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Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica
versión impresa ISSN 0185-1101
Rev. mex. astron. astrofis vol.49 no.1 Ciudad de México abr. 2013
Longterm photometric and spectroscopic observations of the nearcontact binary KR CYGNI1
E. Sipahi, C. İbanoğlu, and Ö. Çakirli
Ege University, Science Faculty, Astronomy and Space Sciences Dept., 35100 Bornova, İzmir, Turkey. (,,
Received 2012 February 23.
Accepted 2012 September 5.
Presentamos curvas de luz en varios colores y velocidades radiales obtenidas a lo largo de cinco años para la binaria en cuasicontacto KR Cyg. Obtenemos para las masas de las componentes 2.88 ± 0.20 MΘ y 1.26 ± 0.07 MΘ, y para los radios 2.59 ±0.06 RΘ y 1.80 ±0.04 RΘ. También investigamos las determinaciones empíricas del albedo y la temperatura efectiva de la estrella más fría y menos masiva de KR Cyg, y de otras dos binarias en cuasicontacto similares, AK CMi y DO Cas. Los residuos entre los flujos observados y los calculados se atribuyen al efecto de la iluminación mutua, la cual calienta las capas superficiales de la estrella iluminada y hace que varíe no sólo el albedo bolométrico, sino también el coeficiente del ennegrecimiento al limbo y el exponente del abrillantamiento por gravedad. Los albedos efectivos son generalmente menores que los esperados para la envolvente de una estrella convectiva. Nuestros resultados son preliminares y especulativos.
We present the multicolor, fiveyear light curves and the radial velocities of the nearcontact binary system KR Cyg. We derived the masses of the components as 2.88 ± 0.20 MΘ and 1.26 ± 0.07 MΘ and the radii as 2.59 ± 0.06 RΘ and 1.80 ± 0.04 RΘ. We also searched for the empirical determination of albedo and effective temperature of the cooler, less massive star of KRCyg, and of two similar near contact binaries AK CMi, and DO Cas. The residuals between the observed and computed fluxes are attributed to the effect of mutual illumination which heats the surface layers of the illuminated star and does vary not only its bolometric albedo but also its limbdarkening coefficient and gravitybrightening exponent. The effective albedos are generally smaller than that expected from an envelope of convective star. These results are preliminary and speculative.
Key Words: binaries: close binaries: eclipsing binaries: general binaries: spectroscopic stars: individual (KRCyg, AKCMi, DO Cas).
We thank the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (TÜBİTAK) for a partial support with Project number 109T708 and EBİLTEM Ege University Science Foundation Project No:2011/BİL/007. We also thank TÜBİTAK National Observatory (TUG) for a partial support in using RTT150 and T100 telescopes with project numbers 10ARTT1504830, 11ARTT1501230 and 10CT100101. We also thank the persons responsible for the Bakirlitepe observing station for their warm hospitality. This research has made use of the ADS and CDS databases, operated by the CDS, Strasbourg, France and TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Süreli Yayinlar Kataloĝu.
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1 Based on observations collected at TUBITAK National Observatory (Antalya, Turkey).