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Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica
versión impresa ISSN 0185-1101
Rev. mex. astron. astrofis vol.44 no.1 Ciudad de México ene. 2008
Radial dependence of extinction in parent galaxies of supernovae
D. Onic, B. Arbutina, and D. Urosevic
Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia (,,
Received 2007 November 6
Accepted 2007 November 27
El problema de la extinción es el asunto más importante a considerar para obtener magnitudes absolutas verdaderas de las supernovas (SNe). Se ha demostrado que el modelo planoparalelo, usado extensamente en el pasado, no describe adecuadamente la extinción. Intentamos aplicar un modelo alternativo que introduzca la dependencia radial de la extinción en galaxias que albergan supernovas. Para calcular la extinción en nuestra galaxia utilizamos dos métodos distintos y comparamos los resultados obtenidos. Nuestro análisis se centra particularmente en una muestra selecta de supernovas desprovistas de envolvente, SNe (Ib/c), para la cual encontramos una magnitud absoluta intrínseca en el máximo M0B = 17.80 ± 0.43.
The problem of extinction is the most important issue to be dealt with in the process of obtaining true absolute magnitudes of corecollapse (including strippedenvelope) supernovae (SNe). The planeparallel model, widely used in the past, was shown not to describe extinction adequately. We try to apply an alternative model which introduces radial dependance of extinction in parent galaxies of supernovae. For calculating extinction in our Galaxy we use two different methods and compare the results obtained. Our analysis is primarily focused on a chosen sample of strippedenvelope SNe (Ib/c) for which we find intrinsic peak absolute magnitude M0B = 17.80 ± 0.43.
Key Words: galaxies: spiral ISM: dust, extinction supernovae: general
The authors would like to thank the referee Prof. David Branch for useful comments. This paper is a part of the projects "Gaseous and Stellar Components of Galaxies: Interaction and Evolution" (No. 146012) and "Physics of Sun and Stars" (No. 146003) supported by the Ministry of Science of Serbia.
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