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Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica

versión impresa ISSN 0185-1101

Rev. mex. astron. astrofis vol.59 no.2 Ciudad de México oct. 2023  Epub 18-Oct-2024 


Tracing the assembly histories of galaxy clusters in the nearby universe

C. A. Caretta1 

H. Andernach1  2 

M. Chow-Martínez1  3 

R. Coziol1 

J. De Anda-Suárez4 

C. Hernández-Aguayo5  6 

J. M. Islas-Islas1  7 

M. M. Mireles-Vidales1 

M. A. Muñiz-Torres1 

H. Santoyo-Ruiz8 

J. J. Trejo-Alonso1  9 

Y. Venkatapathy1  10 

J. M. Zúñiga1 

1Departamento de Astronomía (DCNE-CGT), Universidad de Guanajuato, Callejón de Jalisco s/n, C.P. 36023, Guanajuato (Gto.), México.

2Thüringer Landessternwarte, Sternwarte 5, D-07778, Tautenburg, Germany.

3Instituto de Geología y Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, Nicaragua.

4Tecnológico Nacional de México, ITS Purísma del Rincón, Purísima del Rincón (Gto.), México.

5Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, D-85748, Garching, Germany.

6Excellence Cluster ORIGINS, Boltzmannstrasse 2, D-85748, Garching, Germany.

7Universidad Tecnológica de Tulancingo, Tulancingo (Hgo.), México.

8Descubre Museo Interactivo de Ciencia y Tecnología, Aguascalientes (Ags.), México.

9Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Querétaro (Qro.), México.

10Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Morelia (Mich.), México.


We have compiled a sample of 67 nearby (z < 0.15) clusters of galaxies, for which on average more than 150 spectroscopic members are available and, by applying different methods to detect substructures in their galaxy distribution, we have studied their assembly history. Our analysis confirms that substructures are present in 70% of our sample, having a significant dynamical impact in 57% of them. A classification of the assembly state of the clusters based on the dynamical significance of their substructures is proposed. In 19% of our clusters, the originally identified brightest cluster galaxy is not the central gravitationally dominant galaxy (CDG), but turns out to be either the second-rank, or the dominant galaxy of a substructure (a SDG, in our classification), or even a possible\fossil" galaxy in the periphery of the cluster. Moreover, no correlation was found in general between the projected offset of the CDG from the X-ray peak and its peculiar velocity.

Key Words: galaxies: clusters: general; galaxies: groups: general; large-scale structure of Universe


Recopilamos una muestra de 67 cúmulos cercanos (z < 0.15) de galaxias, con un promedio de más de 150 miembros espectroscópicos. Con diferentes métodos para detectar subestructuras en la distribución de sus galaxias, estudiamos la historia de ensamblaje. Confirmamos la presencia de subestructuras en el 70% de nuestros cúmulos, con un impacto dinámico significante en el 57% de ellos. Proponemos una clasificación de los estados de ensamblaje de los cúmulos basada en la significancia dinámica de sus subestructuras. En el 19% de ellos, la galaxia\más brillante" no es la galaxia gravitacionalmente dominante central (CDG), sino la segunda galaxia dominante, o bien la galaxia dominante de una subestructura (una SDG), o incluso una galaxia\fósil" en la periferia del cúmulo. No se encontró correlación entre el desplazamiento proyectado de la CDG respecto al pico de emisiónen rayos-X y su velocidad peculiar.


According to the hierarchical structure formation paradigm, gravity brings together smaller mass systems into larger, more massive ones: in a sequential process, galaxies assemble in groups, and groups merge to form clusters which, at the present epoch, have started to congregate over the largest scale appearing as superclusters. At each mass scale, the environment where the object (galaxy, group or cluster) forms influences how it grows and evolves, through complex physical processes that still need to be investigated and further clarified. This makes retracing the assembly histories of such objects/systems a difficult but paramount task.

The effects of the environment on galaxy formation and evolution have been extensively studied (e.g., Dressler 1980; Caldwell et al. 1993; Poggianti et al. 2006), originally in terms of the cluster-field dichotomy. However, the discussion has recently taken a new turn, after realizing that groups and clusters are part of the cosmic web, namely, the largescale structure (LSS). Within this new paradigm, the global environment of galaxies has a foamy texture, a structure full of voids (e.g., Tempel et al. 2009; Varela et al. 2012; Einasto et al. 2014; Dupuy et al. 2019) that are encircled by a web of filaments (e.g., Porter et al. 2008; Poudel et al. 2017; Santiago-Bautista et al. 2020), where the bulk of the intergalactic gas is found (e.g., Fraser-McKelvie et al. 2011; Planck Collab. 2014; Reiprich et al. 2021), and connected through nodes, where the density of matter is highest. It is along the backbone of the filaments that groups of galaxies form, before migrating and merging within rich clusters of galaxies in the nodes.

Information about the fundamental properties of these structures and their member galaxies has also improved significantly thanks to many surveys: large-scale redshift surveys (e.g., Shectman et al. 1996; Da Costa et al. 1998; Falco et al. 1999; Cole et al. 2005; Jones et al. 2009; Baldry et al. 2010; Huchra et al. 2012; Albareti et al. 2017), optical CCD-based photometric surveys (e.g., Hambly et al. 2001a; Skrutskie et al. 2006; Aihara et al. 2011; Shanks et al. 2015; Dey 2019; Chambers et al. 2019; Abbott et al. 2021), and interferometric radio surveys (e.g., Becker et al. 1995; Condon et al. 1998; Barnes et al. 2001; Lacy et al. 2020). These studies allowed various physical processes for the formation and evolution of galaxies to be identified, with efficiencies varying with the density of the environments of structures on different scales. Fundamentally, this has shown that understanding how galaxies form and evolve requires understanding how the structure and characteristics of their environments affect their intrinsic properties: their mass, morphology, star formation history and even BH formation and AGN activity.

However, this also implies being able to distinguish environmental effects from those related to secular evolution (the question of whether this is due to “nature or nurture”). A panoply of galaxy characteristics are used to achieve this goal, like their colors, their shapes, their orientations and spins, or equivalent parameters extracted from comparing their spectra with synthetic stellar population models. When studying groups and clusters, distinguishing between nature and nurture also necessitates recognizing the dynamical states of these systems, as reflected by the different distributions of galaxies, intergalactic gas (intracluster medium, ICM, or intragroup medium, IGM) and dark matter (the so-called halo-occupation problem). Reconciling all these different aspects is theoretically demanding and observationally expensive, which complicates the task of building a comprehensive model of their formation and evolution.

Usually, studies related to the structure and evolution of galaxy groups and clusters suffer from one or more of the following limitations: (i) only projected positional data are used for substructure analyses (e.g., Lopes et al. 2006; Ramella et al. 2007; Wen & Han 2013); (ii) the use of photometric redshifts (e.g., Wen & Han 2015; Bonjean et al. 2018) -clearly the estimation of redshifts using only photometry has improved a lot during recent years, but photometric redshifts still lack the accuracy to determine cluster membership and dynamical state in the way that is possible with spectroscopic redshifts-; (iii) only a small number of member galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts are available (frequently affecting high-redshift cluster studies); (iv) many spectroscopic redshifts are available but only for a small number of clusters (e.g., Tyler et al. 2014; Song et al. 2017; Liu et al. 2018); (v) cluster samples that are biased in richness and mass, or focused on special aspects, like regularly shaped clusters, dominated by cD galaxies, showing strong X-ray emission or an ICM with strong Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) signal (e.g., Oegerle & Hill 2001; Rumbaugh et al. 2018; Lopes et al. 2018). To palliate these limitations, we aim to build a database collecting information related to the environments of different structures in the nearby Universe (from groups to superclusters), that is as complete and homogeneous as possible. In this paper, we concentrate more specifically on defining a sample of galaxy clusters that have a large range of richness, to establish their dynamical and evolutionary states in order to trace their assembly histories.

For that, we need to better investigate the importance of substructures and their dynamically dominant galaxies for the cluster evolution as a whole. We make a clear distinction here between the photometric ranking of member galaxies of a galaxy system (cluster or group), which has lead to the terms BCG (Brightest Cluster Galaxy) and BGG (Brightest Group Galaxy), and a ranking that takes into account their dynamical relevance and evolution. Because today we have enough information to study the assembly and evolution of galaxy clusters, this distinction becomes necessary. Thus, we define, for each cluster or group, a CDG (Central Dominant Galaxy), and one or more SDGs (Substructure/Subcluster/Satellite Dominant Galaxies) for each of the cluster substructures when they are present. The CDG and SDGs of a cluster are usually the brightest galaxies of this cluster, and we will retain the term BCGs to refer colectivelly to them. In other words, BCGs and BGGs are photometrically defined prior to a dynamical analysis, while CDGs and SDGs are a reclassification of the BCGs and BGGs according to their host sub-systems and dynamical importance.

Moreover, assuming that CDGs with a cD (or D) type morphology form by cannibalizing galaxies falling toward the center of the potential wells of the clusters (e.g., Coziol et al. 2009; Zhao et al. 2015), one would naturally expect their masses to show some specific relation with the masses of their parent structures, MCl-MCDG (e.g., Stott et al. 2010; Lavoie et al. 2016). In particular, we would expect CDGs in dynamically relaxed clusters to lie at the bottom of the potential wells of their systems. However, observations show that, for most of the clusters, the positions of many cDs are offset from the peak in X-ray emission, the latter assumed to settle more rapidly to the bottom of the potential well, or having high peculiar velocities within the cluster compared to the center of the radial velocity distribution (Coziol et al. 2009; Martel et al. 2014; Lauer et al. 2014). This points to most of the clusters being unrelaxed, or maybe to the presence of some undetected projection effects.

Another difficulty lies in the cannibalism mechanism itself. How can mergers happen efficiently in a systems where the velocity dispersion of galaxies increases as they fall into deep potential wells (e.g., Merritt 1985; Tonry 1985; Mihos 2004)? Alternatively, an important part of the formation of galaxies now in clusters could have happened in smallermass systems, like groups, where the velocity dispersion (and thus the amount of ICM) is smaller, the groups then merging to form or enrich more massive clusters. This phenomenon is known in literature as pre-processing (e.g., Caldwell et al. 1993; Caretta et al. 2008; Donnari et al. 2021).

Within the cosmic web paradigm, one needs to ponder how the constant feeding of clusters by the merging and accretion of groups forming in filaments tempered these expectations. For instance, assuming mergers take place regularly, substructures in the distribution of galaxies would be expected to be common at low redshifts. This would naturally explain the CDG-X-ray offsets, since the ICM having a higher impact parameter than galaxies would follow a different path towards virialization, reaching equilibrium more rapidly.

Common mergers of groups within a cluster would also be expected to disrupt the cool core (CC) of this system, making the CDG wobble around the distorted potential well, explaining its peculiar velocity (e.g., Harvey et al. 2017). This could also have an important impact on the formation of cD galaxies. In the evolution scenario proposed by Lavoie et al. (2016), for example, it is proposed that a CDG transforms into a cD by cannibalism only when, after a cluster-scale merger event, the most massive galaxies of the merging groups, displaced from their initial potential, migrate towards the potential center of the newly formed cluster; this temporary imbalance increases dynamical friction and thus favors cannibalism. Consequently, one would expect the magnitude gaps to increase between the CDG and its luminous neighbors, but not necessarily between the second and third-rank galaxies, due to their large velocity dispersion.

All these considerations suggest that, assuming that groups in filaments continuously merge to form clusters, several primeval group CDGs might appear among the BCGs of a cluster. Moreover, due to the different time-scales for the relaxation of such complex systems, we might also expect the galaxy distributions and characteristics to reflect some specific aspects of their merger processes. By compiling and studying a well characterized sample of galaxy clusters, therefore, it should be possible to distinguish different states of the merger process, and to better document their assembly histories.

The sample we present in this article is an effort in this direction. It is composed of 67 optically selected Abell galaxy clusters that are nearby (z < 0.15), and for which a large number (above 100) of spectroscopically confirmed potential members are available. This sample includes a fair distribution of all Bautz-Morgan (BM) type clusters and various levels of ICM X-ray properties (from luminous to under-luminous, AXU). The article is organized in the following way. In § 2, we present the data used in our study: we introduce the cluster and galaxy samples and describe the information retrieved from the photometric, astrometric and spectroscopic observations. In § 3, we describe the methods we used to characterize the galaxy systems and their structures: center and membership determination, characterization of dynamical parameters (like cluster redshift, velocity dispersion, richness, mass, gravitational binding, and CDG offsets and gaps), and optical substructuring analyses. Our results about the dynamical properties and level of substructuring, for the outer, inner, and core regions of the systems, are discussed in § 4. This is followed by a brief summary and conclusions in § 5. For our analysis, we assume a standard ΛCDM cosmology, with ΩΛ = 0.7, ΩM = 0.3 and H0 = 70 h70 km s−1 Mpc−1.


2.1. Cluster Sample

To build our sample of galaxy clusters, we started with the compilation maintained by one of us (Andernach et al. 2005, see also Chow-Martínez et al. 2014), where we included clusters for which at least Nz = 100 spectroscopic-redshifts from the literature were available. These are nearby, optically selected Abell-ACO (Abell et al. 1989) galaxy clusters, with richness varying from poor to rich, and located within the redshift range 0.005 < z < 0.150. In each cluster, a galaxy is identified as a potential member when its apparent position puts it inside a projected Abell radius, RA = 2.14h70-1Mpc, and its radial velocity has a value within ± 2 500 km s−1 of a preliminary estimate for the central velocity of the system. However, its final acceptance as member will depend on a more thorough analysis, which is explained in § 3.

Our cluster sample is presented in Table 1, together with some relevant data taken from the literature. The first seven columns reproduce the original ACO data for the clusters: the cluster ID (Column 1), its equatorial coordinates, RA and Dec, in J2000 (Column 2 and Column 3), its richness (R in Column 4), distance class (D in Column 5), BM-type (BM in Column 6; Bautz & Morgan 1970) (we have converted the original scale I, II, III to 1, 3, 5 and intermediate types 2 and 4), and Rood-Sastry type when available (RS in Column 7; Rood & Sastry 1971; Struble & Rood 1982). The X-ray characteristics for each cluster are given in Columns 8 to 14: alternative X-ray name when existent (Column 8), equatorial coordinates of the X-ray emission peak (centroid position; J2000 RA and Dec in Column 9 and Column 10), the X-ray luminosity inside r500 (Column 11; this is the radius at which the mean interior overdensity is 500 times the critical density, ρc, at the respective redshift), r500 itself (Column 12; mostly from Piffaretti et al. 2011), and the X-ray temperature as measured by Migkas et al. (2020) in Column 13, or by others as indicated in Column 14. Note that there are new temperatures for four clusters, based on XMM-Newton and Chandra, presented for the first time in this table (see Appendix A). Finally, we list the membership of a cluster in a supercluster (Column 15), based on the Master SuperCluster Catalog (MSCC; Chow-Martínez et al. 2014), followed in Column 16 by an alternate or common name, when available, or the name of the pair when it is the case, and multiplicity, m, of the supercluster in Column 17, the multiplicity being the number of Abell clusters forming the supercluster.


ACO data X-ray data LSS data
R D BMa RS Alt Name RAX
[1044 erg/s]
Ref.b MSCCc SC Name m
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
A2798 9.3916 −28.5417 1 5 2 - J0037.4-2831 9.3625 −28.5311 0.5455 0.7476 3.39 5 33 Scl(C) 24
A2801 9.6404 −29.0752 1 6 1 - · · · 9.6346 −29.0789 · · · · · · 3.20 2 33 Scl(C) 24
A2804 9.9149 −28.9088 1 5 2 - · · · 9.9113 −28.8892 · · · · · · 1.00 8 33 Scl(C) 24
A0085 10.4075 −9.3425 1 4 1 cD J0041.8-0918 10.4587 −9.3019 5.1001 1.2103 7.23 10 39 PisCet-N 11
A2811 10.5386 −28.5426 1 5 2 - J0042.1-2832 10.5363 −28.5358 2.7341 1.0355 5.89 10 33 Scl(C) 24
A0118 13.9329 −26.4127 1 5 5 I · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 33 Scl(NE) 24
A0119 14.0890 −1.2629 1 3 4 C J0056.3-0112 14.0762 −1.2167 1.4372 0.9413 5.82 10 45 - 4
A0122 14.3571 −26.2799 1 5 2 B J0057.4-2616 14.3529 −26.2806 0.8612 0.8165 3.70 11 33 Scl(NE) 24
A0133 15.6610 −21.7982 0 4 1 cD J0102.7-2152 15.6754 −21.8736 1.4602 0.9379 4.25 10 27 PisCet-C 9
A2870 16.9299 −46.9165 0 3 1 - · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1.07 11 41 Phe 8
A2877 17.4554 −45.9006 0 2 1 C J0110.0-4555 17.5017 −45.9228 0.1815 0.6249 3.28 10 41 Phe 8
A3027 37.6300 −33.0953 0 4 5 - J0230.7-3305 37.6812 −33.0986 0.4186 0.7200 3.12 5 iso - 1
A0400 44.4107 6.0333 1 1 4 I J0257.6+0600 44.4121 6.0061 0.2211 0.6505 2.25 10 iso Southern GW 1
A0399 44.4851 13.0164 1 3 2 cD J0257.8+1302 44.4575 13.0492 3.5929 1.1169 6.69 10 108 +A0401 2
A0401 44.7373 13.5823 2 3 1 cD J0258.9+1334 44.7396 13.5794 6.0886 1.2421 7.06 10 108 +A0399 2
A3094 47.8608 −26.9289 2 4 2 - J0311.4-2653 47.8542 −26.8997 0.3343 0.6907 3.15 11 114 - 3
A3095 48.1094 −27.1464 0 4 2 - · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 114 - 3
A3104 48.5788 −45.4150 0 4 1 - J0314.3-4525 48.5825 −45.4242 1.0275 0.8662 3.56 10 115 HorRet-B 9
S0334 49.0794 −45.1168 0 4 3 - · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 115* HorRet-B 9
S0336 49.3815 −44.7012 0 4 3 - · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 115* HorRet-B 9
A3112 49.4845 −44.2349 2 4 1 cD J0317.9-4414 49.4937 −44.2389 3.8159 1.1288 5.49 10 115 HorRet-B 9
A0426 49.6517 41.5151 2 0 4 L J0319.7+4130 49.9467 41.5131 6.2174 1.2856 6.42 4 96 PerPis 3
S0373 54.6289 −35.4545 0 0 1 C J0338.4-3526 54.6163 −35.4483 0.0197 0.4017 1.56 4 iso Southern SC 1
A3158 55.7526 −53.6426 2 4 2 - J0342.8-5338 55.7246 −53.6353 2.7649 1.0667 5.42 10 117 HorRet-A 26
A0496 68.4045 −13.2462 1 3 1 cD J0433.6-1315 68.4100 −13.2592 1.8530 0.9974 4.64 10 iso - 1
A0539 79.1463 6.4540 1 2 5 F J0516.6+0626 79.1554 6.4378 0.5377 0.7773 3.04 4 iso - 1
A3391 96.5644 −53.6812 0 4 1 - J0626.3-5341 96.5950 −53.6956 1.1601 0.8978 5.89 10 160 - 3
A3395 96.8796 −54.3994 1 4 2 F J0627.2-5428 96.9000 −54.4463 1.3755 0.9298 5.10 7 160 - 3
A0576 110.3506 55.7389 1 2 5 I J0721.3+5547 110.3425 55.7864 0.7571 0.8291 4.27 10 iso - 1
A0634 123.6404 58.0479 0 3 5 F · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · iso - 1
A0754 137.2086 −9.6366 2 3 2 cD J0909.1-0939 137.1978 −9.6412 3.8497 1.1439 8.93 9 198 +A0780 2
A1060 159.2137 −27.5265 1 0 5 C J1036.6-2731 159.1742 −27.5244 0.3114 0.7015 2.79 10 365 HyaCen 10
A1367 176.1231 19.8390 2 1 4 F J1144.6+1945 176.1521 19.7589 1.1046 0.9032 3.81 10 295 ComLeo 5
A3526 192.2157 −41.3058 0 0 2 F J1248.7-4118 192.1996 −41.3078 0.6937 0.8260 3.40 10 365 HyaCen 9
A3530 193.9037 −30.3540 0 4 2 - J1255.5-3019 193.8937 −30.3306 0.6805 0.8043 3.62 10 389 Shapley(W) 24
A1644 194.3115 −17.3535 1 4 3 cD J1257.1-1724 194.2904 −17.4003 1.8975 0.9944 5.25 10 370 +A1631 2
A3532 194.3299 −30.3702 0 4 4 C J1257.2-3022 194.3204 −30.3769 1.3233 0.9201 4.63 10 389 Shapley(W) 24
A1650 194.6926 −1.7530 2 5 2 cD J1258.6-0145 194.6712 −1.7569 3.4706 1.1015 5.72 10 376 SGW 6
A1651 194.8456 −4.1862 1 4 2 cD J1259.3-0411 194.8396 −4.1947 3.8536 1.1252 7.47 10 376 SGW 6
A1656 194.9530 27.9807 2 1 3 B J1259.7+2756 194.9296 27.9386 3.4556 1.1378 7.41 10 295 ComLeo 5
A3556 201.0260 −31.6605 0 4 1 - · · · 200.9350 −31.8380 · · · · · · 3.08 6 389 Shapley(C) 24
A1736 201.7173 −27.1093 0 2 5 I J1326.9-2710 201.7250 −27.1833 1.6675 0.9694 3.34 10 389 Shapley(N) 24
A3558 201.9782 −31.4922 4 3 1 - J1327.9-3130 201.9896 −31.5025 3.1385 1.1010 5.83 10 389 Shapley(C) 24
A3562 203.3825 −31.6729 2 3 1 - J1333.6-3139 203.4012 −31.6611 1.3458 0.9265 5.10 10 389 Shapley(C) 24
A1795 207.2522 26.5852 2 4 1 cD J1348.8+2635 207.2208 26.5956 5.4781 1.2236 6.42 10 414 Boo 24
A2029 227.7447 5.7617 2 4 1 cD J1510.9+0543 227.7292 5.7200 8.7267 1.3344 8.45 10 457 - 6
A2040 228.1884 7.4300 1 4 5 C · · · 228.2113 7.4317 · · · · · · 2.41 1 454 - 6
A2052 229.1896 7.0003 0 3 2 cD J1516.7+0701 229.1833 7.0186 1.4421 0.9465 2.88 10 458 Her-S 4
A2065 230.6776 27.7226 2 3 5 C J1522.4+2742 230.6104 27.7094 2.6279 1.0480 6.59 10 463 CrB 14
A2063 230.7578 8.6394 1 3 3 cD J1523.0+0836 230.7725 8.6025 1.1388 0.9020 3.34 10 458 Her-S 4
A2142 239.5672 27.2246 2 4 3 B J1558.3+2713 239.5858 27.2269 10.6761 1.3803 11.63 10 472 +A2148 2
A2147 240.5716 15.8954 1 1 5 F J1602.3+1601 240.5779 16.0200 1.3584 0.9351 4.26 10 474 Her-C 5
A2151 241.3125 17.7485 2 1 5 F J1604.5+1743 241.2863 17.7300 0.5088 0.7652 2.10 10 474 Her-C 5
A2152 241.3435 16.4486 1 1 5 F J1605.5+1626 241.3842 16.4419 0.1283 0.5783 2.41 6 474 Her-C 1
A2197 247.0436 40.9072 1 1 5 L J1627.6+4055 246.9175 40.9197 0.0674 0.5093 2.21 3 485 Her-N 4
A2199 247.1540 39.5243 2 1 1 cD J1628.6+3932 247.1583 39.5486 1.9007 1.0040 4.04 10 485 Her-N 4
A2204 248.1903 5.5785 3 5 3 C J1632.7+0534 248.1937 5.5706 13.6256 1.3998 10.24 10 out - -
A2244 255.6834 34.0468 2 5 2 cD J1702.7+3403 255.6787 34.0619 4.0452 1.1295 5.99 10 492 - 3
A2256 255.9313 78.7174 2 3 4 B J1703.8+7838 255.9533 78.6444 3.5435 1.1224 8.23 10 495 - 3
A2255 258.1293 64.0926 2 3 4 C J1712.7+6403 258.1967 64.0614 2.9491 1.0678 7.01 10 iso NEP SC 1
A3716 312.8866 −52.7121 1 3 4 F · · · 312.9873 −52.6301 · · · · · · 2.19 11 309# - 3
S0906 313.1034 −51.9613 0 4 3 - · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 309# - 3
A4012 352.9398 −33.8239 0 6 4 - · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 584 - 3
A2634 354.5766 27.0270 1 1 3 cD J2338.4+2700 354.6071 27.0125 0.4414 0.7458 3.71 10 592 +A2666 2
A4038 356.9246 −28.1387 2 2 5 B J2347.7-2808 356.9300 −28.1414 1.0295 0.8863 2.84 10 595 +A4049 2
A4049 357.8971 −28.3718 0 3 5 - · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 595 +A4038 2
A2670 358.5571 −10.4190 3 4 2 cD J2354.2-1024 358.5560 −10.4130 1.3365 0.9113 4.45 10 iso - 1

aBM types I, I-II, II, II-III and III, coded as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

b[1] Stewart et al. (1984), [2] Obayashi et al. (1998), [3] Finoguenov et al. (2001), [4] Ikebe et al. (2002), [5] Cruddace et al. (2002), [6] Fukazawa et al. (2004), [7] Vikhlinin et al. (2009), [8] Sato et al. (2010), [9] Planck Collab. (2011), [10] Migkas et al. (2020), [11] This work.

c[iso] Isolated, [out] not in MSCC (z > 0.15); S-clusters not in MSCC, but with [∗] percolated in SSCC (Southern Super-Cluster Catalog; Chow-Martínez et al. 2014) with the respective MSCC supercluster, and clusters with [#] percolated only in SSCC (SSCC number used here).

This sample is well balanced in terms of BM types, covering all the possible different dynamical states: containing 17, 17, 9, 9 and 15 clusters, respectively, with BM types 1 to 5. It also follows roughly the distribution of richness of ACO clusters, clearly favoring low richness systems, in accordance with the power-law mass distribution function for clusters: 20 are classified as R = 0 (poorest; 30-49 galaxies), 24 as R = 1 (50-79), 20 as R = 2 (80-129) but only 2 as R = 3 (130-199) and 1 as R ≥ 4 (richest; {more than 200 galaxies}). However, due to the spectroscopic selection criterion, the distribution of Abell distance classes D varying from 0 to 7) is not equally represented, favoring nearby clusters. Although we cannot claim completeness, this sample can be considered a fair representation of optically selected Abell clusters at low redshifts.

Most of these clusters (59 or 88%) are detected in X-rays. Fifty-three are included in the compilation of X-ray clusters by Piffaretti et al. (2011). The other six X-ray clusters in our sample, namely A0118, A2040, A2801, A2804, A3556 and A3716, were detected by previous surveys (respectively by Kowalski et al. 1984; Stewart et al. 1984; Obayashi et al. 1998; Sato et al. 2010; Ebeling et al. 1996, the last reference applying to the last two clusters). A3716 was also identified as a SZ source by the Planck satellite (Planck Collab. 2016), with which catalog we have 43 clusters (64%) in common. The range in temperature, kTX, is also quite large, varying from 1 to 12 keV, which is typical of low-mass to relatively massive clusters. Only 8 clusters in our sample, namely A0634, A2870, A3095, A4012, A4049, S0334, S0336 and S0906, have not yet been detected in X-rays. These might be considered as “Abell X-ray Underluminous” Cluster candidates (AXUs, for short, e.g., Trejo-Alonso et al. 2014).

2.2. Spectroscopic Data for Member Galaxies

From the information gathered in the compilation described by Andernach et al. (2005), we retrieved, for each galaxy, the celestial coordinates and line-of-sight (LOS) heliocentric radial velocities with their uncertainties. Due to the diversity of the sources, these data are not homogeneous. To assess this problem, we treated the different quality of redshift data by adopting distinct approaches: (1) eliminating data with large (≥ 400 km s−1) estimated uncertainties, (2) eliminating obvious outliers as described further below, (3) using the average of the radial velocities for every single galaxy, (4) taking advantage of the statistics to minimize the stochastic errors (for example, calculating mean velocities and velocity dispersion for the clusters).

For the celestial coordinates, we adopted the strategy of inspecting every close pair of entries with separations larger than 3′′ (they rarely exceed 30′′), tentatively associated to the same galaxy, directly on a DSS2 image (Digitized Sky Survey, STScI) using the Aladin interface (Bonnarel et al. 2000). Multiple redshift entries for the same galaxy are not uncommon and, once the multiple velocities for the same galaxy were judged consistent, we proceeded to average the different measurements, taking great care in excluding outlier values (above 3 sigma, when there are at least three independent velocity measurements). After applying this process to each cluster, we obtained a list of potential member galaxies, all with a single position, average LOS velocity and respective uncertainties (typically ± 0.5” and ± 60 km s−1, respectively, per galaxy).

2.3. Astrometric and Photometric Data of Galaxies

Although the galaxy coordinates, calculated as in the last paragraph, are precise enough, they are not homogeneous, combining more accurate positions with poorer ones. To calculate mean pairwise separations (see below), for example, we need to improve these positions. To this end, we cross-correlated the position of each galaxy in our lists with the positions in two astrometric and photometric catalogues covering the whole sky, SuperCOSMOS (Hambly et al. 2001a) and Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS; Skrutskie et al. 2006).1 SuperCOSMOS is a relatively deep optical survey, reaching bJ ≈ 19.5 with acceptable levels for completeness, > 95%, and contamination, < 5% (Hambly et al. 2001b). Although it has good astrometry, with an uncertainty

of order ± 0.25′′ (Hambly et al. 2001c), the typical uncertainty of the magnitudes is relatively large, ± 0.3 mag (Hambly et al. 2001b), because it was obtained from the digitization of photographic sky survey plates. 2MASX (the catalogue of 2MASS eXtended sources), on the other hand, is a digital NIR survey reaching Ks ≈ 13.5, with nominal levels of completeness and contamination respectively of > 90% and < 2%. Although the uncertainty in astrometry is about the same as in SuperCOSMOS (0.3′′, for extended sources), the quality of the magnitudes is better, with a typical uncertainty ± 0.03 (Jarrett et al. 2000). Also, since the NIR is less affected by dust extinction (e.g., Fitzpatrick 1999), the K-correction is minimal (e.g., Fukugita et al. 1995; Chilingarian et al. 2010) compared to the optical. Particular care is devoted to the photometry of the brightest galaxies in 2MASS because the data come mostly from a special catalogue, the Large Galaxy Atlas (Jarrett et al. 2003), which is dedicated to galaxies that are more extended than 1′.

The only drawback of 2MASS is the depth of the survey: at the magnitude limit Ks ≈ 13.5 the mean redshift of galaxies is z ≈ 0.08 (Jarrett 2004). This implies that only a fraction (about 50%) of the galaxies, the brightest in our sample, have an entry in 2MASX. Another disadvantage is the limited capacity of 2MASS to separate galaxies that are very close in projection, which is the case of faint “dumbbell” CDGs/SDGs in our sample (although this does not happen for galaxies in the Large Galaxy Atlas). SuperCOSMOS performs better in “deblending” galaxies, but then fails in accuracy determining their magnitudes once they are separated, their brightness being usually underestimated. Therefore, although we matched our data with the astrometric and photometric data in both catalogues, for the sake of homogeneity we used only 2MASS in the present paper. Absolute magnitudes for the BCGs were calculated after correcting for Galactic extinction, using the recalibration done by Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011) of the dust maps of Schlegel et al. (1998), and applying a K-correction as determined by Chilingarian et al. (2010).


3.1. Central and Substructure Dominant Galaxies and the Definition of the Cluster Center

In any cluster, group or substructure of galaxies we classify as SDG/CDG the galaxy that, being among the BCGs, occupies the most central position around the gravitational potential well of its (sub-)system. From a practical observational point of view, a CDG/SDG must be coincident or very close to the local surface density peak in the sky distribution of the member galaxies. This also implies that its position is expected to be located near the X-ray emission peak (c.f. § 4.4) when this emission is detected.

In each substructured cluster, we identify (based on criteria to be explained below) one substructure as the “main” (or gravitationally dominant) substructure and adopt its SDG as the CDG for the whole system. Also, as a general rule, we adopt the position of the CDG/SDG as the location of the dynamical center of the cluster/substructure.

In the literature, the physical characteristics of the BCG are commonly used as a trade mark of its system. However, identifying which galaxy is the BCG obviously depends on which band-pass is used. For example, a very bright spiral galaxy, especially in a starburst phase, in the outskirts of a cluster, could easily be brighter in B or V than a giant and red elliptical near its center (e.g., NGC1365 in Fornax/S0373). This is why we define our BCGs to be more luminous in K s, which is a better proxy for the stellar mass of galaxies, and thus consistent with the idea that a CDG/SDG should also be the most massive galaxy of its cluster/substructure.

Adopting these definitions, in 81% of our cluster sample we found the CDG to be coincident with the original BCG, according to prescriptions given by, for example, Abell (or others like Bautz & Morgan 1970; Rood & Sastry 1971; Struble & Rood 1982). However, in the remaining 19% of the clusters the BCG is not the CDG, for one of the following three reasons: (i) the BCG is really a SDG, like in the case of Fornax (NGC 1316), forming 13% of our cluster sample (we classified them as “Fornaxlike” clusters); (ii) the BCG is located close to the center of the cluster (as confirmed by X-ray emission or based on other dynamical analyses) but is only slightly brighter than the real CDG, as in Coma (BCG: NGC4889, CDG: NGC4874), forming 4% of our sample (they are classified as “Coma-like” clusters); (iii) the BCG is a giant elliptical galaxy located at the periphery of the cluster, forming 2% of our sample (we classify these galaxies as “fossil group candidates”, without, at this point, gathering more data to confirm this candidacy).

3.2. Cluster Membership

When clusters are separated by less than 6 h70-1 Mpc on the sky, the areas subtended by their RA overlap. There are 38 clusters in our sample for which this is the case. To separate the members (or populations) of these clusters, we first merged the lists of their potential member galaxies, eliminating the duplicated entries as assigned by different sources in the literature to the different systems. Then we proceeded to separate the galaxies that are members of each cluster, by applying a method similar to the one described in § 3.4 for identifying substructures.

To double-check our results, we also applied to the superposed clusters a two-body Newtonian criterion for gravitationally bound systems (see Beers et al. 1982, and § 3.5). The results (bound vs. unbound) obtained by this process are in good agreement with previous results in the literature (Gregory & Thompson 1984; Krempéc-Krygier et al. 2002; Pearson & Batuski 2013; Yuan et al. 2005). It is worth noting that 4 of the 11 bound complexes in Table 2 are consistent with supercluster “cores” (Zúñiga et al., in preparation); those are: Her-C (MSCC 474), Scl (MSCC 033), HorRet-B (MSCC 115) and Shapley (MSCC 389). Among the other bound systems, three are typical pairs, A0399-A0401, A2052-A2063A and A3530-A3532, and four, A0122-A0118, A2199-A2197, A2877-A2870 and A4038A-A4049, are examples of a massive cluster (main cluster, first of the pair) linked by a filament made of various groups (secondary system; c.f. § 4.2).


Projected information Gravitational binding
Clusters Sep.[h70-1Mpc] Nz Ng Nc Bound Unbound
A0118-A0122 2.95 190 119 111 A0118-A0122
A0399-A0401 3.03 245 217 184 A0399-A0401
A1736A-A1736B# 0.83 464 219 215 A1736A, A1736B
A2052-A2063A 5.53 959 378 369 A2052-A2063A
A2147-A2151-A2152A 4.94,3.69 2096 936 880 A2147-A2151 A2152A
A2197-A2199 3.05 1684 815 774 A2197-A2199
A2798B-A2801-A2804-A2811B 4.36,2.40,5.32 424 381 342 A2798B-A2801-A2804 A2811B
A2870-A2877 1.92 428 237 174 A2877-A2870*
A3094A-A3095 1.52 253 170 154 A3094A, A3095♮
A3104-S0334-S0336-A3112B 2.96,2.23,3.85 563 268 221 S0336♮-A3112B-S0334♮-A3104
A3391-A3395 3.03 761 343 318 A3391, A3395
A3526A-A3526B# 0.29 1041 336 330 A3526A, A3526B
A3530-A3532 1.69 411 238 213 A3530-A3532
A3556-A3558-A3562 3.32,4.83 2057 863 800 A3556-A3558-A3562§
A3716-S0906 1.67 409 219 194 A3716, S0906♮
A4038A-A4049 2.09 816 247 237 A4038A-A4049*

Projected separation between nearest clumps.

# Clusters slightly separated in projection and separable in redshift.

*Clusters considered to be substructures.

Clusters that are possible satellite groups.

§ A fourth non-Abell cluster was clearly identified within this system (AM 1328−313).

After homogenizing the galaxy coordinates by applying the match with photometric data, and after defining the different centers and correcting for superposed clusters, we proceeded to check the membership of the galaxies in their respective clusters using a more robust approach. The principle is simple: considering that, in a gravitationally-bound system, the galaxies must have velocities that do not exceed the escape velocity, their distribution in a projected phase-space (PPS) diagram, formed by the LOS velocity as a function of projected cluster-centric distance, e.g., Figure 1, must be enclosed within a trumpet-shaped curve, usually called “caustic”, as defined by the escape velocity (e.g., Regös & Geller 1989; López-Gutiérrez et al. 2022). Details about the method for defining and fitting caustics are presented in Chow-Martínez (2019). In Figure 1, all the galaxies falling outside the caustic for the cluster A0085 are discarded, leaving only those that are considered as gravitationally bound.

Fig. 1 Example of applying the caustics method to the cluster A0085; the caustics are the black solid lines, while the red dashed lines indicate the rms of the fit and the green dashed lines the bootstrap uncertainty (1 000 simulations). Black points (that is, the ones within the caustics) are taken to be the bound members, while red points are discarded as cluster members. The color figure can be viewed online. 

Applying the caustics analysis, we found that on average 10% of the candidate member galaxies in each cluster, at least in relatively isolated systems, must be discarded. For the overlapping clusters above, these galaxies are usually bound to another cluster of the complex. Obviously, no single galaxy is assigned to more than one cluster.

3.3. Determination of Cluster Dynamical Parameters

To establish the dynamical properties of each system, we first measure two robust kinematical parameters, known as the biweight central value, C BI, and scale, S BI (Beers et al. 1990). Using these parameters, we calculate preliminary values for the systemic radial velocities, v c, and velocity dispersions, σc, considering the N c members. Then we proceed by defining, for each cluster, a projected aperture on the sky consistent with the virial radius.

This implies first estimating r 200, the radius inside which the mean density of galaxies exceeds 200 × ρc at the redshift of the cluster. Following the prescription by Carlberg et al. (1997):

r200=3σc10H(z), (1)


H(z)=H0Ωr(1+z)4+Ωm(1+z)3+Ωk(1+z)2+ΩΛ, assuming Ωr (radiation) and Ωk (curvature) are about zero. Since the virial radius depends on the redshift and cosmology (e.g., Bryan & Norman 1998), a local value of 1.3 × r 200, corresponding to about r100, is usually adopted (e.g., Kopylova & Kopylov 2018). Once the circular aperture corresponding to the virial radius is determined, we counted the number of galaxies inside it, N α, and recalculated the systemic radial velocity, v cl, and its velocity dispersion, σcl, using once again CBI and S BI.

These N α galaxies are also used to calculate the projected radius, R p, equal to twice the harmonic mean projected separation, using the relation:

Rp=Na(Na-1)(i<jNa1|rij|)-1, (2)

where r ij is the pairwise projected separation between galaxies. Estimation of the virial mass, M vir, follows the relation:

Mvir=απ2Gσcl2Rp, (3)

where the factor α quantifies the isotropy level of the system (α = 3 when complete isotropy is assumed), applied to σcl, while the factor π/2 is applied to deproject R p (Limber & Mathews 1960). Finally, the virial radius is obtained using the relation:

Rvir3=34πMvirρvir=ασcl2Rp18πH2(z), (4)

where the virial density is defined as ρvir = 18π2(3H 2(z)/8πG).

3.4. Substructure Analysis

Several tests, in different spatial dimensions, have been proposed for the detection of substructures in galaxy clusters based on optical data: in 1D, as applied to the redshifts (e.g., Bird & Beers et al. 1993; Hou et al. 2009), in 2D, as applied to galaxy projected celestial coordinates (e.g., Geller & Beers 1982; Fitchett & Webster 1987; West et al. 1988; Kriessler & Beers 1997; Flin & Krywult 2006), and in 3D, as applied to both redshifts and coordinates (e.g., Dressler & Shectman 1988; Serna & Gerbal 1996; Pisani 1996; Einasto et al. 2010; Yu et al. 2015). However, not all these tests have the same efficiency. Through a study of 31 different tests, Pinkney et al. (1996) found the 3D-test developed by Dressler & Shectman (1988, DS herafter) to be the most sensitive, concluding that, in general, the higher the dimension of a test, the more powerful it is in distinguishing substructures. This was confirmed subsequently by Einasto et al. (2012), who also showed that 3D-tests are more robust than 2Dtests, and 2D-tests more robust than 1D-tests. However, both groups recommended the application of more than one test.

Tests for detecting substructures using X-ray data have also been proposed (e.g., Mohr et al. 1993; Buote & Tsai 1995; Andrade-Santos et al. 2012). However, because the tests are based on X-ray surface brightness, the detection of substructures is usually limited to the densest, most concentrated (R < r 500) regions of the clusters (e.g., Piffaretti & Valdarnini 2008), which might complicate comparisons with substructures detected in the optical. In the study made by Lopes et al. (2018), for example, only ≈ 60% of the substructures detected in optical were also detected in X-ray, both inside r 500. They also found the fraction of substructures to increase with the aperture used, as well as with the mass of the cluster and its redshift (up to z ≈ 1; see also Jeltema et al. 2005). Although these trends are consistent with various levels of relaxation (for example, clusters being less relaxed in the past than now), establishing a firm connection, as well as a time scale to reconstruct the assembly histories of clusters, is not straightforward and needs independent confirmation.

In principle, this is what a study of the CDG dynamical characteristics can contribute. More specifically, the projected position offset of a CDG relative to the X-ray peak and its peculiar velocity relative to the centroid of the distribution of galaxy members are two parameters expected to be correlated with the level of relaxation of the clusters (e.g., Zhang et al. 2011; Lavoie et al. 2016; Lopes et al. 2018): the smaller the offset and peculiar velocity, the higher the level of relaxation. This assumes that migration through dynamical friction of the CDG towards the center of the cluster is less rapid than that of the hot gas. Comparing these two parameters with the level of substructuring in clusters -the higher the number of substructures the lower the level of relaxation- should consequently complement our view about their assembly histories.

Thus, to reconstruct the assembly histories of the clusters in our sample, we will develop our study of substructures applying different tests, with different dimensions, in the optical, comparing with X-ray substructuring information and radio data from the literature whenever available, and each time comparing the results (as an independent test) with the dynamical characteristics of the CDGs in their respective clusters.

Radial velocity distributions (1D test): We start by directly inspecting the LOS velocity distributions of galaxies within the clusters, comparing them with a Gaussian distribution. The physical motivation of this test is the following: as the system tends toward relaxation, the absolute values of skewness and excess kurtosis (with respect to the value of 3 for a Gaussian distribution) also tend to decrease. This is a straightforward test that is easy to quantify.

Adopting a level below 0.3 as an upper limit for relaxation, only 25% of the clusters in our sample present LOS velocity histograms consistent with a Gaussian. This indicates that as much as 75% of the clusters in our sample show a possible signal of being substructured, as disclosed, more specifically, by two or more noticeable peaks in the LOS velocity distribution or platykurtic kurtosis values.

Projected distribution of galaxies (2D-test): The second test consists in tracing the isodensity contour map of the projected galaxy distribution in each cluster, where any galaxy density peak may be considered as a significant substructure (Geller & Beers 1982) since only spectroscopically confirmed members were considered. The (probability) density maps were obtained using a bivariate adaptive kernel, fitted by the function:

G(x,y)=12πσxσy1-ρ2exp(-z2(1-ρ2)), (5)

where z (do not confuse with redshift) is equal to:

z(x-μx)2σx2-2ρ(y-μy)(y-μy)σxσy+(y-μy)2σy2, (6)

and where, when the parameters x, y are not strongly correlated, one can assume ρ = 0.

In Figure 2 the surface density map of the member galaxy distribution of the cluster A0085 is shown as example. In this figure, the isodensity contours are codified in colors, with a cross indicating the density peak. Also shown are the positions of the CDG (open square) and peak in X-ray (× symbol). Note that although the CDG is slightly off-centered from the distribution of the galaxies, its position is almost the same as the peak in X-ray. Despite the substructures, this looks like a relatively well evolved cluster.

Fig. 2 Example of an isodensity map for the cluster A0085. The isodensity levels are coded by colors, in units of the probability density to find spectroscopic member galaxies/deg2 (mean probability density equals to 1). The position of the peak in density is indicated, as well as the position of the CDG, SDGs and X-ray centroid. The color figure can be viewed online. 

As it is difficult to resume the information on substructure in a table we offer the isodentity maps of all of our clusters on an accompanying web site (

X-ray surface brightness maps (2D- test): X-ray surface brightness maps are constructed and used as supplementary information for identifying the substructures. Apart from applying an algorithm to independently detect substructures in these data, we checked every substructure detected in the optical for its counterpart in X-rays. This made possible, for example, to find cases of multimodal main structures that would not be identifiable from the optical data alone.

Using the Aladin interface, we traced the X-ray surface brightness maps for all our clusters, overlaid in red contours on top of the respective DSS2 Rband2 image. The X-ray data come from ROSAT3 soft band (surface brightness in the 0.1-2.4 keV). It is worth to note that the all-sky sensitivity of ROSAT is limited to about 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 (e.g., Vikhlinin et al. 1998; Burenin et al. 2007). This is enough for detecting kTX ≥ 1 keV clusters, but not enough for identifying substructures in the cooler ones. All these maps can also be examined in the webpage accompanying this article.

The example shown in Figure 3 is once again for A0085. A smoothing parameter of 4 in ds9 was used. The lowest contour in X-ray was traced at the 3σ level, followed by contours at levels of 6, 12, 24 and 48 σ. The cyan × symbol is the X-ray peak emission, the magenta square locates the CDG and the green circle corresponds to a 0.5 h70-1 Mpc radius around it. Usually, an optical image of size 30′×30′ in the plane of the sky is sufficient to show the distribution of the X-ray emission. Comparing with Figure 2, one can see that the detected gas in A0085 covers a smaller area (volume) than the distribution of the galaxies in the cluster, and that the CDG is only slightly displaced from the X-ray peak.

Fig. 3 Example of an X-ray map (red contours over the DSS image), for the cluster A0085. The position of the X-ray peak is indicated (cyan ‘×’ symbol), as well as the position of the CDG (magenta square). The green circle marks a 0.5 h70-1 Mpc radius around the CDG. The color figure can be viewed online. 

Dressler & Shectman test (3D-test): The DStest (Dressler & Shectman 1988) is performed in two steps. The first step consists in calculating the δi parameter for each member galaxy:

δi2=Nnn+1σc2[(v¯local-vc)2+(σlocal-σc)2], (7)

where v c and σc are the cluster global parameters, while v¯local and σlocal are local parameters, calculated for the N nn = 10 nearest neighbors of each member galaxy (see Bravo-Alfaro et al. 2009, for a discussion of these local parameters and the number of nearest neighbors).

The second step consists in calculating, for each cluster, the parameter Δ = Σδi and comparing its value with a set of 1000 Monte Carlo simulations, obtaining the probability p that a value Δ > Δobserved would have been obtained by chance. We, thus, calculate P sub = 100 ∗ (1 − p), which is the probability that the cluster is substructured. Based on this test, a cluster with P sub > 90% can be considered to be significantly substructured.

Because Δ tends to equal the number of galaxy members when the cluster is close to relaxation (e.g., Pinkney et al. 1996), we used the ratio Δ/N c as an iterative parameter for the test. Note that, differing from the traditional way substructures are identified by this test, we do not consider only specific concentrations of galaxies with high δ values in the projected distribution.4 Specifically, when Δ/N c > 1.2, we analyse both the 3D distribution of galaxies in RA, Dec and v local and the respective 2D PPS diagram to identify, in the former, the volume separation surfaces between the substructures (e.g., López-Gutiérrez et al. 2022). In this pseudo-3D volume, substructure members are more smoothly distributed, defining a more isolated locus (local concentration) than in a RA-Dec-z-volume, while in the PPS they show the typical caustics-shape distribution. Therefore, after separating the substructures from the remaining main structure, we recalculate Δ/N c to see whether it is below 1.2, and if not, iterate again to isolate new substructures.

Note that in applying this test there are cases for which it is not correct to assume there is only one main structure. This happens when there are two or more substructures that are comparable in mass, as well as being much more massive than all the other substructures in the cluster. These are examples of “bimodal” or “multi-modal” clusters.

The parameters calculated from the dynamical and substructure analyses are reported in Table 3. In Column 1, we give the updated cluster ID. Note that the entries in Table 3 slightly differ from those in Table 1. More specifically, the clusters A2870 and A4049 were determined (see § 3.2) to be part of other massive clusters, respectively A2877 and A4038A. On the other hand, two clusters had their well-known LOS components considered separately, A1736 becoming A1736A and A1736B, and A3526 becoming A3526A and A3526B. Consequently, although the number of entries in both tables are the same, 67 clusters, their identities are somewhat different. In Table 3, the equatorial coordinates of the corresponding CDGs (and by convention, cluster centers) are given in Columns 2 and 3, followed in Column 4 by their LOS velocities. Column 5 reports the number of candidate members after splitting up the intersecting neighbors, Ng, and Column 6, the number of galaxies, N c, considered to be bound (included within the caustics) in each cluster. Other dynamical parameters are reported in Column 7 (v c), Column 8 (σc), both for the N c members, Column 9 (r 200), Column 10 (N α), Column 11 (v cl), Column 12 (σcl), the last three for the members inside the circular aperture, Column 13 (R p), Column 14 (R vir) and Column 15 (M vir). Parameters associated to the substructure analyses are shown in Columns 16 to 18: the skewness, the excess kurtosis, and P sub = 100 ∗ (1 − p), respectively.









A2798B 9.37734 -28.52947 33338 81 78 33604 697 1.353 60 33544 757 1.148 1.748 6.01 -0.313 -0.502 87.4 1,0,0 U 96.5 -185.3
A2801 9.62876 -29.08160 33660 50 45 33773 652 1.259 35 33640 699 1.553 1.833 6.94 -0.397 -0.024 15.5 1,0,0 U 42.4 18.0
A2804 9.90753 -28.90620 33546 88 80 33378 663 1.292 48 33669 516 1.277 1.403 3.11 -0.346 -0.982 97.6 2,0,0 M 126.3 -110.6
A0085A 10.46051 -9.30304 16613 368 352 16561 1011 2.027 321 16570 1045 2.030 2.668 20.20 -0.444 -0.118 99.9 1,2,3 S 8.2 32.2
A2811B 10.53717 -28.53577 32466 146 139 32354 831 1.625 103 32329 947 1.701 2.316 13.90 0.162 -0.042 94.3 1,0,2 S 5.5 123.7
A0118 13.74348 -26.37515 34068 119 80 34384 681 1.341 59 34287 689 1.206 1.667 5.23 0.349 -0.635 90.4 1,2,0 S ・ ・ ・ -212.7
A0119 14.06709 -1.25549 13323 339 333 13299 810 1.633 294 13301 853 1.430 2.082 9.51 -0.175 0.246 99.9 1,2,1 S 125.2 21.1
A0122 14.34534 -26.28134 33804 111 31 34076 659 1.265 28 34062 677 1.190 1.641 4.98 0.337 -0.266 46.8 1,0,0 U 50.6 -231.7
A0133A 15.67405 -21.88215 17048 137 132 16830 713 1.425 86 16838 778 1.320 1.899 7.30 0.077 -0.393 77.7 1,2,0 S 33.9 198.8
A2877-70 17.48166 -45.93122 7213 237 174 7034 652 1.326 112 7143 679 0.999 1.596 4.20 0.273 -0.398 100.0 1,2,0 S 27.8 68.4
A3027A 37.70600 -33.10375 23541 167 102 23429 668 1.335 82 23494 713 1.618 1.904 7.52 -0.278 -0.814 97.2 1,1,1 S 113.9 43.6
A0400 44.42316 6.02700 6789 115 61 6959 323 0.682 51 6947 343 0.635 0.870 0.68 0.100 -1.007 76.0 1,1,0 S 39.8 -154.4
A0399 44.47119 13.03080 21483 101 69 21138 957 1.894 69 21146 950 1.414 2.209 11.70 -0.225 -0.460 13.3 1,0,0 U 110.1 314.8
A0401 44.74091 13.58287 22297 116 115 22053 1028 2.036 114 22061 1026 1.574 2.407 15.10 0.263 -0.352 40.8 1,0,0 U 18.6 219.8
A3094A 47.85423 -26.93122 20552 126 114 20489 548 1.090 84 20539 637 1.305 1.648 4.83 0.628 0.243 88.3 1,0,0 U 148.3 12.2
A3095 48.11077 -27.14016 19314 44 40 19485 306 0.606 21 19557 327 0.664 0.845 0.65 -0.018 -0.932 10.5 1,0,0 L ・ ・ ・ -228.1
A3104 48.59055 -45.42024 21785 62 53 21777 413 0.823 28 21681 498 0.782 1.178 1.77 0.039 -0.106 39.5 1,2,0 S 34.4 97.0
S0334 49.08556 -45.12110 22401 22 27 22373 518 1.030 26 22363 534 0.811 1.249 2.11 0.449 1.037 27.4 1,0,0 L ・ ・ ・ 35.4
A3112B 49.49025 -44.23821 22764 120 97 22631 672 1.337 74 22669 705 1.861 1.982 8.46 0.271 -0.572 99.9 1,1,0 S 13.2 88.3
S0336 49.45997 -44.80069 22849 54 44 23223 506 1.006 32 23186 538 1.140 1.405 3.02 0.178 -0.606 3.2 1,0,0 L ・ ・ ・ -312.8
A0426A 49.95042 41.51167 5231 360 314 5254 1030 2.104 314 5262 1029 1.395 2.359 13.50 0.030 -0.535 97.1 1,0,2 P 4.0 -30.5
S0373 54.62118 -35.45074 1452 272 229 1452 334 0.688 98 1461 390 0.308 0.749 0.430 -0.025 -0.428 100.0 1,2,1 S 1.7 -9.0
A3158 55.72063 -53.63130 17327 258 249 17764 1064 2.138 249 17735 1066 1.341 2.353 13.90 0.260 -0.478 49.6 1,2,2 S 19.1 -385.2
A0496 68.40767 -13.26196 9841 358 351 9892 688 1.395 279 9925 712 1.364 1.822 6.31 0.030 -0.535 99.9 1,1,0 S 8.5 -81.3
A0539 79.15555 6.44092 8257 143 132 8679 571 1.160 92 8631 698 0.882 1.557 3.92 -0.249 0.825 100.0 1,2,0 S 6.5 -363.5
A3391 96.58521 -53.69330 16361 119 100 16831 760 1.519 75 16776 817 1.270 1.936 7.74 0.159 -0.482 9.8 1,0,0 U 24.4 -393.0
A3395 96.90105 -54.44936 14571 224 218 14875 722 1.450 199 14878 746 1.264 1.823 6.42 -0.158 -0.494 100.0 2,2,1 M 10.9 -292.5
A0576 110.37600 55.76158 11435 238 220 11351 810 1.638 191 11350 866 1.633 2.202 11.20 0.031 -0.114 100.0 1,2,0 S 84.3 81.9
A0634 123.93686 58.32109 8029 140 132 8006 318 0.646 70 8037 395 0.792 1.029 1.13 0.057 -0.061 73.4 1,0,0 L ・ ・ ・ -7.8
A0754 137.13495 -9.62974 16451 468 386 16246 757 1.520 333 16258 820 1.484 2.045 9.10 -0.024 0.373 100.0 2,2,2 M 239.1 183.1
A1060 159.17796 -27.52858 3808 382 380 3709 652 1.335 343 3694 678 0.951 1.574 3.99 0.122 -0.532 100.0 1,0,5 P 4.9 112.6
A1367 176.00905 19.94982 6260 339 286 6451 547 1.115 226 6444 597 1.157 1.539 3.76 -0.026 -0.629 100.0 2,0,2 M 366.0 -180.1
A3526A 192.20392 -41.31166 2948 235 235 3088 491 1.005 126 2993 564 0.836 1.335 2.43 -0.482 -0.191 100.0 1,0,3 P 3.8 -44.6
A3526B 192.51645 -41.38207 4593 101 95 4580 276 0.552 45 4636 317 0.480 0.754 0.44 0.300 -0.359 99.9 1,1,0 S ・ ・ ・ -42.3
A3530 193.90001 -30.34749 16187 126 110 16036 615 1.231 94 16064 631 1.272 1.632 4.63 0.305 -0.567 99.5 1,1,0 S 66.5 116.7
A1644 194.29825 -17.40957 14225 307 301 14085 987 1.989 288 14095 1008 1.507 2.365 14.00 -0.049 0.201 86.6 1,0,2 P 39.6 124.2
A3532 194.34134 -30.36348 16303 112 103 16753 423 0.849 58 16709 443 0.929 1.160 1.66 -0.130 -0.798 93.5 1,2,0 S 87.9 -384.6
A1650 194.67290 -1.76139 25328 220 192 25216 673 1.330 146 25249 723 1.581 1.903 7.55 0.188 0.016 2.1 1,0,0 U 27.3 72.9
A1651 194.84383 -4.19612 25622 221 191 25454 833 1.651 158 25453 876 1.782 2.250 12.50 0.132 -0.569 59.2 1,0,2 P 25.5 155.8
A1656 194.89879 27.95939 7157 969 969 6976 993 2.025 919 6997 995 1.734 2.474 15.70 -0.100 -0.018 100.0 1,1,8 S 57.9 156.4
A3556 201.02789 -31.66996 14406 102 102 14435 505 1.016 90 14436 520 1.048 1.347 2.59 0.354 -0.606 99.0 2,0,0 M 630.5 -28.6
A1736A 201.68378 -27.43940 10506 74 74 10363 417 0.840 36 10499 386 0.955 1.075 1.30 0.102 -0.997 100.0 1,3,0 S ・ ・ ・ 6.8
A1736B 201.86685 -27.32468 13574 145 141 13665 839 1.689 126 13678 844 1.355 2.029 8.82 0.022 -0.500 99.0 1,1,1 S 610.8 -99.5
A3558 201.98701 -31.49547 14073 548 548 14455 950 1.912 469 14476 955 1.893 2.460 15.80 -0.230 -0.478 100.0 1,0,1 P 25.0 -384.4
A3562 203.39474 -31.67227 14693 231 98 14541 564 1.138 82 14561 594 1.221 1.549 3.94 0.037 -0.634 43.6 1,0,0 U 42.6 125.9
A1795 207.21880 26.59301 18968 179 164 18893 764 1.525 154 18889 780 1.278 1.876 7.09 -0.049 0.210 98.3 1,0,0 U 13.8 74.3
A2029 227.73376 5.74491 23353 202 155 23052 934 1.850 155 23051 931 0.989 1.931 7.82 0.096 -0.791 92.8 1,0,0 U 132.8 280.4
A2040B 228.19781 7.43426 13713 153 150 13472 567 1.141 104 13527 627 1.327 1.653 4.77 0.312 0.026 97.8 1,1,0 S 43.3 178.0
A2052 229.18536 7.02167 10332 178 176 10295 581 1.179 120 10416 648 1.115 1.600 4.28 0.356 0.003 100.0 1,1,0 S 9.1 -81.2
A2065 230.62053 27.71228 21828 204 169 21889 1043 2.071 168 21878 1043 1.712 2.504 17.00 0.129 -0.720 99.0 1,0,0 U 47.1 -46.6
A2063A 230.77209 8.60918 10377 200 193 10312 667 1.350 142 10345 762 1.165 1.809 6.18 -0.069 -0.132 99.4 1,0,1 P 16.5 30.9
A2142 239.58345 27.23335 27254 232 191 26975 820 1.618 157 27036 828 1.767 2.157 11.10 -0.087 -0.276 66.7 1,0,1 P 41.0 200.0
A2147 240.57086 15.97451 10595 481 453 10929 918 1.858 397 10889 935 1.966 2.466 15.70 0.215 -0.286 100.0 2,2,0 M 119.9 -283.7
A2151 241.28754 17.72997 9378 331 311 10906 743 1.502 276 10898 768 1.551 1.999 8.35 -0.064 -0.573 100.0 3,2,2 M 3.1 -1466.6
A2152 241.37175 16.43579 13268 124 116 13283 398 0.799 64 13266 406 1.038 1.139 1.56 0.934 0.724 98.6 2,0,0 M 42.1 1.9
A2197 246.92114 40.92690 9511 294 276 9108 546 1.109 185 9114 573 1.402 1.593 4.21 0.258 -0.797 100.0 3,0,1 M 16.9 385.3
A2199 247.15948 39.55138 9296 521 498 9089 753 1.529 459 9090 779 1.302 1.907 7.21 -0.055 -0.058 100.0 1,0,3 P 6.4 199.9
A2204A 248.19540 5.57583 45528 111 96 45274 760 1.456 38 45497 1101 1.838 2.588 20.30 0.669 0.092 95.5 1,2,0 S 52.1 26.9
A2244 255.67697 34.06010 29543 106 102 29811 1154 2.282 102 29778 1161 1.491 2.546 18.30 0.166 -0.851 63.8 1,0,0 U 15.2 -213.8
A2256 256.11352 78.64056 17778 295 280 17567 1222 2.449 280 17567 1222 1.514 2.683 20.60 0.009 -0.624 99.9 1,2,2 S 129.2 199.3
A2255 258.11981 64.06070 22068 189 181 24100 992 1.973 179 24126 1000 1.802 2.470 16.40 -0.316 -0.518 100.0 1,2,0 S 183.7 -1904.7
A3716 312.98715 -52.62983 14112 157 140 13517 746 1.501 123 13508 783 1.247 1.878 6.99 0.168 -0.915 88.8 2,0,1 M 0.9 578.0
S0906 313.18576 -52.02746 13947 62 54 14481 340 0.680 26 14446 440 0.824 1.113 1.46 0.002 0.014 57.4 1,0,0 L ・ ・ ・ -476.1
A4012A 352.96231 -34.05553 16241 93 85 16219 473 0.947 39 16249 575 1.043 1.436 3.15 -0.126 0.431 73.1 1,0,0 L ・ ・ ・ -7.6
A2634 354.62244 27.03130 9117 192 185 9262 695 1.409 166 9268 717 1.251 1.780 5.87 -0.274 -0.177 94.9 1,1,0 S 51.7 -146.5
A4038A-49 356.93768 -28.14070 8672 247 237 8799 683 1.385 180 8873 753 1.150 1.789 5.95 0.252 -0.017 100.0 1,2,0 S 14.4 -195.2
A2670 358.55713 -10.41900 23157 308 288 22791 909 1.805 251 22799 970 1.153 2.089 9.91 0.066 -0.258 100.0 1,0,0 U 31.7 332.7

a A capital letter after the ACO name indicates the line-of-sight component of the cluster (see Chow-Martínez et al. 2014). A symbol indicates the cluster center is not at the X-peak substructure. b Length and mass parameters are also in units of h 70.

Note that some clusters in our sample do not have their ICM emission centered on the main structure of their clusters, but on a substructure (A0754, A1736B and A2151). These are marked with a ’x’ in the first column of the Table 3.

3.5. Gravitational Binding

For the 16 superposed clusters appearing in Table 2, as well as for the substructures reported in Table 8, we complemented our analysis by applying a test for gravitational binding. Since the evolutionary state of a system like a galaxy cluster is also related to its geometry in redshift space, any density enhancement present in real space will also appear as a density enhancement in redshift space: systems representing small overdensities, where the Hubble flow has not yet been significantly perturbed, appear essentially undistorted, while those that are clearly collapsing, the Hubble flow being slowed down, appear flattened along the LOS. On the other hand, systems that are close to virial equilibrium appear as particularly elongated condensations in redshift space, a phenomenon known in the literature as Fingers-of-God. Because of this effect, it is possible to assess what is the global dynamical state of a galaxy system at the scale of a cluster by evaluating its distortions in redshift space.

As explained by Sargent & Turner (1977), this level of distortion can be determined, for a pair of objects (galaxies, groups or clusters), by determining the separation between the members of the pair and the angle χ between the separation vector and the plane of the sky. Such angle is measured as follows: let θ12 be the angular separation between the center of the two galaxies, z 1 and z 2 (with z 2z 1) being their respective redshifts, then the physical distance (d 12) and projected separation (ℓ12) in the plane of the sky are given, respectively, by:

d12=cH0[z12+z22-2z1z2cosθ12]1/2, (8)


l12=cH0(z1+z2)tanθ122, (9)

the angle χ between the separation vector being equal to:

χ=arctan[12z2z1-1cotθ122], (10)

where 0 ≤ χ ≤ π/2.

For a homogeneous spherical system following the expansion flow, ⟨χ⟩ approaches the isotropic value of 32.7o; ⟨χ⟩ tends to lower values for a collapsing (flattened) system and larger values for a virialized (elongated) one. Note, however, that for a non-spherical system, the geometrical elongation/flattening could dominate ⟨χ⟩, masking their real dynamical state.

Assuming a symmetric geometry, on the other hand, the same angle χ can be used to test the Newtonian criterion for gravitational binding of two systems (Beers et al. 1982). This allows one to determine whether the pairs are either relaxed, collapsing or expanding, or not bound but simply close in space. Within the context of a two-body-problem, the orbits of the two galaxies or systems, with masses M 1 and M 2, are assumed to be linear, with no rotations or discontinuities around the center of mass. The projected separation between their centers would then be R p = R cos χ (= ℓ12) and their relative velocity projected along LOS, V r = V sin χ, where R is the physical distance (= d 12) between them and V is their relative velocity. Considering that the energy criterion for gravitational binding is, 12vesc2GMR where v esc is the escape velocity, we assume V = vesc and estimate the total mass to be M = M 1 + M 2, yielding the condition for the pair to be bound:

Vr2Rp2GMsin2χcosχ. (11)

Having evaluated these parameters for the 16 cases of superposed clusters in our sample, we determined, as reported in Table 2, that 5 pairs and 2 clusters are only apparent superpositions.

3.6. CDG Related Parameters

CDG-X-ray offset: The offsets for 52 of the 59 clusters detected in X-rays in our sample were calculated based on the coordinates of the peak emission in X-ray compiled by Piffaretti et al. (2011). However, for A2151 we did not use this source because the peak reported by these authors, although the brightest in this cluster, corresponds to the emission of a subcluster. Instead, we used the coordinates of the main structure as reported by Tiwari & Singh (2021). For 5 of the 6 remaining clusters, the coordinates for the X-ray peaks came from three different studies (Ebeling et al. 1996; Ledlow et al. 2003; Sato et al. 2010). This leaves one cluster, namely A0118, for which information is missing. The offsets, r ox, reported in Column 21 of Table 3, correspond to the angular separations transformed into the physical separations in kpc at the redshift of each cluster.

To compare these offsets with those reported in the literature, we also calculated the relative offsets, using the relation:

Δrox=rox/r500. (12)

Note that since Piffaretti et al. (2011) is our only source for r 500, we only calculated Δr ox for the 52 clusters in common with these authors (to be reported further in Table 5).


N Mvir
U 14 9.2(7.7) 1.99(1.93) 1.60(1.52) 0.94(1.05) 0.32(0.31)
P 9 9.6(11.1) 2.02(2.16) 1.61(1.62) 1.04(1.00) 0.32(0.34)
S 28 8.1(6.3) 1.81(1.82) 1.38(1.39) 0.79(0.92) 0.29(0.29)
M 10 6.2(6.4) 1.72(1.82) 1.32(1.45) 0.56(0.63) 0.27(0.29)
L 6 1.9(2.1) 1.18(1.25) 0.82(0.95) - (-) 0.19(0.20)


A0122 0.062 0.342 0.000 0.01 1.618 0.41 b(db)
A0399 R N 0.099 0.331 0.916 0.37 0.433 0.65 u
A0401 R N 0.015 0.214 1.056 1.08 0.133 0.74 u
A1650 W 0.025 0.100 0.512 1.06 0.082 1.07 u
A1795 mH? S 0.011 0.095 0.636 0.91 0.015 0.96 u
A2029 ✔/∗ mH S,s 0.100 0.301 1.954 0.22 0.161 0.93 u
A2065 H? W 0.045 0.044 0.000 0.02 0.054 0.09 m(db),For
A2244 ∗/✔ H W 0.013 0.184 1.025 1.11 0.186 0.92 u
A2670 W 0.035 0.342 1.131 0.71 0.183 0.93 u
A2798B R 0.129 0.244 0.000 0.34 0.172 0.35 m(db)
A2801 N · · · 0.025 1.125 0.39 0.080 0.60 u
A3094A 0.215 0.019 0.855 0.23 0.546 0.88 u
A3391 N 0.027 0.481 0.000 0.02 1.502 0.87 b(db)
A3562 H W,s 0.046 0.211 0.330 1.07 0.795 0.45 u
A0426A mH S,s 0.003 0.029 0.436 0.11 0.407 0.07 b
A1060 W/S 0.007 0.166 0.230 0.03 0.005 0.46 b,BSp
A1644 S,s 0.040 0.123 1.186 0.67 0.295 0.67 u
A1651 W 0.023 0.177 1.128 0.58 0.097 0.35 u
A2063A ∗/✔ R W 0.018 0.040 0.870 1.03 0.014 1.44 u
A2142 mH W,s 0.030 0.241 0.295 0.17 -0.075 0.61 b
A2199 S,s 0.006 0.256 1.271 1.14 0.179 0.55 u
A3526A S,s 0.005 0.078 1.223 0.74 0.015 0.82 u
A3558 H W,s 0.023 0.402 0.801 0.49 0.273 0.15 u
A0634 - - - · · · 0.019 0.332 0.29 0.214 0.75 n
A3095 - - - · · · 0.697 0.405 0.39 0.428 0.37 n
A4012A - - - · · · 0.013 1.947 0.93 0.018 0.27 u
S0334 - - - · · · 0.066 0.359 0.04 0.587 0.10 n,For,BSp
S0336 - - - · · · 0.581 0.514 0.38 0.352 0.23 n,Sp
S0906 - - - · · · 1.082 0.732 0.20 0.367 0.47 u,BSp
A0085A R S 0.007 0.031 1.532 0.54 0.059 0.49 u
A0118 · · · 0.313 -0.228 0.12 0.467 0.49 b,For
A0119 N 0.133 0.024 0.532 0.13 0.194 0.75 u
A0133A R S,s 0.036 0.255 1.506 0.17 0.036 1.23 u,For
A0400 N 0.061 0.450 0.000 0.01 1.175 0.10 b(db)
A0496 S,s 0.009 0.114 1.126 0.85 0.087 0.90 u
A0539 N 0.008 0.520 0.000 0.01 0.404 0.28 m(db)
A0576 W 0.102 0.094 0.000 0.02 1.088 0.14 b(db)
A1656 HR N 0.051 0.157 -0.534 0.20 1.117 0.70 b,BSp
A1736A · · · 0.017 0.142 0.73 0.798 1.16 b(far)
A1736B N 0.630 0.117 0.916 0.98 0.369 0.48 u
A2040B · · · 0.283 0.727 0.51 0.080 0.40 u,For
A2052 ∗/✔ S,s 0.010 0.125 0.928 0.92 0.072 0.22 u
A2204A mH S,s 0.037 0.024 0.000 0.57 0.646 0.37 m(db)
A2255 HR N 0.172 1.904 0.122 0.08 0.006 0.60 m
A2256 HR N 0.115 0.163 0.107 0.18 0.000 0.07 m(db)
A2634 W 0.069 0.204 0.102 0.79 0.914 0.55 u
A2811B H N 0.005 0.130 0.828 1.00 0.049 1.09 u
A2877-70 W 0.044 0.100 1.231 0.59 0.125 0.37 u
A3027A 0.158 0.061 -0.146 0.57 0.977 0.70 b(far),For
A3104 0.040 0.195 0.927 0.48 0.049 0.28 u
A3112B S 0.012 0.125 1.070 0.91 0.646 0.74 u
A3158 N 0.018 0.361 0.268 0.08 0.755 0.18 b
A3526B · · · 0.133 0.450 0.73 1.099 0.74 u
A3530 N 0.083 0.185 1.002 0.06 0.798 0.89 b
A3532 N 0.096 0.867 0.000 0.07 0.952 0.49 b(db)
A4038A-49 R W 0.016 0.259 0.141 0.14 0.443 0.13 b,For
S0373 S,s 0.004 0.022 0.159 0.43 0.306 0.06 u,For,BSp
A0754 HR N 0.209 0.223 0.933 0.42 0.139 0.41 u
A1367 R N 0.405 0.301 0.511 0.66 0.030 0.86 b(far)
A2147 N 0.128 0.303 0.416 0.18 0.238 0.55 b,fos
A2151 0.005 1.910 -0.252 0.07 0.121 0.37 m,For
A2152A 0.073 0.004 0.408 0.76 0.541 0.80 n
A2197 W 0.033 0.672 0.823 1.07 0.409 0.95 u,For
A2804 N · · · 0.214 0.051 0.50 0.165 0.65 b(far)
A3395 R N 0.012 0.391 0.228 0.59 0.151 0.51 b(far)
A3556 · · · 0.054 0.339 0.75 0.315 0.23 b(far)
A3716 · · · 0.738 0.088 0.30 0.019 0.64 m

[a]Codes for X-ray (inner region) and Offsets (core) are: [✔] Relaxed; [∗] Disturbed; [−] No Data. References for ICM dynamical states are: Schuecker et al. (2001); Rines et al. (2001); Parekh et al. (2015); Vikhlinin et al. (2009); Ichinohe et al. (2019); Laganá et al. (2019); Tiwari & Singh (2021).

[b]Codes for diffuse radio emission are: mini Radio-Halo [mH], Radio-Halo [H], Radio-Relic (shock) [R] and both halo and relic [HR].

[c]Codes for cooling status of the core are: Strong cool-core [S], Weak-cool-core [W], Non-cool-core [N]; [s] indicates cold gas sloshing (cold gas front) is detected. References for core cooling status are: White (2001); Finoguenov et al. (2001); Chen et al. (2007); Sato et al. (2010); Lakhchaura & Singh (2014); Lovisari et al. (2015); Käfer et al. (2019).

[d]Codes are: [u] unique CDG (choice of CDG is obvious, Δm12 > 0.5); [b] binary central dominant BCGs (CDG is the most central or brightest), may also be a “Coma-like” system (BCG is brighter than CDG); [db] CDG is dumbell type; [far] binary dominant BCGs, but 2nd-rank is far out of core radius; [m] multiple central dominant BCGs (3 or more BCGs inside 0.5 magnitud range); [n] weakly dominant CDG (giant elliptical); [fos] fossil group candidate BCG; [BSp] there is a bright spiral among the BCGs.

Consistent with a typical cooling time of 4 Gyr (see Figure 2 in Zhang et al. 2011), a cluster with an offset rox<30 h70-1 kpc, equivalent to Δr ox ≲ 0.03, can be considered to be relaxed. Compared with the literature, this relaxation threshold is between two previously proposed values: Lavoie et al. (2016) used Δr ox = 0.05 and Lopes et al. (2018) used Δr ox = 0.01.

Peculiar velocity: We calculated the peculiar velocity of the CDGs using the formula (e.g., Coziol et al. 2009):

vpec=vCDG-vcl1+zcl. (13)

We also calculated the respective relative peculiar velocity using the definition (e.g., Lauer et al. 2014):

Δvpec=|vpec|/σcl. (14)

We report the values obtained for v pec in Column 22 of Table 3, while Δv pec is reported in Table 5. According to this parameter, we consider a system to be relaxed when |v pec| < 175 km s−1, which is equivalent to Δv pec ≲ 0.21.

CDG luminosities: As described in § 2.3, we used the K s absolute magnitudes of the CDGs, M Ks, as a proxy for their stellar masses. Comparison of these masses with the masses (or number of galaxies) of the substructure hosting the CDGs can yield important information about the assembly histories of the clusters. In particular, one could expect the most massive CDGs to be located in the most massive substructures, and these massive substructures to form the main subclusters of their respective clusters. The absolute magnitudes of the CDGs are reported further in Table 5.

Magnitude gaps: Another important parameter relating the assembly history of the CDG to its cluster is its magnitude gap: assuming a CDG grows in mass by cannibalizing its neighbors, its magnitude gap is expected to increase with time. For our sample, we have calculated two gaps: (i) the difference in magnitude between the CDG and second-rank member, Δm 12, and (ii) the difference in magnitude between the second and third-rank members, Δm 23.

Note that when a CDG differs from the original BCG of the cluster (which is the case for 19% of the clusters in our sample, see § 3.1), the identification of the second-rank galaxy varies with the type of cluster: for both the Fornax-like clusters and clusters with a fossil candidate in their outskirts, the secondrank galaxy is the second-rank of the main structure, while in Coma-like cluster the second-rank is the initial BCG, brighter than the CDG; this produces a negative Δm 12. The various gaps are also reported in Table 5.


4.1. Global Cluster Properties

Using the optical data related to galaxy membership, we show in Figure 4 the histograms characterizing the “global” properties of the clusters identified in Table 3. In the upper left panel, we show the distribution of r200, which is commonly used as a reference radius. The median of 1.35 h70-1 Mpc, corresponding to only 63% of the R A, implies the galaxy concentrations in our sample of clusters are relatively high. In the upper right panel, the two distributions for the number of galaxies within the caustic, N c, and galaxies within virial aperture radius, N α , confirm this trend, the medians amounting to 150 and 114 galaxies, respectively. In the lower left panel, the distribution of redshifts is found to be positively skewed, since the mode appears before the median at z = 0.054. This shows that most of our clusters are nearby, and thus, assuming they formed in the distant past, had had enough time to virialize. Finally, in the lower right panel, the distribution for the velocity dispersion within 1.3 × r 200 has a median value of 723 km s−1, which is typical for Abell clusters.

Fig. 4 Global properties of the clusters as defined in Table 3: Upper left, estimated r 200 radii; upper right, number of galaxies within the caustics (N c, orange) and within the virial radius (N α, gray); lower left, redshifts; and lower right, velocity dispersions (σcl). The color figure can be viewed online. 

Based on the above distributions, we conclude that our sample is composed mostly of nearby, relatively rich clusters, where the concentrations of galaxy and velocity dispersion are remarkably high, justifying the assumption that those are systems that had had sufficient time to evolve internally and should then be expected to be close to virialization.

Consistent with this assumption, the distribution of the virial masses in the right panel of Figure 5 is found to be significantly negatively skewed, with a median 6.4 1014 h70-1 M. However, the distribution for the virial radii, in the left panel, does not follow this trend, spannig a relatively large range, with a median value of 1.82 h70-1 Mpc, corresponding to 0.85 times the R A. This peculiarity may suggest that the clusters either have different assembly states or even different assembly histories.

Fig. 5 Distributions of virial radius (left panel) and virial mass (right panel). 

Comparing our virial masses with those of the literature was not straightforward, since published estimates of these are rare. One suitable source is the GalWeight cluster catalog (GalWCat19; Abdullah et al. 2020), where the masses of 1 800 clusters were determined within three different projected radii: r 100, r 200 and r 500. There are 18 clusters in this catalog that are also in our sample, and we compare, in Figure 6, their three different masses, M 100, M 200 and M 500 with our M vir estimate. The three linear fits we obtained are relatively good, with comparable correlation coefficients R ≈ 0.83, 0.87 and 0.89, respectively. However, since our virial masses were estimated using a proxy for r 100 (cf. § 3.3), the comparison that counts for us is that with M 100. In the lower panel, the fit shows our virial mass estimate to be in good agreement with those of GalWCat19 for r 100, the residuals being due probably to the different ways the membership of galaxies in each cluster was determined, and the mean redshifts of galaxies in our data compared to only SDSS redshifts in theirs.

Fig. 6 Comparison of our mass estimates with the virial masses in the GalWeight galaxy cluster catalog. Blue triangles, M 500, orange circles, M 200 and gray squares M 100. The three lines are linear fits to points with the same colors. In the lower panel, the residual corresponds to the comparison of our virial mass with M 100. The color figure can be viewed online. 

To disentangle the assembly history of these clusters, we discuss in the following sections the implications of various dynamical parameters and classifications obtained for three different internal regions within the clusters. The three regions are the following: (i) the outer region, from R vir down to r 500, as traced by the optical data on galaxy membership; (ii) the inner region, inside r 500, as traced by Xray emission; (iii) and the innermost core, characterized by gas cooling and CDG properties. Typical radii for these regions are Rvir  1.8 h70-1 Mpc, r500  0.9 h70-1 Mpc and core radius (r core) about 0.3 h70-1 Mpc (note that more specific values will be defined for the various radii as our analysis progresses).

4.2. Outer Region

The assembly state of the outer region is characterized by the presence or absence of substructures (cf. § 3.4). According to the DS-test, the 43 clusters with P sub ≥ 90% in Column 18 of Table 3 could be considered to have substructures. This represents 64% of our cluster sample. However, considering all the results for the different tests, substructures appear to be secure in only 39 of these clusters and probable, with P sub ≲ 90%, in 8 further clusters. In total, the number of clusters with substructures in our sample could thus be as high as 70%. Consequently, since either fraction is relatively high, it seems safe to conclude that substructures are extremely common in nearby clusters.

Taken at face value, the presence of numerous clusters with substructures suggests that many of these systems did not yet reach equilibrium, and what we observe, consequently, are different phases of a still ongoing process. To better characterize these different phases, it seems therefore important to first classify all the substructures in terms of their dynamical significance. This implies determining the gravitational impact that a substructure, when present, has on the whole cluster.

As a first approximation, this gravitational impact can be estimated by comparing the relative richness, N s/N c, formed by the ratio of the number of galaxies in each substructure, N s, to the total number of galaxies within the caustics, N c. Using the numbers in Table 8 of Appendix B, we distinguish three levels of dynamical significance:

Main (m): High relative richness, N s/N c ≥ 0.50. This level characterizes the dynamically dominant substructures in any cluster. In the case of multi-modal clusters (for example, A2804), the sum of the membership ratios of the main modes is indeed larger than 0.50. In Table 8, the substructures with this level of significance are identified by appending the suffix m to their ID.

Highly significant (hs): Intermediate relative richness, 0.05 ≤ N s/N c < 0.50. This level characterises substructures that are sufficiently massive to affect the dynamics of their host clusters. In Table 8 the suffixes (n, s, e, w, c, or a combination thereof) are added to the ID of the substructures indicating its location relative to the main structure (North, South, East, West or central, respectively).

Low-significance (ls): Low relative richness, N s/N c < 0.05. These are low-mass clumps of galaxies, attached to a more massive host cluster, that do not affect its dynamics. They are not listed in Table 8.

It is worth to note that the m substructure in our sample with the lowest value of N s/N c is A1736Am (0.581), while the hs substructure with the highest N s/N c is A3027Acw (0.235). Thus, the cut in N s/N c = 0.5 seems to be a good discriminator for this separation. The numbers of substructures with relative richness levels m, hs and ls are indicated in Column 19 of Table 3 using three numbers (m, hs, ls). For example, while A2798B and A2801 only have one main structure each, N sub = (1, 0, 0), A2804, a bimodal cluster, has two, N sub = (2, 0, 0). A more complex cluster is A0085A, which has one main structure, two hs and three ls substructures, N sub = (1, 2, 3). A still more complex cluster is A2151, a trimodal cluster marked as N sub = (3, 2, 2).

In Column 20 of Table 3 an extra parameter appears, A, which is used to qualify the “assembly state” of a cluster based on its level of substructuring. This classification was inspired by the morphological classifications of ICM X-ray emission proposed in Buote & Tsai (1995) and Jones & Forman (1999). We distinguish five assembly states: highmass, Unimodal clusters (U); Low-mass unimodal (L); Multi-modal (M); Primary (P) with only ls substructures attached to the m mode; and finally Substructured (S), formed by the m mode and at least one hs substructure.

The way we distinguish between U and L clusters depends on the mass criterion 3.5 × 1014 M : U is more massive and L less massive or equal to this mass. In fact, the regular (unimodal) clusters may be either the “beginning” or the “end” of a merging process. They are the beginning if the poor clusters have had time to arrive close to relaxation, while in a relatively isolated environment. As the end, they are the final result of the virialization process of rich clusters. In fact there is no theoretical criterion justifying this distinction, and we chose pragmatically a threshold: the clusters for which we could see relatively relaxed X-ray isophotes were assumed to be close to virialization, while in the abscence of X-ray emission (implying a less dense or colder ICM, undetectable with ROSAT sensitivity, for example), we assumed the other state.

To be classified as M, a cluster must be formed by two or more m modes, with comparable richness. Consequently, in M clusters the CDG of the cluster is ill-defined, since there are different SDGs competing for this position (one for each mode, at least). For practicality, we choose as the CDG the SDG of the most central mode (usually the richest in galaxies and/or brightest in X-ray). This convention allows us to define a central position for the cluster and serves as reference for the magnitude gaps. Of the ten M-type clusters identified in Table 3, three, namely A0754, A2147 and A2152, show multiplicity only in the optical, while four, A1367, A2151, A2197 and A2804, show multiplicity in both optical and X-rays, and three others, A3356, A3395 and A3716, only in X-rays.

Finally, S and P clusters have both only one main structure and some substructures: in an S cluster there are hs substructures and in a P cluster they are all ls.

Adopting the above definitions, we count 21% U, 13% P, 42% S, 15% M and 9% L clusters. In terms of masses, Table 4 shows that U and P clusters are more massive than S and M clusters, while L clusters are the least massive of all. Thus, poor L clumps could represent the building blocks of future ’massive’ clusters. Also, the distribution in radii presented in Table 4 reveals that the “size” of a cluster and, most specifically, its virial radius increases with its mass.

Although 70% of the clusters (M, S and P) show some evidence of substructuring, considering the significance in terms of relative richness and mass, only 57% (M and S) are expected to be dynamically affected by their substructures. This implies that at least 57% of the clusters in our sample have not yet reached virialization. This may be compared to previous numbers reported for local cluster samples, e.g.Lopes et al. (2018), who found that substructuring ranges between 37-75%, in 40 SZ-detected clusters, and between 32-65%, in 62 X-ray clusters (both samples taken from Andrade-Santos et al. 2017). As a whole, for 31 clusters in common with these authors, our results agree for 80% of them.

How does this classification of substructures fit the model of cluster formation? According to the hierarchical model, clusters form mainly by the mergers of groups of galaxies. Within this paradigm U-type clusters would be examples of systems that merged in the distant past and their virialization process would thus be well advanced. P-type clusters would also have formed in the past and represent cases that, being massive, have recently attracted small groups in their environment without an important change in their relaxation state. This reinforces the idea that the cluster formation process is continuous. Consequently, clusters with significant substructures (M and S) would be examples of relatively more recent mergers (which occurred in the last 1-2 Gyr; Lisker et al. 2018; Benavides et al. 2020; Haggar et al. 2023). Their differences are explained by the importance of the merger: in S-type clusters a massive clump is accreting smaller mass groups (minor mergers), while in M-type clusters the masses of the merging entities are comparable (major mergers). Since average masses of M-type clusters are smaller, they could represent the previous step of the formation of the massive main clumps of S-type clusters. By comparing the sum of the merging masses (main + substructures) with the total mass of the cluster, in S clusters the merging masses are 7% less massive than the cluster mass (median 10%), compared to 23% (median 30%) in M clusters. Obviously, M clusters must be relatively less relaxed than S clusters.

The best examples of poor clusters might be the six L clusters. Indeed, the relatively low masses and small numbers of member galaxies in these systems make them comparable to groups. This might also explain why these poor clusters are not observed in X-ray: simply because they do not have sufficiently deep potential wells for infalling gas to heat up and emit detectable amounts of X-rays. This is the case of candidate AXU clusters like A0634 and A4012, for which confirmation should be obtained using eROSITA (Predehl et al. 2021). The four remaining L clusters also look like they could be either infalling or satellite groups of more massive clusters (see Table 2): these are the cases of S0334 related to A3104, S0336 related to A3112B, and possibly A3095 related to A3094A and S0906 related to A3716 (for which binding could not be established). Other infalling groups, composed by two clumps either and residing well inside the caustics of their main cluster are: A2870, related to A2877, and A4049, related to A4038. These cases would also be excellent candidates to search for evidence, in their galaxies’ properties, of pre-processing.

4.3. Inner Region

The region inside r 500 is where the gas accumulates and gets very hot, emitting X-rays. In our sample, only eight clusters are undetected in X-rays (Table 1). However, quantitative information on ICM evolution is scarce and restricted to two parameters: dynamical status of the cluster ICM (71% of X-ray detected clusters) and core cooling status (81%). In Table 5 the values for these parameters in clusters with different A classes are reported in Columns 2 and 4, respectively. In Column 2, the symbol ✔ indicates a relaxed status while an ∗ indicates a disturbed ICM. The main sources for this information were Parekh et al. (2015) and Laganá et al. (2019). In general, conclusions about the dynamical state of the inner region are confirmed by the different sources, except in four cases, the clusters A2029, A2052, A2063A and A2244, for which evidence of disturbance is still debated. In Column 3 of Table 5 we added information about the detected presence of radio halos and/or radio relics, mostly from Van Weeren et al. (2019), Knowles et al. (2022) and Botteon et al. (2022). For the 4 cases above, these data indicate disturbance for A2029, A2063A and A2244, and no information concerning diffuse radio emission for A2052. In general, the presence of radio halos and/or relics coincides with the disturbed status of the ICM X-ray data (except for two substructured clusters, A0133A and A1656).

Although the cooling state is related to the core of the clusters, we will discuss it here, together with the remaining X-ray information. In Column 4 of Table 5, the core cooling status is codified as follows (see, for example, Käfer et al. 2019): strong-coolcores (SCC), which have cooling times t cool < 1 Gyr and usually show a temperature drop towards the center and small core radii (< 100 kpc; e.g., Ota et al. 2006); non-cool-cores (NCC), with t cool > 7.7 Gyr (see also Hudson et al. 2010), with flat central temperature profiles and large core radii; and weak cool-cores (WCC), with intermediate characteristics (although sometimes also classified as cool-cores). In some clusters the index ‘s’ is also added when “sloshing” (the presence of spiral-shaped central cold fronts) is observed. In terms of assembly state, clusters with SCC or WCC are expected to be closer to relaxation, that is, they had enough time to settle, and radiatively cool. NCC clusters, on the other hand, are likely to be younger, or disturbed due to recent mergers, or even re-heated by AGN feedback. Finally, evidence of sloshing in these cores might suggest more recent accretion.

How do these classifications in X-ray fit our general interpretation based on the assembly classes, U, P, S and M? The best agreement is for the M class: 9 out of 9 clusters in Table 5 are considered disturbed according to the X-ray emission (Column 2), while 5 are NCC and 1 is WCC (Column 4) of a total of 6 with this information. Although the situation is more complex for the S and P clusters, the agreement is also relatively good. For the S-type clusters, 11 out of 17 are considered disturbed based on the X-ray distribution, while 11 are NCC, 4 are WCC and only 7 are SCC. However, considering the evidence of sloshing in five of the SCC, as much as 20 out of 22 S-type clusters could be considered to have a non-relaxed ICM. Note that the diagnostics based on X-ray distribution and core temperature differ in five cases, the ambiguity increasing for the WCC and SCC. This ambiguity appears clearer in the P-type clusters: although 7 out of 7 have non-relaxed ICM, 5 out of 9 are WCC and 4 are SCC with sloshing. Considering their particular assembly state histories -these are old and massive clusters accreting smaller mass systems- some level of ambiguity in the core cooling status might naturally be expected. The U class, however, is definitely the most surprising. Although we expect all of these clusters to be close to relaxation based on the X-ray distribution, only 2 out of 9 seem to be, 5 are suggested to be disturbed and 2 are ambiguous. The core cooling states draw a similar complex picture: 4 are NCC (usually also disturbed), 5 are WCC (one with sloshing), and 2 are SCC (also one with sloshing). This is relatively unexpected, since most of our U-type clusters lying at low redshifts should have had time to reach relaxation through interactions.

However, the fact that very few clusters are classified as U, combined with the “unusual” characteristics of their inner regions compared to their outer region (absence of substructures), suggest that the process of virialization, even in the most evolved systems, does not depend solely on time but also on complex processes involved in their assembly history. Merging can happen anytime in the history of a cluster -possibly taking it out of a previous equilibrium situation. Also, merging of major and minor subclusters has different consequences, and the same applies to different ICM properties. Thus, different regions sampled by optical and X-ray observation may show distinct moments of this assembly history. In fact, this could explain the frequent disagreement between optical and X-ray results concerning the dynamical state of galaxy clusters.

4.4. Core Region

In this innermost region, the most relevant feature is the CDG, and possibly other dominant galaxies. Consistent with its definition, the CDG position in a cluster is expected to indicate its dynamical center. This is also the expectation for the X-ray emission peak (or centroid), although the two components, galaxies and gas, may be subject to different levels of disturbance with respect to the global potential well, dominated by dark matter. This is why the dynamical status of the CDG, with respect to the gas distribution and to the radial velocity distribution of galaxies, is an important information to compare with the assembly status discussed above.

In the left panel of Figure 7, the distribution of Δr ox for the total sample is shown, with an assumed upper threshold for relaxed CDGs, Δr ox = 0.03, marked as a yellow vertical line. We see that 55% of the clusters (29 out of 53) are well above the threshold. The median for Δr ox is 0.04 or about rox = 40 h70-1 kpc. This suggests that more than half of the clusters in our sample have a non-relaxed CDGs.

Fig. 7 Left: Distribution of the relative projected positional offset of CDGs with respect to the X-ray peak (Δr ox). Right: distribution of the relative peculiar velocity of CDGs with respect to the cluster systemic velocity (Δv pec). The vertical yellow lines in the two panels are the thresholds separating relaxed form non-relaxed clusters. The color figure can be viewed online 

In the right panel of Figure 7, we trace the distribution for Δv pec. By definition of the CDG, in a dynamically relaxed system one would expect Δv pec to tend to zero. However, assuming a typical upper threshold Δv pec = 0.21, the percentage of clusters that have higher values is as high as 46% (31 out of 67). With a median Δv pec = 0.185 σcl, corresponding to a median v pec of ± 147 km s−1, once again it is clear that a large number of clusters cannot be assumed to have relaxed CDGs.

Note that, compared with the literature (e.g., Coziol et al. 2009; Lauer et al. 2014; Lopes et al. 2018), our median value for Δv pec is relatively low. This is not due to a difference in sample but rather to a difference in the identification of the CDG. For example, in the cluster A2197, Lauer et al. (2014) assumed NGC6173 is the BCG, instead of NGC6160, which we identified as the real CDG. Since NGC6173 turned out to be the SDG of a substructure of A2197 (A2197me in Appendix B), its v pec is naturally estimated to be larger than for NGC6160. This emphasizes that a thorough analysis of the substructures in clusters is necessary to better determine the assembly state of the clusters. However, despite our careful analysis, the upgraded cluster peculiar velocities and velocity dispersions, we must still conclude that a significantly large number of nearby clusters do not have a relaxed core.

In fact, considering the clusters individually or in any of the assembly state class, we found no correlation between Δr ox and Δv pec, as can be seen in Figure 8 (compare, also, Column 21 with Column 22 of Table 3), a fact already noted in the literature (e.g., Lauer et al. 2014; De Propris et al. 2021). This advocates against the use of only one of these parameters as the proxy for the shift from the bottom of the cluster potential well, as proposed by, e.g., Lopes et al. (2018). In the present work we consider both together as indicators of the displacement of the CDG with respect to the bottom of the cluster potential well. Thus, we find that 70% of the clusters in our sample present significant disturbances in their mere core. The parameters Δr ox and Δv pec are reported respectively in Columns 5 and 6 of Table 5. In Column 7, both offsets are used to classify the state of the CDG, adopting the same code as for Column 2, that is, the mark ∗ is assigned when any of them indicates dynamical disturbance.

Fig. 8 Distribution of offsets, parameterized. The color figure can be viewed online. 

To obtain a more comprehensive view of the impact of substructures, we show in Figure 9 violin plots for Δr ox and Δv pec, for each class of assembly state. In the upper left panel (Δr ox), the only trend visible is for the CDGs in the P class to lie below the threshold. This is confirmed for the pairs (U,P) and (P,S), a difference in the distribution being found using a Mann-Withney test at 95% CL, with P = 0.008 and P = 0.025, respectively. However, a Kruskal-Wallis test performed comparing the whole classes (with Dunn’s post-tests) found no statictically significant differences. Similarly, a Kruskal-Wallis test for Δv pec, in the upper right panel, was also negative, with P = 0.512. Thus, we see no evidence for Δrox and Δv pec to be related to the classes of assembly state.

Fig. 9 Distributions of CDG parameters in different assembly classes (upper panel) and different core cooling status (lower panel): Left panels, Δr ox, right panels, Δv pec. In each graphic, the threshold for relaxation associated to the parameter is shown as a horizontal line. 

In the lower panels of Figure 9, we compare the distribution of Δr ox (left) and Δv pec (right) separating the clusters based on the core cooling status. Performing a Kruskal-Wallis test for Δr ox, we find a statistically significant difference between the NCC and SCC (with P = 0.011) but not between NCC and WCC or WCC and SCC. However, for Δv pec the difference is much more significant (P ≪ 0.0001) between both NCC and SCC and WCC and SCC (but no difference between NCC and WCC as before). We find a 60% probability for WCC and NCC clusters to be associated with clusters that have both high Δr ox and Δv pec, the trends being more obvious in S and M clusters than in U and P clusters. Considering that the latter two classes represent more massive clusters than the two former ones (cf. Table 4), the U and P clusters, consequently, are possibly slightly more relaxed than the S and M clusters. This is consistent with the complex assembly history of the clusters suggested by the assembly state classes. This correlation has already been pointed out in the literature: Zhang et al. (2011), for instance, found that the CDG-X-ray offset is related to the central cooling time of the clusters, for the HIFLUGCS X-ray flux limited galaxy cluster sample, suggesting that the system must be close to relaxed to have its cooling flow enhanced, or a CC formed.

In general, the fact that the probability of association between the parameters related to the galaxies and gas in the core is not higher than 60% suggests that these two components most probably follow different paths towards equilibrium, the virialization time-scale, most specifically, being much smaller for the gas than for galaxies.

4.5. Results on the Co-Evolution of CDGs and Clusters

The remaining columns in Table 5 are dedicated to report the evolutionary parameters for the CDGs: the magnitude gaps Δm 12 (Column 8) and Δm 23 (Column 10); the projected separation (clustercentric distance) of the 2nd-rank, Δr 12, and 3rdrank, Δr 13 (Columns 9 and 11, respectively); and additional comments in Column 12.

Using MKs as a proxy for the stellar mass of the CDG (e.g., Schneider, Gunn & Hoessel 1983), we traced in the left panel of Figure 10 its distribution for all the CDGs in our sample. A relatively good Gaussian fit suggests some level of similarity in the evolution of these CDGs. However, the distribution of the magnitude gaps, Δm 12, in the right panel of Figure 10, is clearly bimodal, indicating different assembly histories for the CDGs themselves.

Fig. 10 Distributions of CDGs properties: Left panel, CDG MKs, right panel, Δm 12. The color figure can be viewed online. 

This can also be appreciated in Figure 11, which shows the distribution of absolute magnitudes for the CDGs and their respective second-rank galaxies as a function of the magnitude gaps Δm 12. As the gap increases, the luminosity of the CDG (its mass) grows almost linearly, while the luminosity of the secondrank galaxy slowly declines. Note that, due to our thorough analysis of substructures and definition of CDGs, it is not surprising that the change in mass we find is much faster than what was seen before (e.g., Smith et al. 2010). Although systems showing large magnitude gaps are consistent with a model where the CDG co-evolve with its cluster, the bimodality clearly suggests more complex assembly histories for the CDGs.

Fig. 11 Distributions of absolute magnitudes for CDGs and 2nd-rank galaxies as function of the magnitude gap. The color figure can be viewed online. 

To shed more light on the co-evolution of the CDGs and their clusters, we compare how the two magnitude gaps, Δm 12 and Δm 23, vary in the different assembly classes. This is done in the upper panels of Figure 12. Although there is an apparent trend for U and P clusters to have larger magnitude gaps between the CDG and second-rank galaxy than for the S and M clusters, a Kruskal-Wallis test found no statistically significant difference (P = 0.190). Similarly, a Kruskal-Wallis test found no statistically significant difference (P = 0.125) for Δm 23.

Fig. 12 Comparison of magnitude gaps in different assembly classes (upper panels and cooling states (lower panels). 

In the lower panels of Figure 12 we compare the two magnitude gaps for the different core cooling states. This time the Kruskal-Wallis test clearly identified a statistically significant difference for Δm 12, with P = 0.002, between the pairs (NCC, SCC) and (WCC, SCC), but not for Δm 23. This is consistent with what we found before for Δr ox and Δv pec. Consequenlty, despite the clear evidence of co-evolution of the clusters and their CDGs, especially in the core, the fact that the assembly state classes contain a mixture of core cooling states seems to confirm the complex assembly history of clusters in general.


In this study we traced the assembly histories for a sample of 67 relatively rich (median N c = 150 spectroscopic members) and nearby (z < 0.15) galaxy clusters, by classifying their level of substructuring in their outer regions (mostly beyond r 500) and estimating the dynamical impact of such subclumps on the host clusters. We also identified and characterized the dynamical properties of the CDGs of the clusters and compared them to the ICM equilibrium state, from X-ray literature data, mapped in the inner part and innermost core regions.

On the accompanying webpage5, we offer the complete set of figures describing all clusters presented in this article: distribution of galaxies in each complex, system and significant substructure, projected number densities (like in Figure 2), X-ray contour images (like in Figure 3), CDG optical images, together with further information completing the data presented in the various tables included in the present article.

The following is a brief summary of our findings and conclusions:

  • In 19% of the cluster in our sample, the classical BCG (directly identified from photometry) is not the CDG (gravitationally dominant galaxy). Among the discrepant cases we distinguish most specifically three different groups: binary central dominant galaxies with the second brightest as the CDG (Coma-like clusters), a BCG that is the SDG of a substructure (Fornax-like clusters), and clusters with a peripheric fossil candidate, where the BCG appears relatively isolated in the outskirt of the cluster.

  • Using robust methods to determine cluster membership allowed us to more thoroughly determine the global dynamical parameters of the clusters: radial velocity of the system, velocity dispersion of galaxy members, virial mass and radius.

  • Using different algorithms to detect substructures and estimate their gravitational impact on their host clusters, our analysis allowed us to determine that, although as many as 70% of nearby clusters show evidence of substructures, those dynamically significant only appear in 57% of the clusters.

  • Based on the significance level of the impact of the substructure, we defined five classes of assembly states: high-mass, Unimodal (U); Lowmass unimodal (L); Multi-modal (M); Primary (P), with low-mass substructures attached to a main structure; and, finally, Substructured (S), formed by a main structure and high-mass substructures. We count 21% U, 13% P, 42% S, 15% M and 9% L clusters. In terms of masses, U and P clusters are more massive than S and M clusters, while L clusters are less massive, explaining why they are not detected in X-ray.

Our classification of clusters in terms of substructures seems consistent with a hierarchical model of formation, where clusters form by the mergers of groups of galaxies:

  • U clusters are examples of massive systems that merged in the distant past and, consequently, their virialization process is well advanced.

  • P clusters also formed in the past and, because they are massive, they still accrete small groups from their environment.

  • M and S clusters, which have significant substructures, are examples of relatively more recent mergers: in S clusters massive clumps are accreting smaller mass groups (minor mergers), while in M clusters the masses of the merging entities are comparable (major mergers).

  • L clusters are the best examples of poor clusters in our sample: their masses and richness are comparable to those of massive groups, and, like the latter, are usually poor in gas. Their environment suggests that some of them are either infalling or satellites of more massive clusters.

The classes can be interpreted as a “sequence” of different global assembly states possible for the clusters: they begin as a poor cluster (L) or a pileup of small systems (M), then grow and pass to a state where a main structure starts to dominate (S), then become massive, although still accreting small groups (P), and finally become massive and regular/relaxed (U). Note that this is a snapshot of the assembly state, which can evolve in time: a U cluster can still accrete (becoming a P or S) or merge (becoming a M), for example. However, although there is a dispersion in masses, this dispersion is not that high. This is because the era of cluster evolution is relatively recent, and they did not have time to pass the process of a major merger much more than once or twice. Capturing smaller clumps (minor mergers), on the other hand, may have been frequent, but with a smaller impact on their global masses. Also, the availability of new systems to be captured is decreasing with time because of the accelerated expansion of the Universe.

Our comparison of the properties of CDGs (Δr ox, Δv pec, Δm 12 and Δm 23) in the clusters with different assembly state classes and with the characteristics of the ICM in the inner region (different core cooling status) allows us to obtain a more precise view about the assembly process of the clusters.

  • Considering the clusters individually or in any of the assembly states, we found no correlation between Δr ox (CDG-X-ray offset) and Δv pec (CDG peculiar velocity). We suggest the use of both together to characterize the dynamical state of the CDGs.

  • We found a 60% probability for WCC and NCC clusters to be associated with clusters that have both high Δr ox and Δv pec, the trends being more obvious in more massive clusters. Considering the difference in masses, this suggests that U and P clusters are more relaxed than S and M clusters.

  • Comparing how the two magnitude gaps, Δm 12 and Δm 23, vary in the different assembly states, we found only an apparent trend for U and P cluster to have larger magnitude gaps between the CDG and second-rank galaxy than the S and M clusters, while no trend is visible for Δm 23.

  • However, we also found a significant difference for Δm 12, the gap being smaller in NCC and WCC than in SCC, while no difference is detected for Δm 23.

We conclude that, despite of clear evidence of co-evolution of the clusters and their CDGs, especially considering the gas in the core, the fact that the assembly state classes contain a mixture of core cooling states seems to confirm a complex assembly history of clusters. In general, the two baryonic components of clusters, galaxies and gas, probably follow different paths towards equilibrium, the relaxation time-scale, most specifically, being much smaller for the gas than for the galaxies. This difference implies that, even in the most evolved systems, the virialization and evolution of the CDG are complex processes that do not depend solely on time but also on the frequency and impact of mergers, cooling and heating of the ICM by shocks and feedback, cannibalism, pre-processing, among others. How much of this evolution is due to pre-processing in the initial groups, however, is still an open question.


We acknowledge financial support from Universidad de Guanajuato (DAIP), Convocatoria Institucional de Investigación Científica, projects 087/2010, 219/2013, 205/2019 and 138/2022. Y.V. acknowledges financial support from the postdoctoral-fellowship “2do. año de estancia postdoctoral en México” from CONACyT and UNAMDGAPA-PAPIIT IN111620 grant.

This research has made use of “Aladin sky atlas” developed at CDS, Strasbourg Observatory, France, the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the SuperCOSMOS Science Archive, prepared and hosted by the Wide Field Astronomy Unit, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, which is funded by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council and the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts, the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation and the Digitized Sky Surveys, produced at the Space Telescope Science Institute under U.S. Government grant NAG W-2166.


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1The most recent CCD-based surveys, like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; Ahn et al. 2012), the Mayall z-band Legacy Survey (MzLS) + Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey (DECaLS) (Dey 2019), and the Dark Energy Survey (DES; Abbott et al. 2021), were not used because they only cover small regions of the sky; at most about 1/3, and 3/4 in the case of the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (PanSTARRS; Chambers et al. 2019).

4By considering only high δ values, one may lose bimodal clusters, where the cluster is formed by two equally massive substructures with small δ (see a discussion on the limitations of the DS method in Islas-Islas et al. 2015).



We estimated the temperature for seven galaxy clusters of our sample using data from both XMMNewton6 and Chandra7 (Table 6), four of which are previously unreported in the literature. This section briefly discusses the procedure for spectral fitting and computing temperatures.



X-ray peak
αJ2000, δJ2000

Date of Observation

Exposure time
A0122 0.113 00 57 24.7, -26 16 50 XMM 0504160101 2007 Dec 3 56.92
A2811 0.108 00 42 08.7, -28 32 09 XMM 0404520101 2006 Nov 28 25.91
A2870 0.024 01 07 43.2, -46 54 59 XMM 0205470301 2004 May 15 11.91
A0399 0.072 02 57 56.4, 13 00 59 Chandra 3230 2002 Nov 18 49.28
A3094 0.068 03 11 25.0, -26 53 59 Chandra 5799 2005 Nov 28 40.15
A3716 0.046 20 51 16.7, -52 41 43 Chandra 15133, 15583 2012 Dec 24/20 14.77, 16.08
A4038 0.028 23 47 43.2, -28 08 29 Chandra 4992 2004 Jun 28 33.97

1X-ray data obtained from XMM-Newton ( and Chandra ( Columns: (1) Cluster ID; (2) spectroscopic redshift coming from NED (; (3) Optical RA, Dec (J2000.0); (4) Telescope; (5) Observation ID; (6) Date of Observation; and (7) Exposure Time.

The data from XMM-Newton were reduced using the XMM-Newton Science Analysis Software (SAS), version 14.0.0. The raw data, downloaded in the form of observation data files (ODF), were processed in the following steps: (i) Generation of calibrated event lists for the EPIC (MOS1, MOS2, and PN) cameras using the latest calibration data; this step was done using the SAS packages cifbuild, odfingest, epchain, and emchain. (ii) Creation of the background light curves to identify time intervals with poor quality data, and filtering of the EPIC event lists to exclude periods of high background flaring and bad events. (iii) Creation of a sky image of the filtered data set; these steps were performed using SAS packages evselect, tabgtigen, and xmm select.

Finally, we extracted the spectra from the source and background using the task especget from SAS. This task produced two sets of files called the response matrix files (redistribution matrix file, RMF, and ancillary response file, ARF). Similarly, the Chandra data were obtained from the Chandra Data Archive (CDA)8 and operated by the Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations CIAO, version 4.6.1, with calibration database version 4.6.1. In addition, the CIAO tool chandra repro was applied to perform initial processing and obtain a new event file. These files are used for spectral fittings.

A.1. Spectral Model Fitting:

We extracted the spectra within a fixed radius of 0.5 h70-1 Mpc and excluded the point sources from this region. In some cases, the object was not centered on the observed field, so that we had to reduce the size of the extraction circle (see Table 7). The spectra from both XMM-Newton and Chandra, were fitted using XSPEC spectral fitting software, version 12.5.1 (Arnaud 1996). The photon counts of each cluster spectrum were grouped into bins with at least one count per bin. The spectral model was fitted to the data using the Ftools task grppha. The Galactic HI column (nH) was derived from the HI map from the Leiden/Argentine/Bonn (LAB) survey (Kalberla et al. 2005). This parameter was fixed while fitting the X-ray spectrum. The redshift of the spectral model was fixed to the cluster spectroscopic redshift coming from the NED database9. Finally, we employed a fitting model to multiply a TBABS absorption model (Wilms et al. 2000) and a single-temperature, optically thin, thermal plasma component (the MEKAL code in XSPEC terminology, Mewe et al. 1986) to model the X-ray emission from ICM plasma.



Projected radius
Physical radius
A0122 4.0 0.5 3.70 ± 0.07
A2811 4.2 0.5 5.04 ± 0.05
A2870 8.6 0.25 1.07 ± 0.07
A0399 6.0 0.5 6.49 ± 0.27
A3094 6.4 0.5 3.15 ± 0.48
A3716N 4.6 0.25 2.19 ± 0.26
A3716S 4.6 0.25 3.65 ± 0.27
A4038 7.4 0.25 3.15 ± 0.05

1Columns: (1) Cluster ID; (2) radius used to extract spectra, (3) relative physical radius covered in the plan of sky, (4) estimated temperature from Model TBabs*mekal.



Mvir (14)
A2804mw 9.907535 −28.906199 6dF J0039377-285422 48 33790 323 0.631 27 33836 404 0.842 1.036 1.256
A2804me 10.008486 −28.902040 GALEX J004002.00-285407.9 32 32688 380 0.743 6 32268 314 0.540 0.757 0.487
A085Acw 10.376354 −9.262768 KAZ 364 22 14352 473 0.954 20 14414 482 0.529 1.019 1.121
A085Am 10.460515 −9.303040 MCG -02-02-086 272 16745 799 1.603 218 16738 852 1.813 2.242 12.000
A085Ase 10.792272 −9.861486 GIN 011 25 15083 272 0.547 15 15132 271 0.515 0.687 0.345
A2811Bm 10.537175 −28.535772 2MASX J00420892-2832087 123 32345 891 1.745 107 32340 947 1.766 2.345 14.500
A0118m 13.743478 −26.375153 2MASX J00545843-2622305 51 34586 702 1.369 46 34470 728 1.666 1.925 8.056
A0118c 13.874743 −26.396147 SARS 013.26663-26.66683 14 33958 338 0.660 13 33996 368 0.329 0.712 0.407
A0118e 13.958530 −26.365671 SARS 013.35062-26.63606 15 34171 584 1.139 15 34171 584 0.381 1.017 1.189
A0119m 14.067088 −1.255492 UGC 00579 277 13276 876 1.768 266 13281 893 1.302 2.080 9.488
A0119n 14.258582 −0.875172 UGC 00588 25 13402 450 0.909 23 13417 456 0.626 1.040 1.187
A0119ne 14.365250 −0.471357 GIN 021 23 13197 422 0.852 17 13188 461 0.651 1.062 1.263
A0133Anw 15.008555 −21.488472 ESO 541-G007 13 16585 474 0.951 13 16585 474 1.113 1.289 2.283
A0133Am 15.674046 −21.882154 ESO 541-G013 109 16762 723 1.453 87 16833 774 1.340 1.901 7.333
A0133Ane 15.999613 −21.372469 ESO 541-G016 10 17550 154 0.308 2 17436 205 0.698 0.630 0.267
A2870w 16.226784 −46.999523 2MASX J01045442-4659582 27 6396 329 0.672 24 6418 336 0.787 0.923 0.812
A2870e 16.927452 −46.907574 IC 1625 23 6919 235 0.480 17 6964 239 0.455 0.611 0.237
A2877m 17.481663 −45.931217 IC 1633 124 7231 647 1.318 99 7169 676 0.856 1.511 3.574
A3027Acw 37.482681 −33.177345 GALEX J022955.81-331036.6 24 23769 406 0.806 21 23821 423 1.054 1.164 1.721
A3027Am 37.706005 −33.103752 2dFGRS S518Z162 73 23283 697 1.384 63 23318 731 1.363 1.828 6.653
A0400m 44.423164 6.026997 NGC 1128 51 7011 336 0.684 42 7027 347 0.561 0.841 0.616
A0400ne 44.587616 6.095203 CGCG 415-046 10 6769 73 0.149 3 6768 94 0.228 0.260 0.018
A3104m 48.590549 −45.420238 LCRS B031238.4-453620 38 21784 446 0.887 28 21736 511 0.785 1.201 1.874
A3104e 49.033882 −45.391937 2MFGC 02678 10 21609 271 0.541 9 21589 278 0.698 0.769 0.493
A3104se 49.237873 −45.540817 LCRS B031514.7-454323 5 22160 125 0.248 2 22128 53 0.152 0.152 0.004
A3112Bn 49.472656 −44.041534 2MASX J03175343-4402295 7 23838 303 0.601 7 23838 303 0.718 0.819 0.601
A3112Bm 49.490250 −44.238213 ESO 248-G006 90 22549 596 1.185 56 22526 595 1.637 1.695 5.283
A0426Am 49.950980 41.511680 NGC 1275 297 5289 1023 2.092 296 5295 1024 1.322 2.309 12.700
S0373sw 50.674120 −37.208200 NGC 1316 20 1705 200 0.410 16 1728 230 0.238 0.484 0.115
S0373n 52.081950 −31.068180 NGC 1340 23 1283 249 0.513 16 1248 229 0.624 0.664 0.298
S0373m 54.621180 −35.450740 NGC 1399 178 1454 343 0.705 98 1458 390 0.307 0.748 0.427
A3158nw 55.549149 −53.390938 2MASX J03421179-5323273 16 18631 207 0.414 6 18711 104 0.541 0.367 0.053
A3158m 55.720634 −53.631302 ESO 156-G008 NED01 190 17373 1077 2.161 190 17373 1077 1.193 2.279 12.600
A3158cs 55.873669 −53.692135 2MASX J03432968-5341316 20 18594 287 0.575 15 18603 334 0.616 0.836 0.628
A0496nw 67.818871 −12.455068 IC 0377 36 9376 452 0.917 33 9384 468 0.943 1.219 1.890
A0496m 68.407669 −13.261956 MCG -02-12-039 315 9957 682 1.383 272 9933 715 1.330 1.812 6.210
A0539m 79.155548 6.440917 UGC 03274 NED05 110 8649 637 1.295 100 8645 674 0.982 1.576 4.073
A0539se 79.819481 5.757124 2MASX J05191667+0545256 15 8735 200 0.407 9 8777 243 0.646 0.694 0.348
A0539e 80.000107 6.680067 CGCG 421-028 7 8902 118 0.240 2 8809 69 0.428 0.261 0.018
A3395nw 96.518044 −54.029495 LEDA 423636 35 14534 614 1.238 34 14514 613 0.670 1.295 2.299
A3395m 96.901047 −54.449364 ESO 161-G008 166 14980 740 1.491 161 14995 746 1.032 1.703 5.241
A3395se 97.606720 −54.762615 ESO 161-IG012 NED01 13 14587 398 0.801 13 14587 398 0.544 0.905 0.786
A0576sw 108.784760 55.419525 CGCG 261-039 16 11328 305 0.618 5 11213 108 1.023 0.471 0.110
A0576m 110.375999 55.761581 CGCG 261-056 NED02 191 11359 861 1.743 183 11351 878 1.563 2.189 11.000
A0576ne 110.941490 56.581875 2MFGC 05892 13 11483 421 0.851 9 11474 231 1.051 0.787 0.512
A0754nw 136.941254 −9.392439 2MASX J09074590-0923327 24 16494 303 0.609 15 16487 295 0.615 0.770 0.488
A0754s 137.009079 −9.993835 2MASX J09080217-0959378 30 15827 541 1.088 30 15827 541 0.595 1.144 1.592
A0754mw 137.134949 −9.629739 2MASX J09083238-0937470 193 16168 820 1.647 173 16182 880 0.981 1.867 6.931
A0754me 137.330139 −9.699759 2MASX J09091923-0941591 118 16438 776 1.559 116 16450 782 0.881 1.665 4.922
A1060m 159.177963 −27.528584 NGC 3311 343 3698 676 1.385 323 3701 694 0.884 1.560 3.886
A1367mnw 176.009048 19.949820 NGC 3842 152 6546 512 1.045 122 6532 556 0.818 1.308 2.313
A1367mse 176.270782 19.606382 NGC 3862 117 6330 599 1.222 109 6309 608 0.882 1.424 2.979
A3526Am 192.203918 −41.311665 NGC 4696 210 3061 510 1.045 124 2991 569 0.817 1.332 2.414
A3526Bm 192.516449 −41.382072 NGC 4709 90 4563 276 0.566 47 4634 317 0.501 0.764 0.459
A3530m 193.900009 −30.347490 ESO 443-G011 101 16087 611 1.227 88 16105 633 1.195 1.601 4.367
A3530s1 193.929596 −30.718328 2MASX J12554310-3043059 9 15480 246 0.495 7 15509 256 0.511 0.660 0.306
A3532s2 193.980011 −30.721376 2MASX J12555520-3043169 7 16945 198 0.398 5 16878 163 0.574 0.506 0.139
A3532n 194.253647 −29.951527 2MASX J12570087-2957054 16 17021 279 0.561 9 17062 342 0.717 0.894 0.765
A3532m 194.341339 −30.363482 PKS 1254-30 80 16671 427 0.857 57 16700 443 0.908 1.151 1.628
A1644m 194.298248 −17.409575 2MASX J12571157-1724344 288 14077 1011 2.039 283 14088 1018 1.473 2.363 13.900
A1651m 194.843826 −4.196117 2MASX J12592251-0411460 177 25463 862 1.707 160 25465 877 1.808 2.262 12.700
A1656sw 194.351242 27.497778 NGC 4839 54 7412 404 0.822 54 7412 404 0.540 0.918 0.803
A1656m 194.898788 27.959389 NGC 4874 828 6921 1046 2.132 813 6927 1039 1.611 2.487 15.900
A3526Be 196.608917 −40.414490 ESO 323-G077 5 4615 101 0.208 4 4656 113 0.255 0.308 0.030
A3556m 201.027893 −31.669956 ESO 444-G025 102 14424 504 1.016 90 14436 520 1.047 1.346 2.586
A1736Anw 201.544220 −26.826834 6dF J1326106-264937 14 9974 158 0.321 6 9976 148 0.208 0.342 0.042
A1736Am 201.683777 −27.439398 ESO 509-G008 43 10500 271 0.549 18 10481 311 0.517 0.759 0.457
A1736Acn 201.898788 −27.042744 ESO 509-G016 8 10977 168 0.340 7 11059 186 0.449 0.512 0.141
A1736Ase 202.062210 −27.976803 MCG -05-32-027 9 9862 140 0.283 2 9850 23 0.172 0.091 0.001
A1736Bcn 201.703033 −27.143835 ESO 509-G009 28 14064 568 1.145 28 14064 568 0.505 1.120 1.488
A1736Bm 201.866852 −27.324682 IC 4252 107 13600 866 1.748 97 13572 878 1.372 2.092 9.668
A3558m 201.987015 −31.495474 ESO 444-G046 525 14408 953 1.920 448 14419 961 1.850 2.452 15.600
A2040Bsw 227.880768 7.251906 CGCG 049-033 14 13399 164 0.331 8 13330 211 0.649 0.631 0.265
A2040Bm 228.197815 7.434258 UGC 09767 136 13491 600 1.210 97 13584 663 1.309 1.708 5.263
A2052nw 228.094116 7.727029 CGCG 049-041 18 9881 253 0.514 8 9934 309 1.054 0.958 0.918
A2052m 229.185364 7.021667 UGC 09799 158 10355 588 1.192 120 10416 648 1.115 1.599 4.276
A2063Am 230.772095 8.609181 CGCG 077-097 189 10312 672 1.364 145 10347 758 1.196 1.818 6.284
A2142m 239.583450 27.233349 2MASX J15582002+2714000 182 27031 827 1.634 155 27046 830 1.745 2.152 11.000
A2147ms 240.570862 15.974513 UGC 10143 185 10706 854 1.732 178 10706 867 1.181 1.979 8.111
A2147mn 240.582687 16.346182 UGC 10144 210 11039 950 1.925 200 11030 964 1.479 2.288 12.600
A2147s 240.981934 14.902552 IC 1168 27 10564 467 0.946 15 10686 557 0.651 1.208 1.846
A2147se 241.606033 15.685868 UGC 10201 31 11740 489 0.989 31 11740 489 0.755 1.162 1.648
A2151sw 240.883575 17.198523 NGC 6034 32 10351 438 0.889 30 10348 434 0.552 0.968 0.950
A2151mw 241.148987 17.721445 NGC 6041 63 11006 871 1.764 63 11006 871 1.083 1.927 7.498
A2151mc 241.287537 17.729971 NGC 6047 92 10436 652 1.323 89 10434 663 0.645 1.353 2.589
A2151mn 241.566620 18.249800 NGC 6061 77 11186 341 0.691 57 11229 359 0.801 0.965 0.942
A2151e 241.663986 17.761154 IC 1194 22 11632 452 0.915 22 11632 452 0.371 0.870 0.692
A2152mnw 241.360168 16.442734 2MASX J16052644+1626338 56 13504 478 0.964 39 13480 466 0.857 1.172 1.698
A2152mse 241.371750 16.435793 UGC 10187 NED2 60 13126 255 0.514 19 13203 296 0.586 0.763 0.469
A2197mw 246.293030 40.892746 NGC 6146 67 8900 343 0.697 47 8870 331 0.782 0.909 0.782
A2197mc 246.921143 40.926899 NGC 6160 111 9575 463 0.939 64 9574 541 0.958 1.348 2.558
A2197me 247.436890 40.811710 NGC 6173 92 8786 395 0.802 68 8774 380 0.709 0.965 0.934
A2199m 247.159485 39.551380 NGC 6166 461 9086 785 1.595 441 9083 795 1.244 1.903 7.175
A2204Aw 247.792801 5.530654 2MASX J16311027+0531503 7 45236 371 0.710 7 45236 371 0.571 0.849 0.718
A2204An 248.111099 5.839127 2MASX J16322666+0550208 8 44975 264 0.507 4 45025 237 0.120 0.375 0.062
A2204Am 248.195404 5.575833 VLSS J1632.7+0534 77 45378 856 1.639 42 45406 1062 1.985 2.595 20.500
A2256cf 255.294220 78.726463 2MASX J17011061+7843352 27 17181 719 1.444 27 17181 720 0.599 1.384 2.832
A2256cb 255.700409 78.740837 2MASX J17024809+7844270 16 19704 250 0.500 12 19718 209 0.453 0.552 0.182
A2256m 256.113525 78.640564 UGC 10726 231 17530 1168 2.341 231 17530 1167 1.427 2.552 17.800
A2255sw 257.713409 63.853771 2MASX J17105121+6351135 12 24487 383 0.760 9 24556 442 0.567 0.974 1.011
A2255m 258.119812 64.060699 ZwCl 1710.4+6401A 155 24063 1072 2.128 154 24050 1069 1.564 2.465 16.300
A2255e 258.788116 64.048248 2MASX J17150914+6402536 14 24244 287 0.569 6 24078 206 0.599 0.597 0.232
A3716m 312.987152 −52.629829 ESO 187-G026 140 13509 744 1.501 123 13508 783 1.246 1.877 6.986
A2634sw 354.218323 26.509964 UGC 12708 13 9490 272 0.552 11 9434 268 0.646 0.741 0.425
A2634m 354.622437 27.031303 NGC 7720 172 9243 716 1.454 160 9235 736 1.217 1.796 6.031
A4038Am 356.937683 −28.140705 IC 5358 196 8872 725 1.474 166 8910 773 1.056 1.769 5.765
A4049s 357.903015 −28.365068 IC 5362 23 8307 270 0.549 23 8307 270 0.639 0.742 0.424
A4049n 357.976715 −27.929789 MCG -05-56-025 18 8809 88 0.180 6 8837 67 0.159 0.184 0.007

Received: February 14, 2023; Accepted: August 14, 2023

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