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Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica
versión impresa ISSN 0185-1101
Rev. mex. astron. astrofis vol.51 no.1 Ciudad de México abr. 2015
Intragroup dark matter distribution in small groups of halos in a ΛCDM cosmology
H. Aceves, F. J. Tamayo, L. Altamirano-Dévora, F. G. Ramón-Fox, R. Cañas & M. Reyes-Ruiz
Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ensenada, B. C., México, Apdo. Postal 106, C.P. 22800 (
Received March 14 2014.
Accepted September 24 2014.
Se estudia la distribución de materia oscura intragrupal en pequeños grupos de halos oscuros de tamaño galáctico en una cosmología ACDM. Estos grupos oscuros son identificados utilizando un criterio físico, y pueden ser representativos de pequeños grupos de galaxias. Cuantificamos la cantidad de materia oscura intragrupal y caracterizamos su distribución. Encontramos que las asociaciones compactas de halos, y las intermedias y mucho menos compactas, tienen perfiles de masa oscura algo planos, con pendientes logarítmicas de γ ≈ 0 y ≈ 0.2, respectivamente. Concluimos entonces que la materia oscura intragrupo en estos sistemas no sigue la misma distribución que la de los halos galácticos. En grupos intermedios u holgados de halos la materia intragrupal es ≲ 50%, mientras que en los compactos es ≲ 20% dentro del radio del grupo.
We study the distribution of intragroup dark matter in small groups of dark matter galaxy size halos in a ACDM cosmology. These groups are identified using a physical criterion and may be an appropriate representation of small galaxy groups. We quantify the amount of intra-group dark matter and characterize its distribution. We find that compact associations of halos, as well as intermediate and loose groups, have rather fiat intragroup dark matter profiles, with logarithmic slopes of γ ≈ 0 and ≈ 0.2, respectively. Hence, the intra-group dark matter of these halo systems does not follow the same cuspy tendency of galactic halos. In intermediate and loose associations of galaxy-size halos, the intragroup matter tends to be ≲ 50% of the total mass of the group, while in compact associations it is ≲ 20% of the mass within their group radius.
Key Words: dark matter galaxies: clusters: general galaxies: halos large-scale structure of universe methods: numerical.
This research was funded by UNAM-PAPIIT and CONACyT Research Projects IN108914 and 179662, respectively. We warmly thank Martín Crocce for communications regarding cosmological initial con ditions, Alexander Knebe for his help with the the AHF halo finder, and an anonymous Referee for useful comments to improve this work. We also thank Elena Jiménez-Bailón for comments and Irving Álvarez-Castillo, from DGCTIC-UNAM, for his help with software matters.
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