manifold. If the α-th conformable fractional derivative of Eq. (33) is taken with respect to s and conformable frame formulas are applied, we have

DαV=s1-ατα't+κατα-Ω3ταn+s1-αΩ3'b. (34)

It can be easily seen that if V(v) = 0 of Proposition 1, the case is g(DαV, t) = 0 So if this equation is used in the above on,


is obtained. If the conformable derivative of the above equation with respect to s is taken once again from the α-th order and conformable frame formulas are applied, we have


If the equation is arranged, we get

Dα2V=καταΩ3-κα2ταt+s1-ακα'τα-2s1-αΩ3'ταn+κατα2-Ω3τα2+1-αs1-2αΩ3'+s2-2αΩ3''b. (35)

Then, if V(v) = 0 in Proposition 1 and Eqs. (9), (10) and (11) are considered in equation (34), we have

s1-ατα'=0. (36)

Thus, the first part of the theorem is proved. Then equations (34) and (35) are considered with V(k) = 0 in Proposition 1, we obtain


In particular, if M3 has constant curvature C, then g(R(V, t)t, n) = Cg(V, n) = 0 and so following equation

κα'τα-2Ω3'τα=0, (37)

is obtained. Thus, the second part of the theorem is proved. Similarly if the Eqs. (34) and (35) are considered with V(k) = 0 in Proposition 1, we obtain


Hence, if M3 has constant curvature C, then g(R(V, t)t, b) = Cg(V, b) = Ckα and g(R(V, t)n, b) = 0 So, we have following


Thus, the last part of the theorem is proved and the proof is completed. ■

Corollary 4. Let x be a fractional b-magnetic curve in 3D oriented Riemanian manifold (M3, g). If the function Ω3 is a constant function, then the curve x is a general helix. Moreover, the axis of the general helix is the vector field V.

Proof. We assume that x be a unit speed fractional b-magnetic curve in Euclidean 3-space with Ω3 is a constant function. Then from the equation (37), we get




Since Ω3 is a constant function, it can be say that kα is a constant function. In addition, considering the equation (36), the following equation can be easily seen


This completes the proof. ■

Example 1. Let x be a fractional t-magnetic trajectory of a magnetic field V. If the tangent vector field t is perpendicular to the magnetic field, the Lorentz force is maximum and the moves by the particle for different α values are given in Figs. 1 and 2 in the magnetic field.


Figure 1 Fractional t-magnetic curve x(s) for α→1(Black); α = 0.9(Blue) and α = 0.7(Red), respectively. 

Figure 2 Fractional t-magnetic curve x(s) for α = 0:5(Orange), α = 0:3(Purple) and α = 0:1(Green), respectively 

Example 2. Let x be a fractional t-magnetic trajectory of a magnetic field V. From Corollary 1, we can easily see that Ω1 = 0 and kα is a constant function. The figure of the t-magnetic curve for different α values are given in Figs. 3 and 4 in the magnetic field.


Figure 3 Fractional t-magnetic curve x(s) for α→1(Black), α = 0.9(Blue) and α = 0.7(Red), respectively. 

Figure 4 Fractional t-magnetic curve x(s) for α = 0.5(Orange), α = 0.3(Purple) and α = 0.1(Green), respectively. 

Example 3. Let x be a fractional n-magnetic trajectory of a magnetic field V: From Corollary 3, we can easily see that Ω2 is non-zero constant. The moves by the particle for different α values are given in Figs. 5 and 6 in the magnetic field.


Figure 5 Fractional n-magnetic curve x(s) for (( 1(Black), ( = 0.9(Blue) and ( = 0.7(Red), respectively 

Figure 6 Fractional n-magnetic curve x(s) for α = 0.5(Orange); α = 0.3(Purple) and α = 0.1(Green), respectively. 

4. Conclusion

In this article, starting from the effect on the curves the effects of conformable fractional derivatives and integrals on magnetic curves are investigated. The Frenet frame has been tried to be formed with the help of conformable derivative of a unit speed conformable curve. However, as can be seen from Eq. (14), the Frenet frame of the unit speed curve is not affected by the conformable derivative, that is, the elements of the Frenet frame have not undergone any change under the conformable derivative. By U. Gözütok et al. are mentioned in article33, the physical properties (velocity, speed, arc-length) of the unit speed conformable curve do not change under the conformable derivative. On the other hand, curvature and torsion concepts are one of the most important factors in determining the characterization of the curve, as those who work on the theorem of curves, which is one of the sub-branches of differential geometry, know very well. Therefore, the difference of this study from the others is that the curvature and torsion of a curve are obtained depending on the fractional derivative. As can be seen from Conclusion 2, the curvatures of the conformable curve have changed under the conformable derivative. In this study, this change in the curvature of the curve is examined and visualized with various examples to better understand the results.


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Received: November 11, 2021; Accepted: January 13, 2022

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