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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.69 no.2 México mar./abr. 2023  Epub 05-Nov-2024 

Nuclear Physics

Elastic scattering of 7Li+58Ni: a phenomenological and microscopic analysis

Norah A.M. Alsaif* 

Sh. Hamada** 

M. El-Azab Farid*** 

B.M. Alotaibi**** 

Mohammed Alotiby***** 

Awad A. Ibraheem****** 

* Department of Physics, College of Science, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

** Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt.

*** Physics Department, Assiut University, Assiut, 71516, Egypt.

**** Department of Physics, College of Science, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

***** Nuclear Technologies Institute (NTI), King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology (KACST), P. O. Box 6086, Riyadh, 11442, Saudi Arabia.

****** Physics Department, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia, Physics Department, Al-Azhar University, Assiut Branch, Assiut 71524, Egypt.


Motivating by examining the break-up effect of 7Li projectile into t+α cluster structure in the field of 58Ni nucleus, the available experimental angular distributions for 7Li+58Ni elastic scattering system at energies ranging from 13 and up to 42 MeV are studied utilizing different phenomenological as well as microscopic potentials. Data analysis utilizing the Sao Paulo potential revealed that in order to reproduce the data, the strength of the real folded potential had to be reduced by ~36 %. While, data analysis utilizing the double folding CDM3Y6 potential with and without the rearrangement term revealed that the potential strength needed to be reduced by ~36 and 62 %, respectively. Cluster folding model based on the t+α cluster structure for 7Li is applied to reproduce the considered data. Similar results were obtained showing the necessity to reduce real cluster folding potential strength by about 49 %. The reported reduction in potential strength from the different implemented potentials supports the strong 7Li break-up impact. Finally, the full microscopic continuum discretized coupled channels approach is applied with a great success in reproducing the considered data.

Keyword: Elastic scattering; optical potential; folding potential; cluster folding model; Sao Paulo potential; CDCC method

1 Introduction

Nuclear processes involve loosely projectiles such as 6,7Li and 9.10,11Be is a hot research topic that attracts nuclear physicists for decades due to their high clusterization probability. This study is devoted to investigate the mechanism of interaction of the weakly bound 7Li ions in the field of a medium mass target -58Ni - at energies ranges from 13 MeV (below the Coulomb barrier energy, Ec) and up to 42 MeV. In connection with this aim, the available 7Li +58Ni experimental angular distributions (ADs) measurements are reanalyzed from both the phenomenological and the microscopic point of view.

There are many experimental [1-6] and theoretical [7-13] studies for 7Li +58Ni nuclear system. In Ref. [1], the 7Li +58Ni elastic scattering ADs at five different energies (12.0, 12.5, 13.0, 13.5 and 14.22 MeV) around the Coulomb barrier were experimentally measured. The measured data were analyzed using the double-folding (DF) Sao Paulo potential (SPP) for the real part as well as an imaginary Woods-Saxon (WS) potential. Pfeiffer et al. [2] investigated the break-up effect of 6,7Li on 58Ni and 118Sn targets at energies 12-24 MeV showing that, both the total and the differential cross sections (DCs) could be predicted as a function of the bombarding energy relative to EC. Elastic ADs for 7Li scattered from 58,60Ni,58Fe and 44Ca at Elab=34 MeV were measured by Glover et al. [4]. The measured data were reproduced by the phenomenological optical model (OM) using real and imaginary volume WS potentials, as well as using a double-folding real potential multiplied by approximately 0.6. In Ref. [5], the ADs of the elastic and break-up cross sections for 7Li ions beam scattered from 58Ni target at Elab=42 MeV were measured. The significant 7Li break-up contributions were found to come from the decay of the (7/2-, Ex=4.63 MeV) resonant state of 7Li with some indications of other contributions from the (5/2-, Ex=6.68 MeV and 5/2-, Ex=7.46 MeV) states. Zevra et al. [6] determined the barrier distributions for 6,7Li elastically scattered from 58Ni, 116,120Sn and 208Pb targets at sub- and near-barrier energies as well as excitation functions at ±160o, and ±170o, for probing the potential at near barrier energies and the pertinent reaction mechanisms.

In addition to the previously experimental measurements, different theoretical studies [7-13] were devoted to investigate 7Li + 58Ni system. In Ref. [7], the elastic scattering ADs for 7Li ions of energies below 450 MeV scattered on different targets 27Al to 208Pb were calculated by the 7Li microscopic optical potential (MOP) based on the Skyrme nucleon-nucleon effective interaction. Reasonable agreement with the experimental data was obtained but with some discrepancies observed at relatively larger angles. The analysis showed that the MOP could be enhanced by introducing a repulsive potential to the real part and an absorptive potential to the imaginary part which could be achieved by considering the 7Li break-up effect. In Ref. [9] Basak et al., analyzed the elastic scattering cross-sections and vector analyzing powers for 6,7Li ions scattered on different targets: 12C, 26Mg, 58Ni and 120Sn nuclei using OM potential with a real double folded part with a reasonable success. This investigation showed the success of the simple OM analysis to account well for the opposite signs of the vector analyzing power data for 6,7Li + 120Sn at Elab=44 MeV and for 6,7Li + 58Ni at Elab20 MeV. In Ref. [10], The elastic and inelastic ADs for 6.7Li scattered from 12C, 28Si and 58Ni targets in the energy range 12-35 MeV/u were analyzed using coupled-channels (CC) method with potentials constructed using the S1Y effective nucleon-nucleon interaction. Using the adopted technique, successful description of the data was obtained.

This work complements our previous studies [14-19] devoted for studying the peculiarities and the interaction mechanisms of weakly projectiles with different target nuclei at energies both below and above the EC. The paper is structured as follows. Sec. 2 presents the implemented potentials in the theoretical calculations. Section 3 presents the results of data analysis and discussion. Section 4 is devoted to the summary.

2 Implemented potentials in theoretical calculations

The considered 7Li + 58Ni elastic scattering ADs at energies 13-42 MeV are reanalyzed utilizing different approaches and potentials starting from the simplest one (OM) through the microscopic approaches such as double folding CDM3Y6 and SPP potentials, and ending with the most sophisticated and full microscopic continuum discretized coupled channels (CDCC) method which is applied with a great success in reproducing the considered data. The analysis in such way could clarify the different characterizations of 7Li + 58Ni system as well as helps in obtaining the optimal potentials that fairly reproduce the considered experimental data. The cluster folding model (CFM) based on the t and t+α target potential is used to consider the t+α cluster structure of 7Li.

2.1 The analysis using optical model

As a first step, the experimental elastic scattering 7Li +58Ni ADs at energies of 13 and 13.5 MeV [1], 14.22, 16.25, 18.28, and 20.31 MeV [2], 19 MeV [3], 34 MeV [4], and 42 MeV [5] are reanalyzed using the phenomenological OM with a central potential which has the following form: ear systems, OM of the nucleus is applied. The implemented phenomenological OM potential has the following form:

U(r)=VC-V01+expr-RVaV-1-iW01+expr-RWaW-1. (1)

The first term VC(r) is the Coulomb potential due to a uniform sphere with a charge equal to that of the target nucleus and radius rC  At1/3.

The second and third terms are the real and imaginary parts of nuclear potential which describe the scattering and absorption processes, respectively. Both parts are of volume shape and expressed in the conventional WS form. The spin orbit potential (VSO) for 7Li has been excluded as it has a little effect as well as for the sake of simplicity.

2.2 The analysis using Sao Paulo potential

It is more preferable to construct the interaction potential using more microscopic methods in order to get rid of the different ambiguities inherited with the OM potential. The SPP is similar to the usual DF potential as it is based on folding the projectile and target densities with nucleon-nucleon interaction potential (VNN)[20-24] expressed as.

VDF(r)=ρp(r1)ρt(r2)v0δ(|S|)d3r1d3r2, (2)

where the density distributions of 7Li and 58Ni nuclei are denoted by ρp(r1) and ρt(r2), respectively. The nuclear densities for 7Li and 58Ni were taken from the tabulated values created by REGINA code and were prepared based on the Dirac-Hartree-Bogoliubov (DHB) model [25]. The prepared SPP at Elab=14.22,,18.28, 20.31, 34, and 42 MeV are shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1 The generated real SPP at energies Elab=14.22,18.28, 20.31, 34, and 42 MeV. 

2.3 The analysis using cluster folding model

Due to the well-developed α+t cluster structure in 7Li nucleus that appears at Ex=2.468 MeV, various break-up effects are observed in different system induced by this weakly bound projectile. Better understanding the dissociation nature of 7Li would clarify the dissociation of loosely unstable radioactive isotopes. The resulted break-up of 7Li into a triton (valence particle) orbiting an α-particle (core) can have a significant effect even on elastic scattering data. In order to check this effect, it is desirable to derive the 7Li + 58Ni nuclear interaction potential based on a microscopic method that considers the 7Li cluster nature, such as the fully microscopic cluster folding model (CFM). In the CFM, the real and imaginary cluster folding potentials (CFPs) for the 7Li +58Ni system are generated based on the t+58Ni and α+58Ni potentials as follows:

VCF(R)=[Vα-58Ni(R-37r)+Vt-58Ni(R+47r)]|χα-t(r)|2dr , (3)

WCF(R)=[Wα-58Ni(R-37r)+Wt-58Ni(R+47r)]|χα-t(r)|2dr . (4)

The suitable needed potentials are: Vt-58  Ni at Elab=18 MeV (Et3/7ELi) and V  α-  58  Ni at Elab=24 MeV (Eα4/7ELi). As the 7Li +58Ni AD data at 42 MeV is the greatest regarded energy, the t + 58Ni at Elab=17 MeV [26] and α+58Ni at Elab=24.1 MeV [27] are the most appropriate data for determining the CFPs for 7Li +58Ni based on prior investigations regarding t and α scattered from 58Ni target. In the ground state of 7Li, the χα-t(r) is the intercluster wave function that characterizes the relative motion of α and t. The α-t bound state form factor represents a 2P3/2 state in a real WS potential with a radius of 1.83 fm, a diffuseness of 0.65 fm, and a depth that can change until the cluster’s binding energy (2.468 MeV) is reached. The created CFPs are shown in Fig. 2, these potentials well agree with the previously created CFPs by Nishioka et al., [13].

Figure 2 The implemented real and imaginary CFPs in the 7Li +58Ni CFM analysis. 

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Analysis of 7Li +58Ni data using OM potential

The elastic scattering ADs for 7Li +58Ni system at energies ranging from 13 - 42 MeV [1-5] are reanalyzed phenomenologically using OM of central potential presented in Eq. (1). The implemented OM potential consists of a Coulomb part of radius 1.4 x (58)1/3 in addition to nuclear part. The calculations were performed using fixed geometry parameters to observe how the real and imaginary potential depths vary with bombarding energy. In accordance with Cook study [28] concerning the systematic global optical potential for 7Li projectile, the following parameters rV, rW, aV, and aW were fixed to 1.286, 1.739, 0.853, and 0.809 fm, respectively. Consequently, two adjustable parameters V0 (real potential depth) and W0 (imaginary potential depth) were used to fit the data. The experimental data for 7Li +58Ni ADs at all the considered energies below and above the Ec is fairly reproduced utilizing the OM approach as presented in Figs. 3 and 4 using the extracted parameters displayed in Table I.

Figure 3 Comparison between 58Ni(7Li, 7Li)58Ni elastic scattering ADs (circles) and OM fits (curves) at Elab=13,13.5, 14.22, 16.25, and 18.28 MeV. 

Figure 4 Same as Fig. 3 but at Elab=19,20.31, 34 and 42 MeV. The dashed line refers to OM fit using another potential set which is applied to wash up the observed oscillations at E = 19 MeV. 

Table I Optimal OM potential parameters for 7Li +58Ni system with fixed rV=1.286 fm, rW=1.739 fm, aV=0.853, and aW=0.809 fm. The values of (JV), (JW) and reaction cross sections (σR) are displayed. 

E (MeV) V0(MeV) W0(MeV) χ2/N σR(mb) 3 3
13 92.93 8.34 0.06 77.41 152.55 29.99
13.5 108.13 6.1 0.02 101.7 177.50 21.93
14.22 90.0 24.95 0.66 347.4 147.74 89.71
16.25 104.09 54.9 0.5 863.7 170.87 197.36
18.28 110.29 52.51 0.23 1128 181.05 188.80
19 99.88 6.17 1.17 720.2 163.96 22.18
20.31 162.13 51.46 0.32 1366 266.15 185.03
34 109.98 24.77 0.56 1804 180.54 89.06
42 73.86 16.98 11.4 1807 121.25 61.05

In order to check the applicability of the dispersion relation on real (JV) and imaginary (JW) volume integrals, these quantities were calculated as their values are displayed in Table I. It is clearly shown that, the extracted (JV) and (JW) values don not obey the usual dispersion relation (localized peak followed by a continuous decrease in JV values, and direct increase followed by nearly constant energy dependence for JW values). The performed OM analysis gives an evidence for the absence of usual threshold anomaly (TA) which is presented in many systems induced by tightly bounded projectiles [29-32]. This absence of TA is observed in some systems induced by weakly projectiles [33,34], the so called break-up threshold anomaly (BTA) phenomenon.

The quality of fitting and hence the optimal potential parameters were obtained by minimizing the χ 2 value which defines the deviation between experimental data and calculations, and defined as follow:

χ2=1Ni=1Nσ(θi)cal-σ(θi)expΔσ(θi)2. (5)

The σ(θi)exp and σ(θi)cal are the experimental and calculated (DCs), Δσ(θi) is the relative uncertainty in experimental data. FRESCO code [35] upgraded with χ 2 minimization SFRESCO code were implemented to fit the data and to get the optimal potential parameters. Although the OM calculations using real and imaginary WS potentials were successful in reproducing the considered data, the fitting at E = 19 MeV showed some oscillations which are mainly linked to the used potential parameters. In order to wash up these oscillations, we had to reduce the applied constraints by allowing the real and imaginary depth (V0 and W0) and diffuseness (aV and aW) to freely change till the best fit is reached, and the radius parameters were still fixed (rV=1.286 fm and rW=1.739 fm). The used parameters to fit the data at E = 19 MeV are: V0=99.15 MeV, aV=0.908 fm, W0=28.6 MeV and aW=0.502 fm, and the obtained fit utilizing such parameters is represented by the dashed line in Fig. 4.

3.2 Analysis of 7Li +58Ni data using SPP

Despite the well-known success of the OM to reproduce the experimental results for a variety of nuclear systems, it is preferable to construct the interaction potential on more microscopic methods such as SPP. This fact arises from the different parameter ambiguities both discrete and continuous associated with OM calculations. In order to overcome these ambiguities and to take the internal structure of the interacting nuclei into consideration, the new version SPP2 [36] was applied to investigate the concerned 7Li +58Ni ADs data. The real part of SPP was created using (Eq. (2) and the imaginary part was taken of WS shape with potential parameters fixed to their optimal values obtained from OM analysis. The implemented potential has the following shape:

U(R)=VC(R)-NRSPP  VDF(R)-iW01+expr-RWaW-1, (6)

where NRSPP is the renormalization factor for the real part of the adopted SPP, and its optimal extracted values are displayed in Table II. As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, reasonable agreement was obtained between the experimental 7Li +58Ni ADs and the theoretical calculations utilizing (real SPP + Imag. WS) approach.

Figure 5 Comparison between 58Ni(7Li,7Li)58Ni ADs (circles) and calculations using (real SPP + Imag. WS) approach (curves) at Elab=13,13.5, 14.22 16.25 and 18.28 MeV. 

Figure 6 Same as Fig. 5 but at Elab=19,20.31, 34 and 42 MeV. 

Table II Optimal potential parameters for 7Li +58Ni nuclear system using (real SPP + Imag. WS) approach. The values of (JV), (JW) and reaction cross sections (σR) are displayed. 

E (MeV) NRSPP χ2/N σR(mb) 3 3
13 0.531 0.01 80.28 223.05 29.99
13.5 0.611 0.02 108.1 256.53 21.93
14.22 0.454 0.61 339.0 190.48 89.71
16.25 0.725 0.64 865.2 303.58 197.36
18.28 0.725 0.24 1129 302.78 188.80
19 0.727 0.94 711.4 303.19 22.18
20.31 0.98 0.62 1361 408.74 185.03
34 0.657 0.8 1818 270.45 89.06
42 0.384 14.2 1815 156.86 61.05

Two important facts are presented in the performed analysis. First, an observed reduction in the NRSPP value was found to be necessary for fitting well the data at the different considered energies with an average value 0.64 ± 0.18. These results show that, in order to reproduce the 7Li + 58Ni ADs, the strength of the real SPP should be reduced by ~36%. This observed reduction is basically due to the break-up effect of 7Li. Second, the extracted (JV) and (JW) values from calculations using (real SPP + Imag. WS) approach do present the BTA which agree with the previously reported findings [33,34,37]. 58Ni density distributions which were obtained from DHB model [25] as was done in SPP calculations. In other words, both SPP and DF-CDM3Y6 calculations implemented the same densities for 7Li and 58Ni, so the main difference here was only in the utilized interaction potential. The DF potentials at the different considered energies were generated using DFMSPH code [38]. The real DF potential is prepared by folding the 7Li and 58Ni densities with the (VNN).

VDF(r)=ρp(r1)ρt(r2)VNN(S)d3r1d3r2. (7)

The VNN has CDM3Y6 form based on the M3Y-Paris potential and consists of two parts, namely, direct vD(s) and exchange vEX(s) parts.

vD(s)=11062e-4s4s-2538e-2.5s2.5s  MeV, (8)

and the knock-on exchange part in the infinite-range exchange is

vEx(s)=[-1524e-4s4s-518.8e-2.5s2.5s-7.847e-0.7072s0.7072s]. (9)

The M3Y-Paris interaction is scaled by a density-dependent function F(ρ):

vD(EX)(ρ,s)=F(ρ)vD(EX)(s), (10)

where ρ is the nuclear matter (NM) density, s is the distance between the two interacting nucleons. The F(ρ) function was taken in the following form [39]:

F(ρ)=0.2658[1+3.8033exp(-1.4099ρ)-4.0ρ]. (11)

So, the nuclear potential has the following form:


The data in this case is fitted by two free parameters NRDF and NIDF, namely, the renormalization factors for the real and imaginary parts of DF potential, respectively.

In addition to the previously described DF calculations using CDM3Y6 interaction, a modified version of CDM3Y6 is employed, which is denoted by CDM3Y6-RT and includes the effect the rearrangement term (RT). In the CDM3Y6-RT interaction, the term ΔF(ρ) is added and expressed as [40],

ΔF(ρ)=1.5exp(-0.833ρ)-1. (13)

The experimental 7Li +58Ni ADs are in a reasonable agreement with the performed calculations using DF-CDM3Y6 potential as shown in Figs. 7 and 8, the extracted optimal NRDF and NIDF alues are listed in Table III. The investigation revealed that the real DF potential strength had to be reduced by ~63%, the average extracted NRDF value is 0.37 ± 0.17 Then, we have applied the CDM3Y6-RT approach by considering the impact of including the rearrangement term shown in Eq. (13). Nearly the same quality of fitting was produced as shown in Figs. 7 and 8. The analysis using CDM3Y6-RT confirmed the need to reduce the real DF strength by ~62%, where the average extracted NRDF value is 0.38 ± 0.17 This observed reduction in potential strength in basically due to the break-up effect observed in the weakly bound 7Li nuclei. The slightly higher NRDF values extracted from the analyses using CDM3Y6-RT approach in comparison with those extracted from CDM3Y6 approach showed that the inclusion of RT has not a significant effect.

Figure 7 Comparison between 58Ni(7Li,7Li)58Ni ADs (circles) and calculations using DF Real + DF Imag. (CDM3Y6) approach (solid curves) and CDM3Y6-RT approach (dashed curves) fits at Elab=13,13.5, 14.22, 16.25 and 18.28 MeV. 

Figure 8 Same as Fig. 7 but at Elab=19,20.31, 34, and 42 MeV. 

Table III Optimal potential parameters for 7Li +58Ni nuclear system utilizing DF-CDM3Y6 potential with and without RT term. Data are fitted using two parameters namely, NRDF and NIDF. The values of (JV), (JW) and reaction cross sections (σR) are displayed. 

E (MeV) Interaction model NRDF NIDF χ2/N σR(mb) JV(MeV.fm3) JW(MeV.fm3)
13 CDM3Y6 0.237 0.207 0.007 79.79 113.02 98.69
CDM3Y6-RT 0.247 0.215 0.013 79.58 98.30 85.56
13.5 CDM3Y6 0.283 0.139 0.02 104.9 134.87 66.24
CDM3Y6-RT 0.295 0.148 0.02 105.1 117.34 58.87
14.22 CDM3Y6 0.2 0.75 0.31 370.4 95.25 357.20
CDM3Y6-RT 0.2 0.78 0.31 370.5 79.49 310.01
16.25 CDM3Y6 0.504 1.2 0.55 838.7 239.59 570.44
CDM3Y6-RT 0.512 1.2 0.63 830.7 203.08 475.97
18.28 CDM3Y6 0.517 1.19 0.26 1107 245.31 564.63
CDM3Y6-RT 0.521 1.19 0.25 1119 206.49 471.64
19 CDM3Y6 0.281 0.104 1.1 727.2 133.24 49.31
CDM3Y6-RT 0.296 0.115 1.1 729.1 117.09 45.49
20.31 CDM3Y6 0.7 1.04 0.42 1340 331.51 492.53
CDM3Y6-RT 0.717 1.11 0.42 1343 282.84 437.87
34 CDM3Y6 0.404 0.519 0.81 1834 188.95 242.73
CDM3Y6-RT 0.427 0.584 0.81 1852 166.53 227.77
42 CDM3Y6 0.222 0.312 23.4 1803 99.59 139.98
CDM3Y6-RT 0.239 0.363 26.1 1832 88.03 133.70

3.3 Analysis of 7Li +58Ni data using CFP

Due to the highly clusterization probability of 7Li and its break-up into t+α at low excitation energy ~2.468, it is interesting to explore the CFP based on the microscopic CFM and to test its applicability to describe the 7Li +58Ni ADs utilizing the following central potential:


In terms of the so called (CFP Real + CFP Imag.) approach, the considered data was reproduced using two varying parameters NRCF and NICF, namely, the renormalization factors for the real and imaginary CFPs, respectively, generated as defined in Eqs. (3) and (4). Good description for the data was achieved using CFM at the different considered energies and in the whole angular range as shown in Figs. 9 and 10 except at energies 16.25 and 18.28 MeV which showed a slight deviation at angles >120o. The extracted NRCF value in the energy range 13-42 MeV is close to each other with an average value 0.51± 0.2 as shown in Table IV. These results confirm the need to reduce the real cluster folding potential strength by ~49% in order to well describe the 7Li + 58Ni ADs. This behavior is similar to our findings from the analyses using (real SPP + Imag. WS), DF-CDM3Y6 and DF-CD M3Y6 RT approaches. In general, the observed reduction in potential strength is one of the features for systems induced by the weakly bounded 7Li projectile [34].

Figure 9 Comparison between 58Ni(7Li,7Li)58Ni elastic scattering ADs (circles) and OM fits (curves) at Elab=13,13.5, 14.22, 16.25, and 18.28 MeV. 

Figure 10 Same as Fig. 9 but at Elab=19,20.31, 34, and 42 MeV. 

Table IV Optimal potential parameters for 7Li +58Ni nuclear system using (CFP Real + CFP Imag.) approach. The values of σR, JV, and JW are displayed. 

E (MeV) NRCF NICF χ2/N σR(mb) JV( 3 ) JW( 3 )
13 0.458 0.309 0.009 83.98 239.48 31.17
13.5 0.54 0.207 0.02 109.2 282.36 20.874
14.22 0.2 1.178 0.3 387.2 104.58 118.81
16.25 0.749 1.2 2.0 772.8 391.64 121.03
18.28 0.543 1.2 1.1 1012 283.93 121.03
19 0.498 0.19 1.3 744.6 260.40 19.163
20.31 0.839 1.2 1.2 1259 438.70 121.03
34 0.48 1.385 0.77 1962 250.98 139.68
42 0.256 0.96 26.7 1950 133.86 96.82

3.4 Analysis of 7Li +58Ni data using CDCC method

The DF calculations using both CDM3Y6 and CDM3Y6-RT interactions, SPP, and CFP confirmed the need to reduce the real potential strength by ~63%, 62%, 36 %, and 49 %, respectively. This observed reduction is mainly due to the effect of 7Li break-up in the field of 58Ni target. This effect can be simulated by applying the more sophisticated CDCC method using FRESCO code. The couplings to the unbound α+t resonant and non-resonant continuum states play a significant role as they produce a repulsive real dynamical polarization potential (DPP) [41,42]. The cluster folding (CF) procedures described in Eqs. (3) and (4) are used to calculate the coupling and diagonal potentials. With respect to the momentum of the α+t relative motion, the α+t continuum above the break-up threshold (2.468 MeV) was discretized into a series of momentum bins, with k restricted to 0.0k0.75 fm-1 and width Δk=0.25 fm-1 [43]. The t+58Ni, α+58Ni, as well as the α+t binding potentials (for 3/2- and 1/2- states) are the same as those used in the performed CFM calculations. As, the most significant contributions come from L = 3resonances [34,43-45], two resonant states (7/2- and 5/2-) with widths of 0.2 and 2.0, respectively, as well as one non-resonant (1/2-, Ex=0.4776 MeV) are included inthe CDCC calculations. As shown in Figs. 11 and 12, good agreement between the experimental 7Li +58Ni ADs and the CDCC calculations was achieved except at the lower energies: 13, 13.5 and 14.22 MeV which exhibited some deviations especially at larger angles > 100o, but the over whole agreement is still acceptable as no adjustable parameters were used in the CDCC calculations.

Figure 11 Experimental 58Ni(7Li,7Li)58Ni ADs (circles) versus CDCC calculations (curves) at Elab=13,13.5, 14.22, 16.25, and 18.28 MeV. 

Figure 12 Same as Fig. 11 but at Elab=19,20.31, 34, and 42 MeV. 

Figure 13 depicts the variation of reaction cross section values obtained for the 7Li +58Ni system by utilizing the OM, SPP, CDM3Y6, CDM3Y6-RT, and CFM potentials as well as those obtained from CDCC calculations with energy at the various examined bombarding energies. The following logarithmic formula can be used to express this behavior:

σR(E)=-637.5+70.1E-0.453E2. (15)

Figure 13 Energy versus the extracted σR values for 7Li +58Ni system using the different implemented approaches: OM, SPP, CDM3Y6, CDM3Y6-RT, CFM, and CDCC. 

As shown in Fig. 13, there is an observed drop in the value of reaction cross section at 19 MeV. Such drop is presented in the different implemented approaches. The possible explanation of such drop in reaction cross sectionat E = 19 MeV may be due to the presence of resonance effect. In order to experimentally justify the presence of this resonance, a study for the excitation function is required. It worth to mention, although the extracted σR from CDCC method is quite reasonable (1080 mb), as it agrees well with the neighboring values, but the general agreement between the data and the CDCC calculations at 19 MeV is quite worse than those obtained from the other implemented potentials. Consequently, similar value for σR could be obtained from the other implemented approaches if we sacrificed the quality of fitting by reducing the applied constraints on the imaginary part of potential.

The performed analysis within the scope of the various approaches revealed that the BTA phenomenon is well represented in 7Li +58Ni system, as the retrieved JV values shown in Tables I, II, III and IV do not obey the conventional dispersion relation. This is seen in Fig. 14, which depicts the energy dependence on JV values. Although the retrieved JV values from the different approaches are significantly differ due to the different methodologies followed in preparing the implemented nuclear potentials, but the general trend for the variation of JV values with energy is quite similar.

Figure 14 Energy dependence on the JV values obtained from the different implemented approaches. 

4 Summary

The weakly bound 7Li nucleus is a good candidate to study the break-up effect on elastic scattering data, as its break-up into t+α cluster structure appears at threshold energy of 2.468 MeV, and has only one bound (1/2-, Ex=0.478 MeV) excited state. From this perspective, it is interesting to explore the mechanism of interaction of weakly projectiles such as 7Li as it also could lead to better understanding for the interaction mechanism of radioactive beams with different targets. The current study aims to reanalyze the available 58Ni(7Li,7Li)58Ni ADs at energies 13-42 MeV utilizing different interaction potentials:

  1. OM calculations with nuclear potential consisting of WS real and imaginary volume parts, and with fixed geometry parameters (radius and diffuseness) were successful in describing the data at the different examined energies.

  2. Real SPP + Imag. WS approach, where the considered data was fitted using real SPP and an imaginary part of WS shape with potential parameters fixed to those obtained from OM calculations. One adjustable parameters NRSPP was used to reproduce data. The analysis clarified the need to decrease the real SPP strength by ~36 %.

  3. Double folding potential; using bare CDM3Y6 interaction (DF-CDM3Y6), as well as the inclusion of the rearrangement effect (DF-CDM3Y6 RT) folded into the 7Li and 58Ni densities having the same shape as those implemented in SPP calculations. The performed analysis using both CDM3Y6 and CDM3Y6-RT approaches again confirmed the need to decrease the real folded potential strength by ~63 and 62 %, respectively.

  4. Cluster folding potential created based on t + 58Ni and α + 58Ni potentials at appropriate energies in addition to t-α cluster wave function was employed in the data analysis. The CFM calculations again confirm the need to decrease the strength of the real CFP by ~49% in order to obtain a reasonable fitting.

The reported reduction in potential strength from the different implemented potentials is mainly due to the dissociation of 7Li into t+α in the field of 58Ni. It order to simulate this effect, coupling to the non-resonant state (1/2-, Ex=0.4776 MeV) and two resonant states (7/2- and 5/2-) with widths of 0.2 and 2.0, respectively, are included in the CDCC calculations. Reasonable fitting for the considered data using the different implemented approaches was obtained. The extracted JV and JW values confirm the presence of BTA as they do not obey the usual dispersion relation.


This research was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, through the Research Funding Program (FRP-43-3).


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How to Cite. N. A. Alsaif, S. Hamada, M. El-Azab Farid, B. M. Alotaibi, M. Alotiby, and A. . Ibraheem, “Elastic scattering of 7Li+58Ni: a phenomenological and microscopic analysis”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 69, no. 2 Mar-Apr, pp. 021201 1-, Mar. 2023.

Received: April 27, 2022; Accepted: June 09, 2022

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