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Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica
versión impresa ISSN 0185-1101
Rev. mex. astron. astrofis vol.47 no.2 Ciudad de México oct. 2011
V1898 CYGNI: An Interacting Eclipsing Binary in the Vicinity of North America Nebula1
A. Dervisoglu,2 Ö. Çakirli,2,3 C. Ibanoglu,2 and E. Sipahi2
2 Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Science Faculty, Ege University, Dept., 35100 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey (
3 TÜBITAK National Observatory, Akdeniz Üniversity Campus, Turkey.
Received 2011 April 12
Accepted 2011 June 12
Presentamos observaciones espectroscopicas de la binaria eclipsante tipo Algol, de doble linea, V1898 Cygni. El análisis de las curvas de luz en las bandas BV nos lleva a una determinación de los parámetros fundamentales de las componentes de V1898 Cygni. Los parámetros absolutos son: M1 = 6.054 ± 0.037 ΜΘ, M2 = 1.162 ± 0.011 ΜΘ, R1 = 3.526 ± 0.009 RΘ, R2 = 2.640 ± 0.010 RΘ, Teff1 = 18000 ± 600 K, y Teff2 = 6200 ± 200 K. Analizamos los residuos entre los tiempos observados y calculados para el eclipse medio y obtenemos una tasa de cambio del período de P/P = 6.68 x 107 yr1. Estimamos una tasa de transferencia de masa de 1.88 x 107 ΜΘ por año. Utilizando las magnitudes infrarojas JHK y las correcciones bolometricas para la estrella primaria, calculamos la distancia al sistema V1898 Cyg como 501 ± 5 pc. Las componentes de los movimientos propios del sistema presentan alguna información sobre su pertenencia a la Nebulosa de Norteamerica.
We present spectroscopic observations of the doublelined Algol type eclipsing binary V1898 Cyg. Analyses of the BV light curves and RVs led to determination of the fundamental stellar parameters of the V1898 Cyg's components. The absolute parameters for the stars are derived as: M1 = 6.054 ± 0.037 ΜΘ, M2 = 1.162 ± 0.011 ΜΘ, R1 = 3.526 ± 0.009 RΘ, R2 = 2.640 ± 0.010 RΘ, Teff1 = 18000 ± 600 K, and Teff2 = 6200±200 K. The residuals between the observed and computed times of mideclipses were analysed and a rate of the period change P/P= 6.68 x 107 yr1 was obtained; a mass transfer rate of 1.88 x 107 M0 in a year is estimated. We have calculated the distance to the system V1898Cyg as 501 ± 5 pc using the infrared JHK magnitudes and bolometric corrections for the primary star. The components of the system's proper motions present some indications about membership to the North America nebula.
Key Words: binaries: close — binaries: eclipsing — binaries: general — binaries: spectroscopic — stars: individual (V1898Cyg).
We thank Prof. G. Strazzulla, director of the Catania Astrophysical (Observatory, and Dr. G. Leto, responsible for the M. G. Fracastoro observing station, for their warm hospitality and for allocating telescope time for the observations. We also thank TÜBITAK National Observatory (TUG) for partial support in using RTT150 with project numbers 10ARTT1504830 and 09BRTT1504680. This research has been also supported by TÜBITAK under project number 109T708 and INAF and Italian MIUR. This research has made use of the ADS and CDS databases, operated at the CDS, Strasbourg, France and ULAKBIM Süreli Yayinlar Kataloggu. The authors thank the anonymous referee for his/her valuable comments.
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1 Based on observations collected at Catania Astrophysical Observatory (Italy) and TÜBITAK National Observatory (Antalya, Turkey).